The Gary Null Show - 05.24.22

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Want to escape Alzheimer’s disease? Run for your life and exercise Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Israel), May 20, 2022 

Exercise slows down aging of the brain and can reduce risks of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by about half.

 Long-term epidemiological and physical studies show that exercise can improve memory, concentration and mood and minimize pain, as well as reduce the risk of cognitive damage, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and depression.
 “These findings flew in the face of the belief that over the age of 30, the neurons decline irreversibly. Today we know that the adult brain has many stem cells that when stimulated can differentiate and turn into ripe neurons that know how to create synapses.” The neurologist added that for some unknown reason, the best potential for differentiation exists in brain regions responsible for memory.
 Exercise promotes the secretion of trophic factors — including brain-derived neurotrophic factor that encourage the growth of stem cells that turn into adult nerve cells. he added. These factors activate genes responsible for the development of stem cells in the hippocampus and other brain regions involved in memory, storage and processing of data. They are available in large quantities during a baby’s first years when the brain develops at a rapid pace, but the amounts decline during adolescence and aging.
 It was best to do aerobic exercise (causing the heart and lungs to exert themselves) along with non-aerobic exercise (strengthening the muscles on the skeleton) at least three times a week. Even if you exercise just as an adult and the cognitive decline has begun, your physical activity will slow down the rate of decline.
 Orange juice is good for ageing brain: Study University of Reading (UK) May 19, 2022 Drinking orange juice could help improve brain function in elderly people, says a new study. The study saw a group of 37 healthy adults (mean age 67 years) consuming 500 ml of orange juice daily over an eight week period. At the beginning and end of the eight weeks their memory, reaction time and verbal fluency was measured.  This study is thought to be one of the first to show that regularly consuming orange juice flavanones could have a positive effect on older people’s cognition.  “This is an important discovery which strengthens the growing body of evidence that flavonoid rich foodstuffs could play a big role in tackling cognition decline in old age,” he concluded.  Oil Pulling For Maintaining Oral Hygiene – Review Yenepoya University and Dental College (India), May 22, 202 Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic therapy for maintaining oral hygiene. Oils for oil pulling are easily available in household. Oil pulling is mentioned in the ayurvedic text Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita as ‘Kavala Graha’ or ‘Kavala Gandoosha’.  In Gandoosha the mouth is completely filled with oil such that gargling is impossible whereas in Kavala Graha comfortable lesser quantities of oil is used such that gargling is possible. In oil pulling, a tablespoon full of oil is swished around the mouth in the early morning before breakfast and in empty stomach for about 20 min. In case of children greater than five years of age, a teaspoon of oil is used. The oil is ‘pulled’ and forced in between all the teeth by swishing it all around the mouth. At the end of this activity if the procedure is done correctly, the viscous oil will become milky white and thinner. Then it is spit out and mouth is thoroughly washed with clean warm saline water or tap water and teeth are cleaned with fingers or routine tooth brushing is performed.9 If the jaw aches, then the procedure can be done just for 5–10 min. The oil should not be spit into the sink as the oil can cause clogging of the pipes. Instead, the oil should be spit into a trashcan or on a paper towel. Oil pulling should be ideally performed daily morning on empty stomach before brushing teeth and care should be taken that oil is not swallowed. Swallowing of oil during oil pulling should be avoided as the oil contains bacteria and toxins. Oil pulling is best practiced in sitting position with chin up. It can be practiced thrice daily in empty stomach before meals to fasten the healing effects. It is contraindicated for children below 5 years due to risk of aspiration. The practitioner should take care not to aspirate the oil while performing rigorous oil pulling. In cases of oral ulcers, fever, vomiting tendency, asthma and in conditions where brushing is difficult and sometimes contraindicated, oil pulling can be advantageously used to maintain oral hygiene. Organic oils such as sunflower oil, sesame oil, and coconut oil are of benefit especially if it is cold pressed, though refined oil also works in “pulling” the bacteria, viruses and protozoa from the oral cavity. Since trans fats are absent in cold pressed oils when compared to commercial oils which are extracted from strong petroleum based solvents; oil pulling is ideally performed with cold pressed oils. Oil pulling generates antioxidants which damage the cell wall of microorganisms and kill them. These oils will attract the lipid layer of bacterial cell membranes, and cause it to stick or get attracted, and pulled to the oil. During oil pulling, the oil gets emulsified and surface area of the oil gets increased. Paracetamol (Tyenol) in pregnancy may lower testosterone in unborn boys University of Edinburgh, May 20th, 2022 Prolonged paracetamol use by pregnant women may reduce testosterone production in unborn baby boys, research has found. Researchers say their findings could help to explain reported links between paracetamol use in pregnancy and reproductive health problems in young boys. The University of Edinburgh study tested the effect of paracetamol on testosterone production in mice that carried grafts of human testicular tissue. These grafts have been shown to mimic how the developing testes grow and function during pregnancy. Scientists gave the mice a typical daily dose of paracetamol – over a period of either 24 hours or seven days. They measured the amount of testosterone produced by the human tissue an hour after the final dose of paracetamol. They found there was no effect on testosterone production following 24 hours of paracetamol treatment. After seven days of exposure, however, the amount of testosterone was reduced by 45 per cent. Natural plant chemicals in licorice root could help fight tooth decay, study shows University of Edinburgh (Scotland), May 20, 2022 Oral care products containing a natural chemical that stops bacteria harming teeth could help prevent decay, a study suggests. The plant natural product acts against harmful mouth bacteria and could improve oral health by helping to prevent the build-up of plaque, researchers say. The compound – known as trans-chalcone – is related to chemicals found in liquorice root. The study shows that it blocks the action of a key enzyme that allows the bacteria to thrive in oral cavities. Researchers found that blocking the activity of the enzyme prevents bacteria forming a protective biological layer – known as a biofilm – around themselves. Plaque is formed when bacteria attach themselves to teeth and construct biofilms. Preventing the assembly of these protective layers would help stop bacteria forming plaque, the teams says. Another Practice That Helps Gut Disease: Yoga, Meditation and Prayer, Says Study Benson-Henry Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital, May 19, 2022  A pilot study has found that participating in a nine-week training program including elicitation of the relaxation response (mind body stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation and prayer) had a significant impact on clinical symptoms of the gastrointestinal disorders irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease and on the expression of genes related to inflammation and the body’s response to stress. These practices actually have a tangible effect on genes!

 The report  is the first to study the use of the relaxation response in these disorders and the first to investigate the genomic effects of the relaxation response in individuals with any disorder.
 The current study was designed both to investigate whether a relaxation-response-based intervention could improve the quality of life in patients with IBS or IBD and to analyze the intervention’s effects on inflammatory markers and gene expression. The study enrolled 48 adult participants – 19 of whom had been diagnosed with IBS and 29 diagnosed with IBD – who participated in a nine-week group program focused on stress reduction, cognitive skills and health-enhancing behaviors. Each of the weekly sessions included relaxation response training, and participants were asked to practice relaxation response elicitation at home for 15 to 20 minutes each day. Along with aspects featured in other group programs offered at the Benson-Henry Institute, this program included a session specifically focused on gastrointestinal health. Both in patients with IBS and those with IBD, participation in the mind/body program appeared to have significantly improved disease-related symptoms, anxiety and overall quality of life, not only at the end of the study period but also three weeks later. While there were no significant changes in inflammatory markers for either group of participants, changes in expression were observed in almost 200 genes among participants with IBS and more than 1,000 genes in those with IBD. Many of the genes with altered expression are known to contribute to pathways involved with stress response and inflammation. Videos: 1. ELDERLY SUICIDE – This is Agenda 21 – MUST SEE! (0:31) 2. She’s exposing the truth at Davos | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris (18:23) 3. The Coddling of the American Mind moderated by Malcolm Gladwell (first 12:00)  4. The World Hoax Plandemic Treaty 5. Senate blocks $48 billion aid package for the US, but sends 40 billion to Ukraine

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