Your Anxiety Management Toolkit

The Path to Calm - Podcast készítő Nick Trenton - Hétfők


Hear it Here - 1. LABEL YOUR EMOTIONS00:08:14 2. BUILD SELF-AWARENESS00:15:45 3. QUESTION YOURSELF USING SOCRATIC METHOD00:22:59 4. TEST YOUR FALSE BELIEFS• Whatever form stress and anxiety take in your life, it’s worth having some psychological tools to help you manage it mindfully. Build more self-awareness by learning to label your emotions and noting how they feel on your body in the moment. We can also build self-awareness by keeping a regular thought diary, or by taking psychometric tests.• We don’t have to accept our anxious thoughts as gospel. The Socratic questioning method asks us to look for evidence, become curious, and deliberately seek out alternative interpretations. We can likewise test our false beliefs by reappraising our assessment of the situation and the “threat” we see.• Making a mind map gives us perspective and clarity on the chaos that may be in our minds. Start with a single word or phrase and do a “brain dump,” then look for patterns and themes, asking what you can control and what you cannot. One of the best cures for anxiety is to ask what you can realistically do about your situation. #BehavioralTherapy #BUILDSELFAWARENESS #CBT #Clarification #ClarkEgen #DanSiegel #DrMitchAbblett #GentesRuscio #Introspection #LABELYOUREMOTIONS #MatthewLieberman #MBTI #OCD #PsychologistAaronBeck #QUESTIONYOURSELFUSINGSOCRATICMETHOD #Selfawareness #Siegel #Socrates #Socratic #TashaEurich #TESTYOURFALSEBELIEFS #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #AnxietyistheEnemy #YourAnxietyManagementToolkit

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