Paving the Way for Women in Science and Tech



In this episode of Ventured, KPCB partner Beth Seidenberg, MD speaks to Eileen Pollack, author of The Only Woman in the Room, and Angie Chang, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Hackbright Academy and co-founder of Women 2.0. By discussing the challenges facing women in STEM (and revealing their own personal experience), they highlight the practical ways to make education and the workforce more inclusive for women. Tactics such as changing course names can attract more women to study programming; paying attention to language used in job listings can increase the hiring pipeline; creating a supportive network is helpful, and pursuing an education outside the traditional university system can quickly lead to a new career. Pollack has a unique perspective having been one of the first women to study science at Yale, while Chang’s experience has been about opening up opportunities in technology. Seidenberg has insight in how to get more women into venture capital and has provided examples of how she has done that through backing women CEOs.