The Gary Null Show - 12.21.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

VIDEOS: CRY FOR FREEDOM – Why cyborgs won’t save the world (FILM) Gravitas: Did the US help China cover-up Covid-19 outbreak? (10:57) MEP Clare Daly   Drinking hot tea every day linked to lower glaucoma risk Brown University and UCLA, December 14, 2022 Drinking a cup of hot tea at least once a day may be linked to a significantly lower risk of developing the serious eye condition, glaucoma, finds a small study published online in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. The researchers looked at data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the US. This is a nationally representative annual survey of around 10, 000 people that includes interviews, physical examinations, and blood samples, designed to gauge the health and nutritional status of US adults and children. In this particular year, it also included eye tests for glaucoma. Among the 1678 participants who had full eye test results, including photos, 84 (5%) adults had developed the condition. They were asked how often and how much they had drunk of caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks, including soft drinks and iced tea, over the preceding 12 months, using a validated questionnaire (Food Frequency). Compared with those who didn’t drink hot tea every day, those who did, had a lower glaucoma risk, the data showed. After taking account of potentially influential factors, such as diabetes and smoking, hot tea-drinkers were 74 per cent less likely to have glaucoma. But no such associations were found for coffee—caffeinated or decaffeinated—decaffeinated tea, iced tea or soft drinks. This is an observational study so no firm conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect, and the absolute numbers of those with glaucoma were small. Information on when glaucoma had been diagnosed was also unavailable. But tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective chemicals, which have been associated with a lowered risk of serious conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, say the researchers. (NEXT) Effects of Resveratrol on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial. Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland), November 29, 2022 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy affecting women of reproductive age. Hyperandrogenism is the central feature of PCOS. Studies on isolated ovarian theca-interstitial cells suggest that resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, reduces androgen production. This study was designed to evaluate endocrine and metabolic effects of resveratrol on PCOS. This was a randomized (1:1) double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that evaluated the effects of resveratrol over a period of 3 months in an academic hospital. Resveratrol (1,500 mg p.o.) or placebo were administered daily. Primary outcome was the change in the serum total T. Resveratrol treatment led to a significant decrease of total T by 23.1% . In parallel, resveratrol induced a 22.2% decrease of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, a decrease of fasting insulin level by 31.8% and an increase of the Insulin Sensitivity Index (Matsuda and DeFronzo) by 66.3%. Levels of gonadotropins, the lipid profile as well as markers of inflammation and endothelial function were not significantly altered. Resveratrol significantly reduced ovarian and adrenal androgens. This effect may be, at least in part, related to an improvement of insulin sensitivity and a decline of insulin level. (NEXT) Encouraging risk-taking in children may reduce the prevalence of childhood anxiety Macquarie University’s Centre for Emotional Health (Netherlands), December 13, 2022 A new international study suggests that parents who employ challenging parent behavioural (CPB) methods – active physical and verbal behaviours that encourage children to push their limits – are likely protecting their children from developing childhood anxiety disorders. Researchers from Macquarie University’s Centre for Emotional Health, along

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