The Gary Null Show - 12.01.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

VIDEOS: AI robot terrifies officials, explains our illusion, with Elon Musk. (16:17) Peterson Tells Millennials Why They CAN’T Change The World.. (8:03) “WATCH OUT! It started…” – Peter Schiff’s Last WARNING (10:07) So THIS is how they plan to screw these companies, from inside out | Redacted with Clayton Morris (2:48) Higher vitamin K intake linked to lower bone fracture risk late in lifeEdith Cowan University (Australia), November 28,. 2022 Breaking bones can be life changing events—especially as we age, when hip fractures can become particularly damaging and result in disability, compromised independence and a higher mortality risk. But research from Edith Cowan University’s Nutrition and Health Innovation Research Institute has revealed there may be something you can do to help reduce your risk of fractures later in life. In collaboration with the University of Western Australia, the study looked at the relationship between fracture-related hospitalizations and vitamin K1 intake in almost 1,400 older Australian women over a 14.5-year period from the Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women. It found women who ate more than 100 micrograms of vitamin K1 consumption—equivalent to about 125g of dark leafy vegetables, or one-to-two serves of vegetables—were 31% less likely to have any fracture compared to participants who consumed less than 60 micrograms per day, which is the current vitamin K adequate intake guideline in Australia for women. There were even more positive results regarding hip fractures, with those who ate the most vitamin K1 cutting their risk of hospitalization almost in half (49%). “Basic studies of vitamin K1 have identified a critical role in the carboxylation of the vitamin K1-dependant bone proteins such as osteocalcin, which is believed to improve bone toughness.”A previous ECU trial indicates dietary vitamin K1 intakes of less than 100 micrograms per day may be too low for this carboxylation. “Vitamin K1 may also promote bone health by inhibiting various bone resorbing agents.”Dr. Sim said eating more than 100 micrograms of vitamin K1 daily was ideal—and, happily, it isn’t too difficult to do.”Consuming this much daily vitamin K1 can easily be achieved by consuming between 75–150g, equivalent to one to two serves, of vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli and cabbage,” he said. (next) Quercetin found to offer natural protection against influenza virus Southern Medical Institute (Guangdong China) November 23, 2022 With the flu season upon us, and it looks like they may have a powerful new ally in quercetin, a potent flavonoid and phytonutrient found in many healthy foods and online. New research reveals:A group of Chinese scientists released a study showing that quercetin can actually block the flu virus from entering cells – which the virus needs to do in order to live and replicate. The team conducted the study by adding quercetin to cells prior to infecting them with influenza, and found that the quercetin-treated cells had significantly lower rates of infection than the cells that had not been treated – an obvious inhibitory effect.Quercetin was found to be effective against Influenza A, as well as its subtypes H1N1 and H3N1. It was also found to work against H5N1, or avian flu – a particularly dangerous subtype with a 60 percent mortality rate. Researchers characterized quercetin as having the potential to be a safe, effective and affordable treatment for Influenza The team noted that quercetin blocked the H protein and, along with it, virus entry. This finding showed that quercetin was effective when added during the process of virus infection, rather than post-virus infection. In other words, quercetin stopped the influenza virus in its tracks, near the beginning of the infection process – which consists of attachment, entry, replication and release. Also encouraging is the fact that viruses are not able to develop resistance to quercetin. In fact, when quercetin was used with anti

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