The Gary Null Show - 11.30.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Video: Peterson Tells Millennials Why They CAN’T Change The World.. (8:03) “WATCH OUT! It started…” – Peter Schiff’s Last WARNING (10:07) So THIS is how they plan to screw these companies, from inside out | Redacted with Clayton Morris (2:48) Higher vitamin C levels associated with lower mortality risk during 16-year period Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, November 25, 2022 A study reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health has uncovered an association between higher plasma vitamin C levels and a lower risk of mortality during more than 16 years of follow-up. The study included 473 men and 475 women between the ages of 53 and 84 who were enrolled in the General Population Nutrition Intervention Trial (NIT) cohort in Linxian, China. Plasma samples collected from 1999 to 2000 were analyzed for vitamin C levels. During the 16.4-year follow-up period, among subjects whose plasma vitamin C concentrations were among the top 25%, the adjusted risk of dying from any cause during follow-up was 25% lower than the risk experienced by subjects whose vitamin C levels were among the lowest quarter. Those whose plasma vitamin C levels were among the highest 25% had an adjusted risk of dying from cancer or stroke that was 28% lower and a risk of dying from heart disease that was 35% lower than subjects whose levels were lowest. When subjects with low vitamin C levels (defined as 28 micromoles per liter or below) and normal levels (greater than 28 micromoles per liter) were compared, a normal level was associated with a 23% lower risk of premature mortality and a 38% lower risk of dying from heart disease, in comparison with low levels. As a possible reason for their findings, Shao-Ming Wang and colleagues note that oxidative stress is lowered by vitamin C. Oxidative stress can promote endothelial dysfunction that underlies heart disease by increasing inflammation and lipid peroxidation and decreasing nitric oxide availability. Oxidative stress also causes DNA damage associated with cancer.”This study is the first to find the general benefits for higher plasma vitamin C concentrations on total and cause-specific mortalities, including cancer and heart diseases, in a long-term prospective cohort from China,” the authors announce. “In this long-term prospective Chinese cohort study, higher plasma vitamin C concentration was associated with lower total mortality, heart disease mortality, and cancer mortality. Our results corroborate the importance of adequate vitamin C to human health.” (next) Cauliflower Prevent Various Cancers: Thanks to Sulforaphane Compounds Rugters University, November 19, 2022 Cauliflower contains glucosinolates and thiocyanates — both sulfur-containing phytonutrients that cleanse the body of damaging free radicals. It also contains a substance called sulforaphane (SFN), a compound known to inhibit the occurrence of some cancers in rats caused by carcinogens, primarily colon cancer. In the Rutger’s research, it was found once again that diet does matter in cancer prevention: “Our research has substantiated the connection between diet and cancer prevention, and it is now clear that the expression of cancer-related genes can be influenced by chemopreventive compounds in the things we eat,” said Kong, a professor of pharmaceutics in the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. In this particular study, mice fed a diet high in sulforaphane, the substance naturally occurring in cauliflower and broccoli, enjoyed fewer cancerous tumors, polyps, and smaller tumors in their colons. After three weeks, the mice fed sulforaphane had a 25% decline in tumors and those given double the dose had a 47% decrease in cancerous tumors. The results are obvious, “Our results showed that SFN produced its cancer preventive effects in the mice by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and inhibiting proliferation of the tumors; however, it was not clear what mechanism SFN e

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