{Everything Is Everything. } [S 3.5 EP 12]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - Podcast készítő Skrillex


ENTER THE MULTIVERSE: THE MOVIE - PART I // THE LEGEND OF SUPACREE: ENTER THE MULTIVERSE LEGENDS: ORIGINS Apparently, There's a movie between Season 3, and Season 4. Of which show? All of them. ALL OF THEM? That's a lot. That is a lot. Does she know she's being recorded? She doesn't know she's being recorded. Oh, My God. ANANDAR THE GREAT. who's this now? --that's my sponsor --that's my manager --that's my... Oh. "Oh." ...Oh. Ah! She's a witch! Yo--She's a fairy! WHAT'S THIS MAGIC? ...kk. damn. i'm a dick. she's such a diva. what an asshole. I guess it's a series of important encoded messages, or something. 4 fucking hours?! I'm not listening to this. We're listening to this. I shouldn't post this. Don't post this. Damn. I'm a dick. A fucking narcisist. \ What an asshole! What a dick. A fucking sociopath. "My body doesn't know what it needs." "My body knows exactly what it needs." Here, take this. You can't just-- [does.] SUPACREE is a dick. She's a dick. [SECRET LIFE OF SUNNI BLU] Whatever. Something out there asked for this. What about your superstardom? What about it? Give me that. Ugh. What is this? *coughs* WHAt THE-- doctor sebi maps.me dissappear. -blu. Fall//Fly (never) capo 1 Oh I've never been so high in my life Oh I've never been so high in my life Oh I've never been so… Lost in my mind, in time Oh I've never been so high in my life Oh I've never been so out of touch Oh I've never been so out of touch Oh I'll never forget to call again Oh I've never been so Out of touch If i could love you a life time And I probably might, I find I'd give you all my light (or none ) We'll find, in time Which one Oh I've never seen such love in my world Oh, I've never seen such love in my world oh, I've never seen such love in my world Oh, i'll never forget to fall again, Oh, I've never seen such love in my world …Oh, I've never been so high in my life Oh, i”ve never been so high in my life Oh, I'll never forget to call again— Oh, i've never been so high in my life Oh I''ve never been so high in my life Oh i”ve never been so high in my life Oh, I'll never forget to fall… ___ 4427 43 2900 5671 12/3 369 The question wasn't whether I wanted to stay, or go; in fact, I wanted to go, and to stay—but underlying and now, overlying, was the wonder of in what way I would spend my birthday. Did it matter? I wanted it not to, and yet, here I was, caught in the wash, and the album or book, or episode– whatever it was, that was coming about from it was meant to be called “Three Nights In San Cristobal” , but something was pressing me to get out, now that I had the certainty and assertion of what I was; Then It just stops. OH MY GO- RUSKO aka “Christopher Mercer” is standing trial for the involuntary manslaughter of his roommate; He becomes famous in a nearby parallel for being the the first human known to have committed murder by way of sound frequency— FUCK. —little does anyone know… SUPACREE headlines an entire festival during a blackout. Was it bad? yeah. did they throw trash at me? Only a little. aww. SUPACREE is a Superstar DJ. Oh great, yeah. She is possibly the best— THE BEST &, also/a- SHH. “Bread's Dead” LIVE KETO SET. What is this. just buy tickets. What is it? I'll buy them. PAUSE. AND THEN WHAT? MILEY CAME IN ON A WRECKINGBALL. You mean, “like” a wrecking ball”? NO. I mean, YES, she was ON a wrecking ball, so– “like' but, WAS. WHAT. BROAH. DID SHE COME OFF? sortof. WAHHHHHHHHHHHH. WHAT DRUGS ARE YOU ON? NONE. hey, look watch. RELEASE THE KRAKEN. YOOOOOOOOOOOOO. got a new guitar; got another gig got a new guitar, got another gig got a new guitar got another gig —got another gig —got another gig. Well, now that I'm famous, it makes everybody seem more human. The good ones, the bad ones– Except for women. Women are monsters. I hate them. You are them. I was them. NO, I wasn't. Was I wrong for loving you? (It's too human) I didn't want to do this— (It's so stupid) True, I'll use it, too “i'll use him” “Cool” I'm just a tool, to you, then. Then, there was Justin Roiland, the unsung hero of them all–mostly because he wasn't ‘sung' at all, but mostly spoken–the amount of comfort his voice had always provided was, in the very least, heroic–if I understood the context of Poetic Justice at all, that's probably what it was. But even he, in my mind, being all of consciousness at once, now, more often than not, had collided with the thoughts of fame and wealth, and what exactly it does; I paused hard upon reflecting on the ‘retarded' amounts of laugher that seemed to be unstoppable, as I formed the then-very-loose-plot of my own projects, or rather, the conglomerate of them all, which would eventually become The Festival Project Perhaps, I thought, all that it really was is that I had been watching the final outcome of a ride I was also on, for all of them–however, as much as I wanted, I couldn't seem to forge the great gifts of The Prodigal Sonny, and as it turned out, I wanted either all of it or none. Now that I was properly out of carbohydrates, I could focus on being somewhat hot, at least until someone with an actual body walked by or just happened along; I had somewhere along the way decided that women with perfect bodies were in fact not Gods, or rather Goddesses, but Satan in his truest form– as often and awkwardly from afar, I often watched as men would become useless and lost followers in their company, typically unarmed with more than looks– But, I knew at this point that the men I had so affectionately fawned after had climbed the social and even political ranks so much so that, The Actresses, The Models, The Musicians and otherwise multi talented women of the world– A world to which I may have once belonged, had my mother not destroyed my body– my upbringing clipping me with a 25-year-long inability to produce positive thoughts concerning The Self. Now that I had properly shifted my self-hatred into Skrillex, which didn't exist as a man, but a business, I could unravel the rest of the infinite that was somehow expanding as quickly as it was collapsing. Considering Luis was now seemingly preoccupied with the ugly punk rock girl, and now that I would be properly sealed-off from whatever truck stop… Stop scratching. You look awful. It's just because i'm black and I need my hair done. Just cut it off! Fuck that nonsense. Why not? Same reason I put clothes on: It covers up the ugly. God Loves Ugly. Oh yeah? Well maybe UGLY just loves GOD cause nobody wants it so there's no one left to talk to BUT him. “Him” ? Or not.. Whatever. It's beyond the human concept what The God Consciousness is. *coughs* whatever she wants. Or IT. Check it out. Another fucking demon. ‘The Demon Whisperer' Demons don't whisper, they cough. (Or pretend to cum.) Who does that? Pornstars. Models. Whatever these are. –truck stop travelers would pass through rampantly, leaving nothing but the trash of processed junk and coughing obnoxiously, rather than having to hang above it all in a hammock, only ever wishing for Skrillex so that I could fight the mosquitoes off. I just wanted a home, and, though I was only joking about the mangoes, it seemed my faith was at least partially restored, as the room I had decided was the closest thing… Suddenly, the ability to write, at least, as I had been–in this form, was vanishing; Of course, having to scrambble to some effect to make sure that I wasn't listening to Dillon Francis– Why, exactly, is that? Why is what? Why is Dillon Francis on The Blacklist? Because. Dillon Francis Made Me Laugh AND DEN?! Dillon Francis Made Me Cry. Oh noooo. Oh I love her. This plot is so racist. So is Hollywood. IN THIS DIMENSION: The Chinese Woman from Freaky Friday, and The Chinese Woman from Dude Where's My Car are actually the same woman–she just has two jobs. HAVE–THREE JOB. Oh, three jobs. That's a lot, Mrs. Wong! (Racist name, by the way) —and, she's gone. No, i”m not. Get me off this planet. LIQUID STRANGER If you want. Enter: The Psychonauts His music had inspired the entire plot of Ascension… I could be gone from it, but not forgotten or lost; at some point it seemed as though everything I had written hadn't even belonged to me… Well, it was almost a thought process, in narrative form. Then what happens? This. This is the festival project. Why'd you get up? I felt I was being watched. Well, you're not. (But I was) hy·per·son·ic /ˌhīpərˈsänik/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.relating to speeds of more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5). 2.relating to sound frequencies above about a thousand million hertz. Now that I had nearly drifted off into an experience that was more in my body than out… She's–immune to ACID? In– SUPACREE throws DILLON FRANCIS out the window. Wait, what window. It–doesn't matter. DILLON FRANCIS [falling] YES IT DOES No, it doesn't. ((yes it does)) Oh–it does? [Everyone nods, especially DILLON FRANCIS, who seems to momentarily stop falling as if he's forgotten he ever was.] [Dillon Francis Nods] Well then… [He is suspended in mid air] Really high up. Oh My God. [He hits the ground, hard. Surprisingly, he does not splatter–and luckily, appears to have already been unconscious. In the darkness, upon impact.] RUN. Just then, I remembered who Ever was– who never was; The daughter I had thought up and then forgotten under everything i had become; The mumbling, stumbling drunken father I loved, only reminded me of the… And…it's gone. What! We can't add south park! That's too many plots! Well, you're practically Butters. I am– [BUTTERS] Mantequilla!!!!! MORE TEQUILA. Sacred Science: Ancient Egyptian “It Doesn't Matter” CC's new friend falls into an infinite loop, where SUPACREE flees for her life from superstardom and fame; He (Inwardly, also SUPACREE—) and his friend “Kiwi” relay a series of messages through several various futuristic intergalactic languages and advanced codes, which CC, operating newly as “Blū” and DJ Ū in her full creative persona, has learned to decode through music programming hypnosis, and ha developed a keen expertise in the studies of synaesthetics, and telekinesis. Oh. This is next level. It's multiple levels. Okay, heavy duty. I'll roll one. Oh. [Three overly attractive idealistic males enter The Vortex] Jesus Christ, Almighty. Oh. I told you, sit here. This is good. I needed that. — ‘I needed that.' Nothing happens without purpose or reason. What is “purpose”? What is “reason”? Oh, What's this *Daddy* Alright, I should get on with my day. No, stay seated. That's not fair. NO, watch it— Wait for it; Just wait. He—spoke BIRD. He was huge. Gigantic. THIS ISN'T HAPPENING. Don't be tall. I wasn't gonna! Oh, no, no, no. Everything was rock hard bodies and chest hair; The matted dreads of the friend beside me added adverse texture to the clean cut and very well-to-do-looking gentlemen who had against my will-to-wish, decidedly planted themselves parallel and just out of my line of sight, by peripheral—just so that to study them I had to sneak to peek at each of them, as within moments of spotting them all at once, as always, I could tell that each of them—with great respect, in their… “PALM/CC* MAAAAAAAAN— We waste time on SOOO much buuulllllshiiiiit! Oh, I get it. This is illuminati. You got it. —in their own unique sense and in the proper respective realms—they each had something to give, and to receive, to The Goddess, most recently hidden and writhing in sexless pain– Oh, My God. What's this around his neck. I don't know. Let's see here. Is it obsidian? HE SPEAKS BIRD. GO FOLLOW HIM. I just gushed. Don't be gross. Oh no, don't open your mouth. [The man begins to speak; he is oversexily foreign.] Oh My GOD. This dragon is going to destroy something! She's going to destroy EVERYTHING. That's what she does best! I had arguably never been so horny in my life, and nothing but the damage was being done, to my psyche and my subconscious ability to self destruct when super imposed upon. @terrazadelarquitecto She was wild, and wanted to know all there was to know to become and unleash the sprawling Goddess that had begun to take her Maiden form in the wash that was coming up into the shaken and awoke knowledge that was— they were all so perfect, Sacred Science: The king of pharaonic theocracy R.A.Schwaller De Lubicz There he is. Hey, there, sailor. What the fuck is THIS. How. Why be that large? Has it's benefits. Christ Almighty. Is that the one you want? Is it, then? Realizing I was being programmed to buy another something, I stopped myself from the influence of all that was around me, a playful gesture to indulge, by kindly rejecting the notion, in a push to finally move about my day; I was again becoming The Insomniac, or, whether or not I had known it all along, I always had been—which meant, in the suffering of losing my knack for writing anything and everything at any given time. \\ I am a sitting duck. [Dillon Francis emerges from the water, gasping for every bit of breath.] Don't look at that. Mooh, my God. It's in color. Why is that—? Now What was *then*? Answer this question, No , Answer this Question: Okay. lol. _ here's this: What's this crappy place? Harsh. No, i'm serious. This is horrible. Okay, ouch. I mean it, this is bad. Where is this? Uh- Why are we here? This..is the bottom of my heart. This is gross. dang. Wait. so you're saying Yeah, get this They literally went—“within” Uhuh. To the bottom of his heart, literally— Yes, the inward infinite; The literal material externalization– The literal—yes. And she's like: “Ew” “Ew.” …Ew. [SECRET LIFE OF SUNNI BLU] I love the illuminati. Why would you say something like that? Look at this: What are those. They're not Crocs! Are they diamond encrusted? Indeed they are. Is that gold. Solid Gold, and Platinum; They're not plated. How would you even walk in those. I would not— Because you can't. I could, cause I'm man-strong — I just would not; Because it's ridiculous? Don't use that word around me. It is ridiculous! No, it's a synonym of ridiculous, because ridiculous doesn't exist—Anyway. Someone should put you to sleep. I've Michael Jackson'd Myself three times since I got famous—and you know what I got? It wasn't sleep! That's Off subject. Nothing's ‘on' subject. It's really *not* I love dudes in weird pants. Period. Still on the outside; Dead on the inside Inside out and On my head, Alone, my mind, along— But on my own ride A tribe of gypsies, With me, (or without me) Living out loudly, and badly But I was quite poorly, Or worried, but good on the core Wonder what's it all worth , with no surf and no certainties; copy + paste. ep -En Ūtero [Extended] 6:18 -hopskoch. -takitoo. 6:01 -43. -and then what? -Ū C'ESME'T Why are you walking me to my wild side? PETRUTHEIO Because it's my wild side. [beat] PETRUTHEIO (CONT'D) –What if I gave you all my love? C'ESME'T Why would I want that much love? PETRUTHEIO What if it wasn't that much? C'ESME'T Then why would I want it at all? He likes these games, ain't no heartbreak Raise the stakes No harm, no foul; It's an eye for an eye, and and ear for an ear, here She said “I live a fast life” He said, “I drive a fast car” but it wouldn't go far, no It wouldn't go far at all, now! I sometimes forget i'm famous enough to just live out my life, I forget i'm an idol, I decided my mind is a diamond I'm higher than high now, Hey now, The Lord of the Flies Now I might need to file another reliable lie There's another way to settle down, now Call it automatic, press repeat and need to eat But need to breathe again Can't keep secrets from the reaper, Everything you need is simply Everything you need is simply Everything you need is simply green. I sometimes forget i'm famous enough to just Live it out, loud But I don't want to go, now! How about a round of applause— cause I like the sound of it Got a Dalmatian on the Greyhound What now? I'm finally proud of my Finally proud of my No, I'm just finally proud of me; Figure out how to be found There's another way to settle down, now Call it automatic, press repeat and need to eat But need to breathe again Can't keep secrets from the reaper, Everything you need is simply Everything you need is simply Everything you need is simply green. Black background, green Plus sign (insomniac sweater) rarity. (purple) -Ū. mirissa g.pool “fucking mosquitoes.” I told you, you need Skrillex. And I told YOU to shut your dirty mouth, you hooker. Hookers get paid. Yeah, by Skrillex. –that's enough. I am the only one at my table; I am the only one on my team I been inside the box for so long, that if you let me out, I might scream I am the only crayon in the whole damn box I'm the only sand on my beach and I don't preach what I practice; But I practice what I preach Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh hey Do you have a problem? Is it with me? Should I pray the Lord your soul to keep? Should I call the reaper? Or the state police? Is it martyrdom or suidice if they write a press release? SKRILLEX You looked like a deer in the headlights. SUPACREE Oh yeah? well, you looked like a bat on a windshield I'll give you ten thousand dollars if you can get that hat off her head. Are you serious? 15Gs if you can get it to touch the ground. SUPACREE we're playing a game i made up TIM We're playing a game *I* made up. SUPACREE I am you. TIM Now you've got it. I don't know what just happened— Okay— But this lady just saw down straight into my soul, where a ghost lives. You're a ghost? My soul's haunted!!! That is deep bro. …And he's got music. —So he's almost always gonna be alright And she's got—music; So she's almost-always gonna be alright. You can go ahead. It *is* funny. I don't like it. It's already hilarious. Where are we? Where *is* this? And you will *never* find me. We found you. Eyes on God. Oh My— WHAT. I'm *sorry* mom. Why are you looking at *ME*. ‘Cause I'm SORRY. Don't look at *ME* sorry. Wait. How many people can I be at once? All of them. No. Yes. Watch: [Watching.] …Watching… [Watching—gets knocked out.] Now. Now, you caught me in a bad spot; I'm getting off in dark spaces Come, come along now. Way beside, but along on my own, now. Tie your love down/ Tie your love down; Oh, Now all the way out of the way This is innosense, in a sense Go down to the shore, For the fun of it; Come now, you got to Tie down Tie down Tie down Dive down wide-eyed, Humbled with pride— While you're siding, Colliding with Idols, Confiding in no one, and residing nowhere— Nowhere to go, If they don't care ‘Who are you?' Now I'm getting caught in dark spaces; I'm getting off in a bad spot; Come, along now. Along, but way beside all on my own now In a sense, this is innocence Down, Tie Your love— Down Down, Tie your love, down All the way out of the way, Now— Oh! In a sense, this is innocence. I've got summer on my mind. ‘I take no part in the festival; if you look to kill me, I only ask that you do it quickly. ‘ What movie is this? This is ‘The Insomniac”. Oh, Okay well—what happens in it? CREE? SUPACREE. What are you DOING here? This is how I wrote The Legend of SUPACREE. I thought this was “The Insomniac”? This is how I wrote this, too. Wrote what? Just— Just. Keep. Writing. —And it doesn't stop for nothing. It really doesn't; it doesn't stop for anything. What is this. Audio. It's DJ Shit. ___ Bitch, what is your deal? I don't have one. Yes you DO. My soulmate made a deal with the devil;He sold the soul we share for success, wealth, and fame—but did not include love in the fine print. Watch this. What is this. It's a test. It's all a test. _ Open the map. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not playing. Are you insane? By standard definition? By any definition. I mean— [Some Mild Insanity.] I could be. INSOMNIAC. Who would do this. Who wrote this? Who's paying for this? Now that the stones that I Carried for The Luminaries had grown heavy, I could not carry them all at once, and at the same time was also in the process of getting smaller; So small that it would become difficult to carry one or more of the stones in my bosoms. Wow. Control your self. Wish I could. For some reason the whole world smelled like sex; There was nothing but bodies in the ripe perfection of the perfect paradisiacal air; Sunlight reflecting off of each and every thing thing that was under it..The days were long, and the nights were almost a blur, but I was less concerned with any one person or circumstance beyond my own well being for more than a fraction of the moment. But because I let it become funnier, all the while behaving as an omnipotent observer, it was unfolding quite beautifully, and very theatrically; I couldn't help but keep track of the movement around me, and how it related to my innermost reflections in this existence, seemingly everlasting. ‘--Now he's gonna cut the head off this bird, I guess.' Owh. This is beyond out of control. Unacceptable. The game hasn't started; the map isn't even open yet; Why are the refs making calls? You are OUT of BOUNDS. I'M NOT PLAYING. This is so far off the map. There's a secret passageway. They LEAKED. The MAP. All of a sudden, nothing bothered me. I was my own worst enemy, but now it seemed that I was magically washing away in my fears. Not far from freedom, I wasn't gone from the idea of what Love was, but was drawn towards a darker, more solitary cause. What is this story. I guess this is The Legend of Supacree. I'M NOT CURSED. I'm not SUPACREE. Fair. Fair. [Heavy Skrillexian Accent] FIAR!!! You're are Fired. I'm a- what? So I pulled these cards. Oh, woah, now. Drop this, here. I can't; Wow. Wow. Wow. Wooo00000wwwoooooowwwwwwWW. Do you know who you ARE? Do *you* know who I am? Oh, My God! I feel like that's an important factor. What the fuck is this show? go for the gold! I told you, the whole damn cast of; Sons of Anarchy; what on god. This all happened. *ecstatic* Ohhh Noooooo. [TIS + LEGEND OF SUPACREE + GERALD'S WORLD = ENTER THE MULTIVERSE / LEGENDS] key: live that long maybe it's not my place Maybe it's not my place to say, maybe It's not my place Maybe it's not my place, to say I'll just say grace, and clear my plate My patience [is] —- What the fuck. lol You know what? I like cake, you bitch!! Then eat some cake, you— [a death glare] —Overly-agressive person! I guess I'm just Suspiciously Capricious Kinda skittish when I'm in my kitchen scripting this in Yiddish, washing dishes in my menacingly hideous unmentionables spitting shit I didn't get to send to— …anybody interesting. #skrillex 3 Weeks Earlier… And of course, the first night I thought it either safe or warm enough to sleep entirely in the nude, the man next door somehow found it necessary to burst into my apartment, to which my lackluster and almost non-existent response became more alerting to me than the incident itself; I realized at that point, the amount of trauma I had sustained had created a nearly unexcitable individual, as I pondered the kind of reaction any ‘normal' woman might have had to that, something which may have seemed terribly frightening once upon a time, but was now, as anything else, merely comical. I had just finished what I considered to be the conclusion of ‘Season 3' of my Podcast series, still gaining an incomprehensible cult following, to which I questioned in curiosity, but none-the-less kept present, however awaiting karmic response, or some external universal backlash, as the season, which I posted all-at-once in an effort to regain some of my consciousness, as it seemed to have been ripped away in pieces– no longer belonging to myself, but a ghost that could neither decide whether it wanted to haunt or befriend me. In the early dawn, finally able to rest, I slipped into that of another vivid and astral projection of lucid dreaming–however, becoming increasingly sensitive to the notion of love, I chose not to record its happenings, only allowing the fondest of any memory I had kept from the dream sequence, a relief; as the connection I had received was both joyfully unexpected, and greatly needed. With only pending payments still pending for weeks and mere days left in the dwelling I inhabited, and almost nothing left–pennies, actually, by the American standard of conversion, I kept myself from weeping and only could depend on yet another intervention of Divinity to again rescue me, again–from this, a city which may have excited me in safety, but that I had grown to dislike increasingly, only having come with hopes of releasing The Festival Project internationally, however– with this rendition of The Electric Daisy approaching quickly within the week, my sanity became wavering under the notion that EDD had any humanity, as they had seemingly used me as some sort of experimentation, dangling the money I so desperately needed like a carrot in front of me–randomly allowing payments in my greatest moments of desperation and disparity. This disparity, however, would leave me stranded in a hostile 3rd world country. The Legend of SUPACREE I'm functioning at low capacity, I haven't eaten When I sleep, I hardly dream Or remember where I've been in Astral projections; This circle of protection, A perfection of reflected projections Of the vision, Created in our image; Imagine, Making television— I had to write a film about it Now I just remembered, I have albums, the advantage I want him, but can't have him Above average handsome man// All I am is an obsessive fan without a family Have a plan, But nothing left to stand for I'm just buried in the sand, And asking if the seagull might just hold my hand Damn I'm so damaged Damn A dine and dash sounds nice, I can't— I'm showing tracks I feel like trash, But haven't half the magic left I had inside my hands Damn After all that I just feel fat Maybe a can of cannellini beans, In place of meat Maybe a salad in a bag Can I afford that? Yeah, but then it's back to Jimmy Fallon Damn Damn My karma came back fast I left the man with Jimmy Fallon, I'm not worth ⅓ the bag of Pretzels that I smashed Inside the can of rancheros, That fell out as I ran A random act Of patriotism, Dressed up in a sinful Leather dress, And a dad hat The House Nigga caught me red handed: I told him I was hungry, then just left it [red light camera] Man. I just saw the flash Ask Uncle Sam if I can have my land back But I'd have to move my mask, And haven't been vaccinated; So I can't… Pass, Beyond the border or internationals At that, I text my fake ass friends a snap Of half of someone's head, He's sitting in first class, And can probably afford to check a bag, But all I have is my back pack And I'm certain under a black mask Is the man who backmasked tracks, And blasted from the past With ashes grey to match His privileged rich pajama, with the slacks He bounces back, And asks a fan to— “Gimmie your hat” And just like magic, she passes it. Wait, I'm actually passing, yeah? Who's actual class is this? Pasqualle's a proud headmaster, And a Bampheramph, The Captain dances in his honor I put on my cap and gown, But can't go on, and can't believe I'm being honored Valedictorian Kandi Accomplished PLUR Police and Motherfucker OG Raver Graduate, I'm still glowing up from all the love I got when coming up from under, Or something; I had to lose my temper Followed one and then another, And I wonder what was up When it was over I'm just a lover; But I never found The One, Now I'm not gonna I'm too busy seeking out producers, to compete with Got computer, complete with Ableton Don't mind me, I'm just writing all this out instead of sorting through the Dillon and the Sonny or the anyone I've ever loved just listening And listening And singing, writing, dancing; I was born inside the box, And I still haven't started living Change my name to Sunnï Daisy Raiin, I go insane in pain Just sorting me through all these possibilities inside my brain Yes, I guess I've changed LA made me everything I hate about myself And so I'm changing I don't want anything I need Just take this apathy and envy, gluttony and greed, I guess I'll serve the PLUR Police, Until I find the peace the city needs So I can sleep in it— And I can finish writing my goodbye to everyone I love; Including me— I can't be S U P A C R E E, She's just a vigilante alien, a superpowered something Who should be mixing, But she's busy writing this. What is it? It's...A Saga. A Saga of What. Just—a saga. Oh, My God. No, I'm not— This is a lot. Look I promised. Promised what. This fucking Saga. Saga for What?! Everybody else is drunk and on drugs; I'm keeping the records of history that's lost. [meanwhile, lost in the sauce] LLLAAAALLAAKANSJSKahajajaaqwqwwewwAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Oh. I see. It's a lot. Ah. Carry on. Lost your shine? Lost my Skrillex! You miss it? Do I Miss—? … You know what? What. Fuck you, dude. ...no can do. [later] Are we relaxed? What is this? I need it. You fucked up. This isn't right. No, it isn't. — BLACKOUT. What happened here? Are we rolling? Cut to commercial. — Are you serious? I'm so serious!!! She's so serious. CUT TO: Grocery Store, Day [over the store radio] She's a maniac, maniac on the floor!! What is she DOING? What are you doing? I'm doing me, bitch. And she's dancing like she never has before. —cut to rave— ***WUBZ*** Who is this? I'm on my own tonight. Is she drinking?!? THATS NOT FAIR! Oh, Sweet Jesus! —regular Jesus: [to sweet Jesus] aha! It's you this time. Sweet Jesus: fuck, no fair. THIS ISN'T SKRILLEX. Sweet Baby Jesus. Sweet Jesus: (relieved) YES. Regular Jesus: Oh, you're saved. Nice. [Passes baby Jesus to Sweet Jesus, then footballing the infant into the outer realms, dusting his hands off and flexing.] Send the Messiah. Wait, which one? Yeah, whose Messiah? CUT BACK TO: ‘the rave' ...Who's baby is this? Woah, cool baby. I respect that. [The third raver simply lifts his diffraction glasses, astonished by the bedazzling baby Jesus's vibe.] Wait, Baby Jesus is bedazzled? MAYBE: CUT TO: A flash of the alternate dimension, where indeed baby Jesus is Bedazzled.] Cut back to: No, his vibe. Is he sparkling? It's his aura. Oh. Pfft. Lol. Okay. —- First of all, I've never had this many black friends before. .. Oh, my God… I am alarmed. She's so stupid… Actually, just ugly—! Eyyy. Woahhh! But now I'm— You're a fan. Hey—I ate a fan for breakfast—okay?! Literally. OKAY. Ew, gross. Just kill me. [without hesitation] HANZEL No—Ze Rulez. [Lowers Rave Weapon] __ I'm highly allergic— —Don't need Skrillex. Brought my own! — [stabs self] What is that? Oh shit, it's the EPI(c)PEN OH SHIT. Nice. It also writes. After the stab? Usually after, yes. You, have to. Oh, yeah, huh? No, you actually have to stab yourself first with it—or else it won't write. — Anyway—what were you trying to write? ...fuck, I forgot. Good job, Sonny. ___ Take me back! You wanted this. I wanted NOTHING. You got there! Agh!! Then when you did, you wanted to leave. There's no music. It's literally NOTHING. Except Jimmy Fallon. WHAT?! Since when?! What? Since literally ever. What?! No way. Let me see. Let me see. Oh my—WOAH. Let me see. Nothing is something! Unh-uh bro! What the— IT IS JIMMY FALLON. There will be Hell to pay!!!! Hell?! To pay?! Hah, yeah, right— You expect Satan to pay, dad—? He doesn't have any money—he just keeps making shit up and then making people give it to him for nothing. ...for nothing…? Yeah, literally nothing. The people that worship him go there instead of here or hell when they die. That's terrible. Yeah, and then when he gets it he keeps spending it on useless shit. He is a useless shit. He's nothing. I have to h/save my kid. // Alternately: I have to shave my kid! Lol. Okay, then. — It is terrible. Explain Jimmy— (((Jimmy Fallon has a galaxy…))) Raven Simone—*ahem* ((Incase Raven summons Raven Symons)) —-AHEM RAVEN SYMONE)) Don't forget the— RAVEN SYMONÉ. Which Jimmy—dead Jimmy or live Jimmy? Like, Jimmy Fally? Jimmy Fallon Live, Jimmy. Is this why—- JIMMY FALLON shhhhh shhhh—-!!!! they poured the pennies? Ah yeah, the last dollar… Westwood trees have good memories… What?? She can see dead people?! SO—Maybe—-maybe she can see Ricky!!!! WESTWOOOD, CALIFORNIA, 199? PASQUALE ROTELLA is a dashing young man; he and his friends are gathered, en route to a secret location. Pasquale, please— Come on, Ricky—can you tell me where we're going with these Daisies strapped to our knees????? —- There's that. Doompy Poomp Doompy* Poomp again I don't know what it's doing . ...He just does whatever he wants… << Ugh, my brain won't stop plamping— And you're still not done pooping.. Pooping—bitch—!!! It's been HOW MANY DAYS, since you've eaten? OH, no—we're stuck in a tailspin again, trapped in an ambulance— I didn't ask for this shit— I just had to get lit, light a fire, get ignit— ignited and I'm still on fire In hell but I died on the floor, right at Audiotistic [AT AUDIOTISTIC] ...ah WHAT??? I MISSED IT! <<The Rave>> This bitch has been burning at the stake for like, 6 centuries or something— –but that statistic is fake news, just like everything they choose to feed you– I can't do this. Hey, wait—- Don't leave me here!! Ah, fuck—we forgot God. WHAT? Yeah. Mom's gonna be so mad. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ON EARTH WOULd (like you almost wouldn't, but you would) you TAKE YOUR BABY SISTER TO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? Cause that planet's a blast! Yeah—she loves it! Yeah—she loves it! Yeah—she really does—it's just—you know— Uh oh— Oh shit— Oh FUCK! He knows! He knows! He knows! He knows it was us!! [GODS MADNESS, RAGE AND WRATH TEARS–] [IMMEDIATELY CUT TO] A Pirates—, that scene— ph God shits and sometimes by a happy accident, it makes music and you get all ugly and make bass faces at places and it's almost as if– CUT TO: [BECKY is eating a well-seasoned dish.] BECKY It tastes weird, or something (Becky, eating seasoning) In the distant past, in linear time— I swear, this dude is just letting it Shhh that's a secret— I thought we'd get to make it together and get to laugh about it somehow, but now I'm just stuck in a bathroom trying to figure out how to push the rest of it out, I'm almost proud of this—took a long time to come back around but, man—the best planets have longest orbits around— and it's been about a thousand thousand thousand times since I scene my—your—light come out… Come out—!!! Satan tried to draw me out, I hate this. Make my gravy, Tessalate all these maybes— Try to mask my crazy— try to hide the grief I have for my babies—but heaven knows, God sends angels everyday to pave the way through heavens gates— I begged and begged he not take your love and Satan he, gave me the option of swapping mine for yours— I said “sure, the world needs you way more than it needs me for” but that was before… Call me little food— —foot— And I forgot my little...little...little… Look. (Don't look) CUT TO: DREAMSTATE, 2019 Look around you… what do you seee? ( SUPACREEE at dreamstate, meditating) Lost your shine? Lost my Skrillex! You miss it? Do I Miss—? … You know what? What. Fuck you, dude. ...no can do. [later] Are we relaxed? What is this? I need it. You fucked up. This isn't right. No, it isn't. — BLACKOUT. What happened here? Are we rolling? Cut to commercial. — Are you serious? I'm so serious!!! She's so serious. IT IS JIMMY FALLON. There's this cricket that lives Somewhere near here, When I hear him I think of the song He sings and all I think is “I wish someone would sing for me, I wish someone would sing for me” If he makes me cry one more time... “One last time, We gonna celebrate” If there's an album, there's going to be a tour; If there's a tour, I'm gonna wanna see him And it's just infinite, isn't it-- Infinite, isn't it? There's no point to it; There's really nowhere safe, that I could run from him A class act An a plus A sad actor with black magic A bad pastor with bad habits A black cat, and a hat and in it Is everything I ever imagined If there's an album, There's going to be a crowd I'm gonna want to be in it And it's just infinite isn't it Can't live with Skrillex Can't go on tour with him Maybe I just, Settle down in this awful town While I try to figure out, What this is about And if this is about Skrillex How did I get into it? If this is Skrillex How do ___ AHHHH DUDE. AHHH THIS ISN'T HAPPENING. Ahhhh man. What the fuck. This is--did you Put The Skrillex in The Skrillex, like I said? ...I… ...did you put the Skrillex in The Skrillex? Skrillex-Skrillex Put the-the Skrillex in the Skrillex Skrillex-t-Skrillex-Skrillex Skrillex is Skrillex-Skrillex OH SHIT. YOU DON'T REMEMBER WRITING ‘THE SKRILLEX SONG'? I DIDN'T WRITE IT! YOU WROTE IT. She's denying it. Oh, She stole all ya'll music. She took all of my songs. All of them? I mean, not all of them--just the bangers. I'm not going to Mexico for Dillon Francis. “The Interrogation” SUPACREE pays the incarcerated SKRILLEX under observation a series of visits, using her invisibility cloak. [[*This would be along the same storyline (using a linear “time”) where SUPACREE has gained most of her abilities, and is also terrorizing Dillon Francis (*interns scene). So. What? Just to get this straight; Nobody can see SUPACREE? Right. But she's--basically--beating the shit out of people. Yeah, she's just... fucking shit up. But nobody can see her. No. At all. No. Nobody at all, just the DJ's. Starting with-- D1-Skrillex D2-DIllon Francis D3-SUPACREE (Wait, how the fuck?) Scary Monsters and SUPACREE. Well, which comes first? What? Which movie? I--What? In order. Order? Like...wait, what are you saying? When you put them in order-- Order?? ORDER!!! Bruh. I just got a dick pic from Dillon Francis. What? By like, accident? I don't think it was an accident… It had to be... It has a personalized greeting, with my name in it. What? Let me see--! (Look) I mean--not “let me see”, I just meant--the greeting. Like, what did it say? Dude-- Damn, that's… Yeahhhh man! Was there a show tonight? Maaaayyybe, I don't know where it would be... Yo dude, I'm calling--WOAH. What dude? I got a message from him too! Oh shiiiit, what's it say? Should I even open it? Open it! What if it's his dick, bro? Open it! [Opens it.] OHHH. It's his dick, bro. Oh SHIT, what the fuck HAPPENED? What did happen? Does yours have a message? What did happen…? I feel like--wait, is that--huh. What does the message say? It does have a message...wait--let me see yours again. What the fuck for? [staring at phone, cocking head slowly to one side] ((Ohh, I like this, the audio pans like--)) I feel like mine's at a different angle. A different angle--wh--let me see. [shows phone] [cocks head to the side slowly, returning to his phone to compare the photos] Oh shit, that is at a different angle. With different lighting! Whatthefuuuck. Dude. _ Well, what did you do when you were Skrillex? A lot. _ Yo. That dude has like 16 passports. I had a lot of fun as Qua Long. _ Shenanigans As Dillon Francis-- Oh shit, this is gonna be a long list. It's actually not that much. (It's a lot) Dillon Francis sits at his desk in his Lair/Office. A pile of legal paperwork is stacked in front of him. ((Oh shit, where's the scene where he's got the glasses?)) Which...glasses…? Aw fuck. Oh, right--cause he has a-- He has an entire series. How the fuck did Dillon Francis get to be Captain of the Motherfucking Bampheramphs?! FUCK that, he's not my captain. He's your captain. He is not my Captain. That is not my President. I'M THE CAPTAIN NOW! **Insert: This Is: Dillon Francis Here Damn dude. Dillon Francis needs an entire character analisis. (Okay, keep that misspelling, that's hilarious. Anyway) *Analysis I think I might have to write one. Can we not? I mean. Yo dude, i”m like half capacity for Dillon Francis Half, is….half. Well, I mean it's corona virus so-- Fragments of Mr. Francis Blasted analysis Need a dialysis just to get this Sk- Shit out my system. Now I speak Sk-Sk-Sk I shout out curses. Now I speak clown I'm an Owl out of water. Now I speak Sk-Sk-Sk I create languages I see the stares On blank faces I paint the canvas With blood and with ashes I leave on the pavement First of all, These park and raves are crazy Electric Daisy is inside me Everybody's at the party All the stars aligning And all the patrons waiting, waving ___ I call him “The Ghost” You never know where he goes, And the music follows No forward But I know, I know He's The Ghost Producer And I'm just a Loser _ Ive never seen this one before! Me neither. That's great. Something new. Well-something old, something new--it's Skrillex. Yeah, but I like Skrillex. We all like Skrillex Wow. Oh, the fan..family. Family? Family, wait-- AGH, THIS MUSIC IS DISTRACTING ME. It was so clear, and then it just-- Yeah, Vanished? Yeah. Yeah. [A Silence.] A circle of dancing people summon wishes out of the center of their Concentrical Circle. AHHHHHHHHHHHH. What. I'm pretty sure this already happened. I remember that. What? That never happened Uh. It did. It happened like, last season-- --LAST SEASON? --maybe even the season before that. What! I thought we were watching the Pilot! I THOUGHT THIS WAS A MOVIE. This is the third movie. THE THIRD MOVIE? Wait--when did you get here? I...have always been here. [beat.] She's been going on like this for two days. Oh My God. Yes. Have you tried to stop her? No, it's too good; Plus, she can sense us coming it's--watch this. Queue the passerby. A passerby moves towards the garden in the far east corner of the observatory; Are you recording all of this? Even better; We're broadcasting it. To WHO? (in space, in what (was thought to be, anyway) a Void in the unknown. Uh, it WAS a void in the unknown, until a satellite crossed into it) What the fuck, is that a Satelite? A satellite! A satellite? Which satellite? I've got dozens of satellites. Dozens? *Thousands Elon Musk: ...Was it one of mine? (It was) ((To literally nobody's surprise)) (((Literally))) Literally, nobody--because literally nobody ever existed, ever. Until this happened. WHAT IS THIS? Have you seen this? No. Well, you're in it. Okay? I'm in a lot of shit. We all are. But not this. (yes you are) What was that? What was what? You need to burn this. Burn it… Nobody can ever see it. Okay. I just took 6 Xanex. 6! YES. And ⅓. And a third. Okay. Yes. 6 and ⅓. This, This. This is why. Why what? Why he looked at me like that. Like what? [A look.] But how could he have even known; Where could he have ever been, that I was that would make it make sense. Well, we know the Why. This is why. So now--How. How, now Brown Cow? Okay, honestly--it's almost funny now, because yeah--I'd probably also react that same way if I knew someone was going to write that about me. Yeah, I panicked. Panicked; I had a heart attack. Have you seen that thing? Yeah, it's massive. It is massive it's-- --God, it's ridiculous. --It's almost atrocious. Yikes. Yeah. I've been inside of this story before. Oh? I've been inside all of them. I see. Most of them, I just choose to forget. What makes it so that you choose? _ I actually stopped breathing. For how long? Forever. It was nice. _ You...made this…? I...yeah. You cooked me breakfast. I enjoy cooking. Well, thank you. Welcome. DEAD. How did-- Alright. So these two planets. Yeah. Two different galaxies? I guess. Okay. _ First of all that party was lit as fuck and you missed it. I didn't miss it, I just... attended at a limited distance. Chak Chel's set. Doooog. It was. (MM.) Bruh, I just miss when SNAILS was Captain. That was fun times. Too bad we can't go back. ...we can go back... No, dude don't-- [Ted, Ted, and Ted meet Todd, Todd, and Todd at Lost In The Sauce Lands.] So basically--all 6 of them fuck up at the same time and end up In this-- It's basically a void that lasts infinitely at Lost Lands. Oh shit. _ You better quit it, before you get Stuck in The Skrillex. [The Skrillex Tar Pits] _ Have you ever seen a mosh pit at-- -- Skril-- NO. I'm not ready to talk about it. --Dillon Francis-- It was really therapeutic. -it was nice, they had protective equipment -there was a line, and a queue -it was literally the safest moshpit I've ever attended Meanwhile, at the Skrillex concert: I'M NOT READY. - Well, that was nuts. Please. No amount of marijuana is going to make you capable of understanding-- I'm not trying to understand, i'm trying to cope; okay? This nigga has magical powers. --And then what?-- Is she still on fire? (an explosion) Yes. Is she still on fire? (several explosions) Maybe. There were so many bombs. (((But the worst?))) “The Nigga Conniption” Oh, shit, is that what we're calling it? Where did he get it? He didn't “get it”, he just had it. How could he just “have it.” I had to do something; They were going to kill him. What happened to your “survival of the fittest” This is different. How is it different? This is different because he isn't sick, or defective--he's just...created… …? ...differently. So it's different. Woah. That's a lot of shit. It is a lot. What the fuck. I swear to GOD i've been in this WOBBLE for over a MINUTE NOW. Ahhhh, there you are-- Ah, The Wobbles. Here, we meet: -mr. wobble -the wobble monster and some other wobble people who live in the wobble. Bruh. I am so tired. What does this dude eat for breakfast? I guess we insert that scene with Dillon Francis here, right? (((Yup.))) ___ So, to this festival… YESTIVAL. Oh shit, is that what we called it? YES. oh shit, because-- EVERYTHING IS YES. (Everything was yes.) ((It was.)) (((It still is.))) The Venga Bus. The Double Dutch Bus. Whatever that is. The Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile. That strange Double Decker from Harry Potter. T h e S o u l T r a i n Did it have a name? I don't know. I don't have time for the internet right now. Now they call me “The Internet.” Okay, wait-- Yeah. So. Next time I die, that's it--everything just stops. Yes. _ Eventually I'm gonna get sick of this shit and just sit But that's someday, And todays not it; It's lit About to hit TiTs and Hit the Highway, And I'm on the way Cause I was born to rage. DaDa Life. Ahhs, those were the days. The golden age of rave… FIRST OF ALL PASQUALE, THIS SHIT IS RIDICULOUS. (Overhead of EDC) YOU DID THIS. [that's a neutral] Is she yelling at him? I think she's more proud and impressed, but pissed at the same time, because he's just so nonchalant and calm about it. Oh please, that nigga is not calm. Face. Have you seen his eyes? They're wild. Wild, I tell you. OKay what the fuck is happening; Pasqualle's eating Twinkies right now. Dude, the world is ending. I don't think the world is “ending”, it's just...something's probably wrong with it or something. [[watching virtual rave]] oh yes, something is wrong with it definitely. What is actually happening right now. This shit just lifted us into space-- --this isn't it, is it?-- What, at the rave? You're still at that rave? You have reception in space?...Hello… Oh Hell No. My Phone cut off! I still have reception. Who do you have T Mobile. (but later) Bruh, I just lost service. What? Oh no. Oh, what-- I still have service. What? When did you get here? Who the fuck are you? I've...always been here. What, no you haven't, I-- Shh. Here. What? How do you have service? What carrier is this? GOOGLE. I don't know--have you asked Google about it? No, fuck that, I don't want to talk to Google about it--she's just going to make me over analyse everything-- Maybe you should over-analyse it. No. Hey man, the word ‘analysis' is starting to look funny. Of course it looks funny, it starts with ‘anal' Who starts with ‘anal'? Touchy. Hooe shit, have you seen that bitch? She's scary. She's a bit scary. Did she say that? I believe it. I don't know if I believe it. NARUTO BELIEVE IT. SUPACREE Wait, you're Naruto? NARUTO In the flesh! SUPACREE WHY! NARUTO Why am I Naruto? SUPACREE WHY ARE YOU IN THE FLESH?! —- How did you DO this? You did-did. I did not DO this; I couldn't DO this! You can do anything. But I didn't! But you can. You can do everything. You are everything. But i'm not. Alright. Then you're not. WHAT? If you honestly believe that--or whatever you honestly believe--then that's facts. —- Damn, she put you in a “Fuck You” Chamber. [*ding!* FUHCKYOU] What did you DO?! Yo, what did you doooo. What did you do to this girl, oh my god dude; I hate you. I hate you! I HATE YOU. I HATE-- Oh now, dear; Hate is such a strong word. Ohh. It's a Skrillex. S K R I L L E X It is. Looks Fragile. Should we grab it? FIRST OF ALL, --Goddammit, dude-- “IT”, is a HE. Okay, DAMN. DAMN? OKAY. [she does.] Damn. Yeah. So that's what “Damn” is. Lol the first damnation. Hey-- Hi-- Okay, what if-- What if: THAT'S the name of your Supergroup? I wanted to call us “Trifecta” Here? yeah , right here. This is where you want your Kingdom? ...Yeah, right here. ...Okay... Okay. {A look} K bye. _ I've been at this rave for 57 days. _ Okay. Ya'll. Okay, ya'll! No. Guys. We gotta get out of here. What? Noooo. We're just getting started. No. Guys. I'm serious. Something is happening. “I see dead people.” ...Freddy Mercury? Really. Uh huh. At a rave. Yes. In space. We did go to space, yes. Okay. Simpson? Yes. I'm gonna need you to take the day off. S/he's gone crazy! // He's not crazy, he's just gay! — he's craaazy gay. _ Okay. But how do you know him? He's my ex. No he isn't. Who is it? (sighs) it's...my ex. WHAT? Check. Mate. Bitch. __ Mm. I know her. Who--Billie Ellish-- ñ? [Nods] What? Take me to her. Take you...to… Billie Ellish? If that's what you're calling...her... now...yes. “now”? Mmhmm. DILLON FRANCIS / SUPACREE Lady, how old are you--and what is this shit? Hm. (squints) try it. DILLON FRANCIS (sus) UH, no…? // [SUPACREE JUST DOES] CHAK CHEL Suit yourself. It's there if you ever want it. (later) Dillon Francis is searching frantically for extra magic when-- [He comes across the flask, and snatches it.] WOW. Yeah, I know; it's crazy, right? You just found him like this? I did. Where was he? I tripped over him at a bus stop. Woah. Bro, that's so mean. Okay What did Dillon Francis do to you? He knows what he did. He does? No. (He actually does.) Oh, I knew it! ((You should know it, you wrote--)) THE END. —- WAIT, what?! ___ What is your favorite invention? Of mine? Yeah. Hmm…. (((Ganja.))) What's your favorite color? Hmmm… (((White))) “When The Day Met The Night” Has Brenden Urie been to the future? Probably. He seems... He seems off. (He is) We all are. (You are.) Hey--who's saying that? Let me be Frank. Dooooooog. it's that part! It's that part. Shuttup! Nigga this is it--this is the shit I told you! So...how many channels is this on? It's on millions of channels throughout the interdimensions and counting. “Millions of channels throughout the interdimensions,” Not only are we Global; We are now Interplanetary, and our Communication Technology has connected us into the outer dimensions, and intersecting parallels. Are you guys done blowing eachother up yet? UH, WHAT? You're idiots; This was supposed to be a redemption for your entire species, and you fuckwads ruined...pretty much everything. Now we have to mellow out your entire civilization-- --yeah, or annihilate it-- ---just for you backwards savages to get lifted into the Ascension. Idiots. What was that? What was what? Did you hear something? Hear what? Ouch! Ow? What's wrong? Are you Okay?! *trigger, pulled* -------------------------------------------------------BOOM--------------------------------------------------------------- S/HE CAME THROUGH MY SUBWOOFER. She came in through the bathroom window. ___ No, no, no--let me be the DJ. You're already the DJ. Heh. I wanna be the DJ. What were you saying? I don't know. Something Something Sonny Something. So she took 6 Xanex, and #Adderall It was just a long day, that's all… And then I hear Skrillex is on his way HERE? Damn. No. I'm not okay. So, I... Damn dog, she lost it. She lost it. I ovet is. huh. Oh man, he was on one. I'm on one. Fuck it, I'm On One. Fuck. What happened? What happened? What happened? Well, that's tragic. Wait--this is a tragedy? No, it isn't--it's a comedy. No, it isn't-it has Sad Dillon Francis. Exactly. If it has sad Dillon Francis in it, it's tragic. It's supposed to be dramatic. Dillon Francis was crying in it? That's fantastic. That's hilarious. Sad Dillon Francis? I don't want to see sad Dillon Francis! He's a bad actor. Then i'll be sad. We're all sad. Oh, you're right--we're all sad. Oh. He is actually not a bad actor. He was really good in it. Oh, my God--it was really good. Are you serious? I'm not watching it. It's nominated for an Oscar. I'm not watching it. C'mon man --do you know how long it took to get my hands on this? They have them at Fantastik. Do you know what I had to do? It was not cool. Bro, it was so cool! So goood. He is, he's good. What has he done! This is bad. This is very bad. KLIPTOWN EMPYREAN, OH I GET IT, IT'S-- Sop. Okay? You're never gonna get it. ‘Nah, you're never gonna get it. Never ever gonna get it DUDE. WHAT? WRITE THE FUCKIN MOVIE. WHICH ONE? I DON'T KNOW--THE ONE THAT GETS US OUT OF HERE. How'd you learn how to do that? Do what? Does he know? No, he doesn't. He doesn't know. Oh. Oh, he doesn't know what he did? Nah, not yet. Wow. Have you seen this? [Looks] (Not Impressed) Now I have. What d you think-- I don't. That it's like, magic, or...what is that. I don't know what it is. Well...what do you think it is? I don't think, I just listen; and if anything sounds interesting, I just send it in. Interesting like this? [plays it] CUT TO: [stops it] This is interesting. They stare into The Box. I'm glad you did this in person. No one else can know about this; Not even our affiliates. Not even-- Nobody. Woah, it actually came back I told you, if it was a good idea, it would always come back. It...I guess. Besides, it's already happened. It's just playing over. “Do I Know you?” “Do you?” Damn. This shit gets deep. I don't get how it's deep. And I don't get how it's DIllon Francis. I can't even imagine how this happened. Imagine Dragons. That's--I'd rather--not. Anyway, why is she cooking this nigga breakfast? Because he's dead, he should have a nice breakfast. Yeah, you're probably right. BILLIE ELLISH I---like that scythe. SUPA CRYPT KEEPER It's nice, right? BILLIE ELLISH Yeah. I like it. SCK You like it? Have it. BILLIE ELLISH It's mine? SCK Yah! If you like it so much, just take it-- CUT TO DILLON FRANCIS DUDE, SHE TOOk ONE OF MY MAGNETS. CUT BACK TO BILLIE ELLISH Nice! Besides, I have another one just like it--but tiny. TINY SCYTHE. Have you seen this Billie Ellish kid? Oh wow. Yeah, she's kind of terrifying. BILLIE ELLISH is an Old Soul. (it's true, she actually is) A really, really old soul. Who is this. I like it. Are You Okay? Not really, but-- (Shrugs) That's it? That was the fast? Yup. But it was so short. Sometimes it is. But now what? What else do you want? I...don't know how to do this. Sure you do,you just do it. You don't know how you shine the sun, you just do it Just do it! JUST DO IT, NIKE. Is this your knife? I...yes. [they fight] Is this your knife? I... maybe... [they fight] Is this...your I-- [winces] CUT TO: Now, give me your hat. What, why?! GIVE ME YOUR HAT. Damn dude, Skrillex is kicking ass and taking names all day in this. What movie is this? *This is the dimension where pretty much, everything is Skrillex. Well, Everything is Skrillex. Is this the one with the Bellagio Fountain? I think it is. Nigga. He remixed it. He what? The Conniption. He remixed it. What? “The Conniption”; that's what people are calling it. Oh... Yeah. Bruh. Look at-- OH MY GOD. Bro..you leave the fandom, you leave the kingdom. What Kingdom? Dog, this isn't a Kingdom, it's just random. Bro, people LOVE IT. Now they want you to do a collab together. A collab with Skrillex? I can't afford a collab with Skrillex.. You have to do a collab with Skrillex! Uh, I don't have to do anything. Especially that. ___ You're getting residuals off my existence. I am your existence. SKRILLEX is a SUPERSTAR DJ. -&- SUPACREE is a SUPERSTAR DJ. WARNING: This combination is potentially hazardous. WARNING. ! ! ! X___X WARNING. __ ...is there something you need me to do? It's... hard to talk about it... Then don't, you don't have to speak, at all, you know. Oh what, he's telepathic? Homeotelepathy. What is that? BRO, WHAT IS YOUR POWER. Dude, I don't want to see Skrillex. That shit is terrifying. You're terrified of Skrillex? [Plays three clips] ...yeah, dude. Okay, so basically. Wow, he's a rocket scientist. How did you get to this Planet? What Planet. Oh, Goddamn him. Well, t-- Then we just LARPED. Wow that's... Oh, it got violent. Are you Finished with the Skrillex? Not yet. DUDE, DID YOU KNOW? NO! DID HE KNOW? NO! (((YES.))) AGH. I hate this place! Everything is YES. You're a fucking idiot. Oh yeah, you're a fucking Skrillex. How about that? Call me Skrillex again, you little bitch--just look me in the eye and say it. Skrillex. __ Hey, I know this magic… Magic, this is all magic. Yeah, I know this guy; This is Jimmy Fallon's magic. (Good job, bro.) Jimmy Fallon's Galaxy. What the fuck I thought it was a planet. *Ahem. Jimmy Fallon's Magic Galaxy. Oh, wow. Alright, then. WHAT. Jimmy Fallon isn't a Bampheramph. Actually, he just made Captain. You're kidding. No, that was... that just happened. Jimmy Fallon. (Obviously) Come with--actually, you can stay right there. What? Just stand right there. ...and that's his magic. How does he have that? What did he ask for? What did you give him? What did he ask for? What did you give him?! Oh My God. You can't just go around granting wishes! I was just trying to manage these prayers, one-handedly. You can't just answer all the prayers as “wishes granted” that's why we have this system. Christ. No, not me--not today, Satan; I can't TAKE IT. JESUS CHRIST. Nah, he quit. What?! BUT. You got me now, so. Who the FUCK are you? I'm..uh... What are they calling me? They don't know it's you, they're still calling you Jesus. Well of course they still worship Jesus. Which Jesus? Well, any Jesus--All The Jesus. It was all the Jesus. All the Jesus. Magic Israel? A Ziptie machine? A “Stud Finder” IT WORKED. Of course it works. Well, no use crying over spilled Skrillex. But what do we do with it? Well, we're just going to have to get rid of it. Get rid of it? Fuck that! Didn't you say you wanted to *sissappear? Yes. Then get out of here. It is-- No, this isn't. This is his. No it isn't--it isn't Skrillex. What do you mean “It isn't Skrillex”? It's Skrillex. It isn't Skrillex. What are you talking about--it's-- I made this. What? No, it's. It's me. I did this. She's not mad at him, or anything In fact, She's just a fragment Or a figment or a magnet, that managed to stick In his imagination I hang out in this memory It's bad, But I keep going back-- I thought maybe I could manage it Keep it from happening But it just keeps happening And hasn't yet I have to see him. His eyes. He's hiding it. I know where the rest is. Skrillex has it. I'm dying, right? I have to be dying. You're dead. But I'm dying. I've been here before and I've felt it. Tokyo? High rise. Sounds Nice. Check the price on a flight. Likewise, I've tried to find this guy about a million times. I know where he hides it. So, how does it end? It just ends. yeah --but how does it end? It just...ended. You actually have to leave, to get out of here. NO… Don't do it. Don't do what? I didn't do anything. This is the way she wanted it. JUMP. Jump--now? Are you sure? This morning my mind was made up; I was going to Thailand for over a month. Sweet, and Rich-- But Flaky Like a pastry in the morning; Seems like a great treat but really, He's no good for me So we'll have a Mexican Wedding Damn. How did Dillon Francis get so high up??? Well, I found him hanging from a tree, so. OH FUCK, I GET IT-- HE IS GERALD. Damn. I don't know how to explain this… Oh shit, I get it; I'm Gerald. - HI, I'm Gerald. Dude, I can't tell the story of Gerald. Only Dillon Francis can do that. I concur. That's right. Gerald is his friend-- --He's my friend-- I'm not go-- And that's it. It just ends. Just Jimmy I prayed to The Rock And it started raining, This job is so draining But hey— Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Or maybe I'm just Jimmy Fallon Now I'm dancin Now I'm dancin Now I'm dancin by the fountain Without music Singing in the rain Singing in the rain “Is she insane?!” Maybe. Maybe I'm crazy— Or maybe— Maybe, I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Or just Jimmy Fallon “Just Jimmy” I trust Jimmy, He seems just like me, Pick up a penny, Don't forget me Don't get me started; I wanted his job, off the topic I'm sopping wet, shopping my Body and thoughts, auctioning em off Talking about rockstars and Rock hard doctors; I'm toxic, But home is where the heart is— At Rockefeller center Take a picture— Maybe it'll make me (or him) richer “Why is this bitch here?” Shut your face, Liz Lemon and kiss me This isn't miss America—listen to me, I'm like ANDY C and Jimmy Fallon had a baby Wait, wait—wait— “Pick up your face, Liz Lemon.” AINT no debate; I am one of the greatest, You wanted a taste, I just wanted to make it; I burned all my sweaters, Gave my baby a blanket; I might be homeless, maybe, yeah But, Hey— Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous one day, Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Maybe I'm famous Thanks, Jimmy Fallon. 02. THE LEGEND OF SUPACREE...the...movie? Or...The... PILOT-PILOT El El so. OH FUCK, I GET IT-- HE IS GERALD. Damn. I don't know how to explain this… Oh shit, I get it; I'm Gerald. - HI, I'm Gerald. Dude, I can't tell the story of Gerald. Only Dillon Francis can do that. I concur. That's right. Gerald is his friend-- --He's my friend-- I'm not go-- And that's it. It just ends. 03. It's SATAN It's SATAN ITS SARAN (It's a rap) (it's a TAP)) ((it's a traaaap))) ITS SATAN ITS SATAN ITS SATAN WHO HATES BLACK PEOPLE!!!?! It's Satan, the reason, America is evil It is he, who has… Shhhhh! Don't tell GOOGLE. Hide! She's coming! Boys! What are you up to in there l? Nothing!!!! Somebody's going to get hit with that door, eventually ((Heaven's door, I hope…) Well, how many Doors are there in Hell? That's right, how many have we already— JIMMY!!!!! So. You remember me? Huh. … … … Ohhhhh—-the lifetime when we were Jim and… I loved her hair… Explains my affinity for redheads. [something happened between us, and I'll try to come back to it—but Satan lives below me, and so I got distracted] <<it was the party in Hell, Los Angeles, man… The city of Angeles. God Loves The Beatles— But Hates Hell's Angeles And I hate this mangled face Love to tessalate shapes at angles I love glitter guns, But the country that runs guns to other countries and sells slovenly sundries exported and extorted from— WHAT THE FUCK. —- 04. I AM (FAME) Oprah called me up Ellen Called Me up Wayne called me up “I like your shirt” Jimmy Called Me up David called Me up Amy Called Me up But I was first Tonight, we're burning shirts and dandelions Tonight, we're burning shirts and dandelions Tonight, we're burning stars, and eating hearts, And starting forest fires All my life, I had to fight All my life, I had to fight I had to fight—uncle mike Called me up 05. “The Water Situation” Band: “The Water Situation” UNDERRR KEY: BPM: Laz: IT IS TIME FOR US TO COME TOGETHER— Lightning hit, thunderstorm FOR US TO UNITE, UNDER THE SKY— TONIGHT. WE ARE. THE LIGHT. WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? Always, rootin for the home team Always rooting for th home team Always l, givin you somethin you never seen In a dream Always, [rest] rooting for the home Ahhh… I got a lot of hot sauce I bought for these wings, And barbecue—ahh I want it all, I want us to win, Tonight is the one! Get on! The band wagon is US. (If you're not on our team, you already lost—before even showing up!!!) Gotta find a way to win Gotta find a way to keep it pushing Gotta push the button Gotta turn it on Gotta gotta gotta Get the ball and run Be the boss! Laz, come on! Turn it up, like Armin Van Buren Lamarus is lost, Along with all the monsters; I wrangled them up— And now it's THEM VSUS Call Katt Williams I need a good laugh, Now puff puff pass it on; Astral projection; This is my lesson Keep yours protected! Now your head down, And it's blessins on blessin I'm guessing and guessin Heather's All Alone supacreemixx And here comes heather Dressed in leather what a pleasure; Light as a feather, Father figure was a dancer; Yeah Now we are past the brink of infinity Tune into me, tune into me This is the me, I'm Supacree On everything on everything. On everything, on everything— Radio History in the making is this: You wish, then you get You pray and I give; I lift you out of a ditch, We sit— We miss, And then it begins again: What story starts at the end; Have you ever started from Genesis; these geniuses— Are genes, I guess; And men in jeans, Do dream in special Sequences, I think Therefore I Am; In Till you flatline [BEEP] Till you flatline! [BEEP] ______ Remix: Sample Dreamgirls You are my dream girl The center or my world And you are your dream Do you see me dreaming I am barely breathing Never eating, always thinking Always dreams are leaking into My reality: Do you appear to be The symphony, The Supacree, a living dream; A dreamgirl if you're Effie B— I mean— Jennifer H; Did we get a last name, For all the pain that Effie laid in When she laid her eyes on Jimmy, wait— No! But we know Jimmy can't sing no more songs How about me? Blessed, I am. I'm always Right on God You don't know where I'm from If you never been up north, Under snow Would you even know where to go, If Google didn't tell you— No! You don't. Now I gotta go, To the show; If you don't know, Now you know Where do I go, When you're at home And I'm like—nope What is fear, And what is death, And what is love? I thank the sun, I thank the trees, I thank the moon 06. Zero Downloads Zero Downloads : Remove The episode Who is listening? Maybe an enemy Maybe he's into me; Maybe the end of me I just need Sonny C-333 Why are you mad at me? Call me disasterpiece You wanted Natalie I wanted a fantasy You wanted a family I wanted fans and fame Famous means “money” You're nothing to me, Jimmy I could be crying Or lying about everything I just need a family I just need someone to Notice me, notice me Novice at everything Bury me, die in peace Burn me like sweaters, please Need a new master Now I see Dillon, The king of my everything is nothing Cause it couldn't ever be me, a Queen Now I have a wedding ring I'm just a crazy obsessive piñata, man Well below average, or standard— What have you. I write atrocities, Over orgasms I write atrocities, Over orgasms, I write atrocities, Over orgasms, or— Organisms living in the Men that might give them I'm just a piñata, man Haven't had the chance to dance Just fill me with a bag Of candy, Or something— 07. Jimmy Fallon's Galaxy Zero Downloads : Remove The episode Who is listening? Maybe an enemy Maybe he's into me; Maybe the end of me I just need Sonny C-333 Why are you mad at me? Call me disasterpiece You wanted Natalie I wanted a fantasy You wanted a family I wanted fans and fame Famous means “money” You're nothing to me, Jimmy I could be crying Or lying about everything I just need a family I just need someone to Notice me, notice me Novice at everything Bury me, die in peace Burn me like sweaters, please Need a new master Now I see Dillon, The king of my everything is nothing Cause it couldn't ever be me, a Queen Now I have a wedding ring I'm just a crazy obsessive piñata, man Well below average, or standard— What have you. I write atrocities, Over orgasms I write atrocities, Over orgasms, I write atrocities, Over orgasms, or— Organisms living in the Men that might give them I'm just a piñata, man Haven't had the chance to dance Just fill me with a bag Of candy, Or something— And, Jimmy Fallon has a galaxy, expanded from an unplanned catastrophe, you see—another cosmic cataclysmic explosion of light, color and frequency created by the pressure that comes from being nothing, and something within you telling you something's something—but nothing's nothing —and it's interrupting the peace—or rather—lack there-of-cause there's nothin' greater you're aware of, in fact—you're not there—you're nothing and nothing—hey—nothing—what's what? What? Seems like something. What's ‘something' ? something's something— nah, can't be, because everything is nothing; “well then, what's because—?” Because is because? Because what? What's what? What's what's what? WHAT WHAT WHAT? >>>Well, at least they play South Park Now<<< INFINITY! Infinity! BITCH! GET THE PICTURe This is so much, she'll never remember it. Maybe if we send her encrypted messages, she'll eventually remember inventing it Suicide letters? I like, write those for a living. Right, cause you're not. I'm not. Ah. Must be awesome in the world of careless thought— In the world of “I can do what I want” cause I have everything I need and all the right parts— And that's the reason he has everything he needs, is the right parts—the right amount of white, a right start a CHAK CHEL is crazy, She says I'm a crack baby And wants to take me back to hell where she made me and my soul mate playing some game with Satan (who she hates,who buried me when he married me and then— NOTHING. —well, not in that order, It's… All out of order, apparently (like all of LA during fake quarantine) OF COURSE IT WAS FAKE. I already told you that. Yeah. The moment you said it, the only people who might have— Oh shit— can dragons die of starvation? Not if that dragon is Hatian—remain patients//patient Americans are evil, not all inherently— but let me explain this shit. How? Ah, yes—the other half— HOW. HOW NOW, BROWN COW. WTF— Not that again WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUCK— Not that again!!!! Do you wanna—- Oh, no—not the dragon— Aaaaaahhhh—- Ahhhh yeah—- What's for Skrillunch? Skrillasagha—- fox it lateraaa— all that too, give you something to go back to— Careful, don't get stuck in a loop; Good Segway to that, Ohh— It'll give you something to look back on and laugh to just in case he reads it all and laughs and says: RAVEN SYMONÉ —-mmmmm—nooo, go back. SUPACREE BACK?! Raven—you're only supposed to have like, 3 lines, this shit's budget, and we're running out of time, and time is probably the most expensive thing I can find—yeah—I'm sure of it—or I'm sure—or at least, I'm sure for the 3rd time. Find what 3s actually do, and you'll be fine. BITCH IF YOU REMEMBER WRITING THE RULES, the. [oh shit. The reality hits, you may never finish this shit.] TOLD YOU, there is no “in” to it!!!!!] infinity crashes into negativities plans to wreak havoc on my back — track this backmasked —-wait—- FUCK— What was I even about to— FUCK! Somebody shut that dragon up before I banish it to—-what the fuck was it called again? Earth. Why would you call it that? Fat girl magic—- Oh, I know this one— Drake talked about this one. He talks a lot about magic. Sh—don't spoil it. Especially black girl magic—- Or maybe just “girl” magic. Don't touch that. That's what she said. Don't touch that. That's...what she said. Hey— Uh-uh Mm— No— Noooope— Don't touch that with a ten foot pole. THATS. What. SHE. SAID. I T OL s WHAT???! Omnipotence means— That you saw yourself running up, Prevented what you thought might be coming—but it's not—cause you caught it—and sent it to Nothing— Oh shit—“just Jimmy” >>>in the future Wow. Jimmy Fallon. Many hats, that one. Every time I get down to my last dollar? I think about Jimmy Fallon— Maybe it's just a safety device against suicide, Eventually, I'll laugh or write something I'll probably like, or find When I'm trying to figure out why and how I even started writing about Jimmy Fallon, So I search “Jimmy Fallon” in my Google docs And if I haven't at least chucked yet— I might, at that point, At least. I'm functioning at low capacity, I haven't eaten When I sleep, I hardly dream Or remember where I've been in Astral projections; This circle of protection, A perfection of reflected projections Of the vision, Created in our image; Imagine, Making television— I had to write a film about it Now I just remembered, I have albums, the advantage I want him, but can't have him Above average handsome man// All I am is an obsessive fan without a family Have a plan, But nothing left to stand for I'm just buried in the sand, And asking if the seagull might just hold my hand Damn I'm so damaged Damn A dine and dash sounds nice, I can't— I'm showing tracks I feel like trash, But haven't half the magic left I had inside my hands Damn After all that I just feel fat Maybe a can of candelini beans, In place of meat Maybe a salad in a bag Can I afford that? Yeah, but then it's back to Jimmy Fallon Damn Damn My karma came back fast I left the man with Jimmy Fallon, I'm not worth ⅓ the bag of Pretzels that I smashed Inside the can of rancheros, That fell out as I ran A random act Of patriotism, Dressed up in a sinful Leather dress, And a dad hat The House Nigga caught me red handed: I told him I was hungry, then just left it [red light camera] Man. I just saw the flash Ask Uncle Sam if I can have my land back But I'd have to move my mask, And haven't been vaccinated; So I can't… Pass, Beyond the border or internationals At that, I text my fake ass friends a snap Of half of someone's head, He's sitting in first class, And can probably afford to check a bag, But all I have is my backpack And I'm certain under a black mask Is the man who backmasked tracks, And blasted from the past With ashes grey to match His privileged rich pajama, with the slacks He bounces back, And asks a fan to “Gimmie your hat” And just like magic, she passes it. Wait, I'm actually passing, yeah? Who's actual class is this? Pasqualle's a proud headmaster, And a Bampheramph, The Captain dances in his honor I put on my cap and gown, But can't go on, and can't believe I'm being honored Valedictorian Kandi Accomplished PLUR Police and Motherfucker OG Raver Graduate, I'm still glowing up from all the love I got when coming up from under, Or something; I had to lose my temper Followed one and then another, And I wonder what was up When it was over I'm just a lover; But I never found The One, Now I'm not gonna I'm too busy seeking out producers, to compete with Got computer, complete with Ableton Don't mind me, I'm just writing all this out instead of sorting through the Dillon and the Sonny or the anyone I've ever loved just listening And listening And singing, writing, dancing; I was born inside the box, And I still haven't started living Change my name to Sunnï Daisy Raiin, I go insane in pain Just sorting me through all these posibilities inside my brain Yes, I guess I've changed LA made me everything I hate about myself And so I'm changing I don't want anything I need Just take this apathy and envy, gluttony and greed, I guess I'll serve the PLUR Police, Until I find the peace the city needs So I can sleep in it— And I can finish writing my goodbye to everyone I love; Including me— I can't be S U P A C R E E, She's just a vigilante alien, a superpowered something Who should be mixing, But she's busy writing this. Ū She's not mad at him, or anything In fact, She's just a fragment Or a figment or a magnet, that managed to stick In his imagination I hang out in this memory It's bad, But I keep going back-- I thought maybe I could manage it Keep it from happening But it just keeps happening And hasn't yet I have to see him. His eyes. He's hiding it. I know where the rest is. Skrillex has it. I'm dying, right? I have to be dying. You're dead. But I'm dying. I've been here before and I've felt it. Tokyo? High rise. Sounds Nice. Check the price on a flight. Likewise, I've tried to find this guy about a million times. I know where he hides it. So, how does it end? It just ends. yeah --but how does it end? It just...ended. You actually have to leave, to get out of here. NO… Don't do it. Don't do what? I didn't do anything. This is the way she wanted it. JUMP. Jump--now? Are you sure? This morning my mind was made up; I was going to Thailand for over a month. Sweet, and Rich-- But Flaky Like a pastry in the morning; Seems like a great treat but really, He's no good for me So we'll have a Mexican Wedding Damn. How did Dillon Francis get so high up??? Well, I found him hanging from a tree, so. OH FUCK, I GET IT-- HE IS GERALD. Damn. I don't know how to explain this… Oh shit, I get it; I'm Gerald. - HI, I'm Gerald. Dude, I can't tell the story of Gerald. Only Dillon Francis can do that. I concur. That's right. Gerald is his friend-- --He's my friend-- I'm not go-- And that's it. It just ends. 08. 08. -ENTER THE MULTIVERSE: The Switch

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