The Gary Null Show - 12.02.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Video: Nothing is more anti-woman than this. Gen Z Refuses to Grow Up | With Dr. Jean Twenge   Tomato extract shows blood thinning potential versus aspirin: StudyUniversity of Aberdeen (Scotland), November 23, 2022 A proprietary tomato extract has been shown to thin blood in healthy people – but less severely than aspirin and without typical side-effects. The research – published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded the lycopene-free extract “may be appropriate for use as a dietary antiplatelet.” Lead researcher Dr Niamh O’Kennedy working at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland told us the research showed tomato extracts could be used as alternatives to drugs like aspirin for blood thinning. This was especially the case for groups like the elderly who frequently were intolerant of drugs like aspirin typically prescribed for that purpose. “Platelet function is very tricky,” Dr O’Kennedy told us. “If you knock out the platelets it can have a bad effect on the body. And many treatments knock out too much. Some people respond strongly so bad they bleed. ” She added: “Results like this show that people and the medical world should start looking at dietary interventions like these that can have a big impact.” Platelet plugs usually form within 50-100 seconds. The researchers found platelet plugs were formed within 100-150 seconds among tomato extract users, compared to 300-600 seconds for aspirin users. Because of this more gentle effect, Dr Kennedy and her team suggested tomato extract could be a suitable dietary intervention to control platelet hyperactivity which increases with age, the onset of type II diabetes, mellitus, atherosclerosis and other conditions in subjects with low cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. (Next) Use of penicillin early in life, even in low doses, affects the gut microbiome, contributing to brain inflammation and changes in behavior McMaster University (Ontario), November 18, 2022 It is truly unavoidable to catch a cold or contract a disease, especially with today’s lifestyle trends and medical misinformation. A lot of the medicine we use to treat our health conditions may actually cause more harm than good. A St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University joint study found that low doses of penicillin administered to pregnant mice and their young results in behavioral changes that have long-term effects. The study, which was published in Nature Communications, reports that the behavioral changes noted in the mice included elevated levels of aggression, characteristic neurochemical changes in the brain, and imbalance in the gut microbiome of the mice. On the bright side, giving the mice a lactobacillus strain of bacteria managed to prevent the effects of the administered penicillin. Low-dose penicillin taken in late pregnancy and early life of mice offspring results in behavioral changes and imbalances in the microbes of the gut. While the tests were done on mice, there are increasing concerns about the long-term effects of antiobiotics in humans, according to Dr. John Bienenstock, director of the Brain-Body Institute at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and distinguished professor at McMaster University. Large doses of multipurpose antibiotics in adult animals have been shown to affect behavior, but none have been able to test the effects of clinical doses of commonly used antibiotics, such as penicillin, on the bacteria in the gut and in behavior. Almost all babies in North America have received some dose of antibiotics during their first year of life. Researchers are looking into analyzing the effects of the drug on the offspring of the mice if given only to the pregnant mothers (teratogenesis). Penicillin is the first type of medication that is effective against bacterial infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci, but is however, easy to build resistance against. Almost 10 percent of all people around the

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