The Gary Null Show - 06.03.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Videos: 1.  World Economic Forum – Hackable Humans – Yuval Noah Harari, 2.  Introducing The Reset: The Great Reset Docuseries (start @ 11:00) 3. Lara Logan Rapid Fires Truth Bombs On Ukraine Propaganda & The Democrat Narratives Of The Day (2:57) 4 .Kissinger: China, US Should Work Together to Understand, Respect Each Other’s Core Interests (3:14) 5. Tipping Point – The Risks of Pfizer’s Vaccine to Unborn Babies – with Naomi Wolf (start at 1.48) 6.  Good news! WHO Pandemic ‘Treaty’ voted down (6:09) 7. Gravitas: Is climate activism becoming a nuisance to society? (4:32) 8. Why Asia Pacific Chose China (You Won’t Believe What America Did) – Cyrus Janssen (10:37) Study confirms benefit of supplements for slowing age-related macular degeneration National Eye Institute, June 2 The Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS and AREDS2) established that dietary supplements can slow progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness in older Americans. In a new report, scientists analyzed 10 years of AREDS2 data. They show that the AREDS2 formula, which substituted antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin for beta-carotene, not only reduces risk of lung cancer due to beta-carotene, but is also more effective at reducing risk of AMD progression, compared to the original formula. “Because beta-carotene increased the risk of lung cancer for current smokers in two NIH-supported studies, our goal with AREDS2 was to create an equally effective supplement formula that could be used by anyone, whether or not they smoke,” said Emily Chew, M.D., at the National Eye Institute (NEI).” In AREDS2, begun in 2006, Chew and colleagues compared the beta-carotene formulation to one with 10 mg lutein and 2 mg zeaxanthin instead. Like beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants with activity in the retina. The beta-carotene-containing formation was only given to participants who had never smoked or who had quit smoking. At the end of the five-year AREDS2 study period, the researchers concluded that lutein and zeaxanthin did not increase risk for lung cancer, and that the new formation could reduce the risk of AMD progression by about 26%. (NEXT) Exercise amplifies immune attack on pancreatic cancer New York University Langone Health, June 2 Aerobic exercise reprograms the immune system to reduce pancreatic tumor growth and amplify the effects of immunotherapy, a new study finds. Published online in Cancer Cell, the study provides new insight into how the mammalian immune system, designed to attack foreign invaders like bacteria, can also recognize cancer cells as abnormal. Exercise-induced increases in levels of the hormone adrenalin cause changes to the immune system, say the study authors, including in the activity of cells that respond to signaling protein interleukin-15 (IL-15). The current study found that exercise promotes the survival of CD8 T cells sensitive to IL-15, and doubles the number of them homing to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) tumors in mice. Such “effector” T cells have been shown by other studies to be capable of killing cancer cells. Other tests found that aerobic exercise for 30 minutes five times a week reduced the rate of cancer formation by 50 percent in one mouse model of PDAC, and reduced tumor weight by 25 percent in another model, in which mice ran on treadmills for three weeks. Our findings show, for the first time, how aerobic exercise affects the immune microenvironment within pancreatic tumors,” says first author Emma Kurz, MD, Ph.D., at NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Vilcek Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences. (NEXT) Antibiotics wreak havoc on athletic performance University of California at Riverside, June 1 New research demonstrates that by killing essential gut bacteria, antibiotics ravage athletes’ motivation and endurance. The UC Riverside-led mouse study suggests the microbiome is a big factor separating athletes from couch potatoes. Other studies have examined the way that exercise affects the microbiome, but this study is one of few to examine the reverse — how gut bacteria also impact voluntary exercise behaviors. Voluntary exercise involves both motivation and athletic ability. Researchers confirmed through fecal samples that after 10 days of antibiotics, gut bacteria were reduced in two groups of mice: some bred for high levels of running, and some that were not. So, when wheel running in the athletic mice was reduced by 21 percent, researchers were certain the microbiome damage was responsible. In addition, the high runner mice did not recover their running behavior even 12 days after the antibiotic treatment stopped. (NEXT) Study: Trans Fat Hides in at Least a Quarter of Supermarket Foods Environmental Working Group, May 22 A new analysis  by Environmental Working Group has found that harmful artificial trans fatty acids lurk in more than 27 percent of more than 84,000 processed foods common in American supermarkets.  Another 10 percent contain ingredients likely to contain trans fat. EWG analysts used information from EWG’s Food Scores database and mobile app  to determine which foods contained partially hydrogenated oils and other trans fat containing-ingredients. The interactive, searchable tool rates more than 84,000 foods and 5,000 ingredients based on nutrition, ingredient and processing concerns. In most cases, the products’ trans fat content on the nutrition label doesn’t add up. The reason: an obscure loophole in federal food labeling regulations that allows food processors to round off less than half a gram of trans fat per serving to zero. A single serving of more than 400 foods in the Food Scores database contained enough trans fat to exceed the World Health Organization’s recommended limit of less than 2 grams per day for an adult who consumed a 2,000 calorie diet, the analysis said. (NEXT) Coffee drinking again linked with longer life Jinan University (China), June 1 2022.  Yet another study has found an association between coffee drinking and a lower risk of premature mortality. The research was reported n the Annals of Internal Medicine. The investigation included 171,616 men and women who did not have cancer or heart disease upon enrollment between 2006 to 2010 in the UK Biobank prospective cohort study. Participants were 37 to 73 years old at recruitment. During a 7-year median follow-up period, participants who consumed unsweetened coffee had up to a 29% lower risk of death (which was associated with drinking 2.5 to 4.5 cups per day) compared to those who did not drink coffee. Participants who drank sugar-sweetened coffee had up to a 31% lower risk, associated with consuming 1.5 to 2.5 cups per day. The association between artificially sweetened coffee and mortality risk was inconclusive. “This prospective analysis found that moderate consumption of unsweetened coffee and that of sugar-sweetened coffee were associated with similar reductions in risk for all-cause, cancer-related, and cardiovascular disease-related mortality,” authors Dan Liu, MD, of Jinan University and colleagues concluded.

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