The Gary Null Show - 12.13.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Videos: Gravitas: Did the US help China cover-up Covid-19 outbreak? (10:57) Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianis   Supplemental, dietary antioxidant intake linked with lower dementia riskLishui University (China), December 12 2022. Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the journal European Geriatric Medicine revealed a relationship between increased intake of antioxidant vitamins C and E and a lower risk of dementia.Futao Zhou and colleagues identified 75 studies from 19 articles that included a total of 28,257 participants for their review. The studies evaluated the association between intake from diet and/or supplements of beta-carotene, flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin E with Alzheimer disease, all-cause dementia and cognitive impairment without dementia. The research included 2,557 participants with Alzheimer disease, 1,035 cases categorized as all-cause dementia and 6,197 cases of cognitive impairment without dementia. When high intake of vitamins C or E was compared to low intake, high dietary plus supplemental intake of either vitamin was associated with a “markedly” lower risk of Alzheimer disease. High vitamin C from diet plus supplementation was associated with 30% lower risk and high vitamin E with a 27% lower risk of the disease in comparison with low intake. Each 20 milligram per day increase in vitamin C from diet, diet plus supplements, or overall, was associated with a 2% reduction in the risk of Alzheimer disease. When dementia from all causes was examined, the authors reported that “It is supplemental, not dietary, use of vitamin E or vitamin C that can significantly reduce the risk.” High supplemental vitamin C intake was associated with a 19% lower risk of all-cause dementia and high supplemental vitamin E intake with a 20% lower risk compared with low intake. (NEXT) Antioxidant capacity of orange juice is multiplied tenfold University of Granada, December 5, 2022 The antioxidant activity of citrus juices and other foods is undervalued. A new technique developed by researchers from the University of Granada for measuring this property generates values that are ten times higher than those indicated by current analysis methods. The results suggest that tables on the antioxidant capacities of food products that dieticians and health authorities use must be revised. In order to study these compounds in the laboratory, techniques that simulate the digestion of food in the digestive tract are used, which analyse only the antioxidant capacities of those substances that can potentially be absorbed in the small intestine: the liquid fraction of what we eat. “The problem is that the antioxidant activity of the solid fraction (the fibre) isn’t measured, as it’s assumed that it isn’t beneficial. However, this insoluble fraction arrives at the large intestine and the intestinal microbiota can also ferment it and extract even more antioxidant substances, which we can assess with our new methodology,” José Ángel Rufián Henares, professor at the University of Granada, explains. His team has developed a technique called ‘global antioxidant response’ (GAR), which includes an in vitro simulation of the gastrointestinal digestion that occurs in our body, whilst taking into account the ‘forgotten’ antioxidant capacity of the solid fraction. Upon applying the technique to commercial and natural orange, mandarin, lemon and grapefruit juices, it has been proved that their values greatly increase. For example, in the case of orange juice, the value ranges from 2.3 mmol Trolox/L (units for the antioxidant capacity) registered with a traditional technique to 23 mmol Trolox/L with the new GAR method. (NEXT) ‘Obesity can reduce life by up to 8 years’ McGill University (Montreal), December 8, 2022 Life expectancy can be reduced by up to 8 years by obesity, which can also cause adults to lose as much as 19 years of healthy life if it leads to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular

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