The Gary Null Show - 07.22.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Antihypertensive and antioxidant activity in black beans National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico)   16 July 2022    Beans are one of the most important crops for the Mexican population due to its nutritional qualities. In fact, the country is one of the top 10 producers of this legume in the world, and several studies have reflected the correlation between consumption and decreased chronic degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.   Therefore, the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN-ENCB), conducted an investigation to evaluate the antioxidant and antihypertensive activity in black beans, and found that in addition to these qualities, proteins in the bean can remove heavy metals from the body.    The polytechnic research identified bioactive peptides in the legume that have a beneficial effect as antihypertensive and antioxidant, which could favor the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, with a specific effect on blood pressure and oxidative stress.    It was determined that fasolina and lectin hydrolysates (main proteins in the Jamapa black bean) had chelating activity (removal of heavy metals in the body) and, when hydrolyzed with pepsin-pancratin, they release peptides (amino acids) with antihypertensive and antioxidant effects.    Could Eating Fruit More Often Keep Depression At Bay? Aston University (UK), July 15, 2022 People who frequently eat fruit are more likely to report greater positive mental well-being and are less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who do not, according to new research from the College of Health and Life Sciences, Aston University The study found frequent fruit eaters had greater positive mental wellbeing The study surveyed 428 adults and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet and savoury food snacks and their psychological health The more often people ate fruit, the lower they scored for depression and the higher for mental well-being. Published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the study surveyed 428 adults from across the UK and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet and savoury food snacks, and their psychological health. People who frequently snacked on nutrient-poor savoury foods (such as crisps) were more likely to experience 'everyday mental lapses' (known as subjective cognitive failures) and report lower mental wellbeing. A greater number of lapses, was associated with higher reported symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression, and lower mental wellbeing scores.       Effect of Short-term Quercetin, Caloric Restriction in Late Life Effective to Counter Age-Related Oxidative Macromolecular Damage. Pondicherry University (India), July 13, 2022   According to news from Pondicherry, India, research stated, "Aging is characterized by gradual accumulation of macromolecular damage leading to progressive loss of physiological function and increased susceptibility to diverse diseases. Effective anti-aging strategies involving caloric restriction or antioxidant supplementation are receiving growing attention to attenuate macromolecular damage in age associated pathology." Research from Pondicherry University, "In the present study, we for the first time investigated the effect of quercetin, caloric restriction and combined treatment (caloric restriction with quercetin) on oxidative stress parameters, acetylcholinesterase and ATPases enzyme activities in the cerebral cortex of aged male Wistar rats.  Our results demonstrate that combined treatment of caloric restriction and quercetin significantly improved the age associated decline in the activities of endogenous antioxidant enzymes [such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)] and glutathione (GSH), and nitric oxide (NO).  According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "Finally, we conclud

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