The Gary Null Show - 05.04.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Videos :  2. Fake Cases: The Fraudulent PCR Test Is at the Heart of This Entire Plandemic – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Judy Mikovits & More   3.  Over 17,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree: “There Is No Medical Emergency” – Dr. Robert Malone   4. Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange   Cranberry juice may slash cardiometabolic risk factors: RCT study USDA Agriculture Research Center, April 30, 2022 Daily consumption of a low-calorie cranberry juice may improve certain risk factors of heart disease, including blood pressure and triglycerides, says a new study from the Agricultural Research Service at the USDA. Eight weeks of supplementing the diet with a cranberry juice containing 173 mg of phenolic compounds per serving was associated with significant reductions in C-reactive protein (CRP), diastolic blood pressure, and blood sugar levels, according to findings published in the Journal of Nutrition . While the majority of the science supporting the health benefits of cranberries is for urinary tract health, a growing body of data supports the cardiovascular potential of the berries. For example, a study by scientists at the Mayo Clinic and College of Medicine found that two glasses of cranberry juice a day may protect against the development of hardening of the arteries. Writing in the European Journal of Nutrition (Vol. 52, pp 289-296), the Mayo Clinic researchers reported that no effect was observed on the function of the cells lining the arteries (endothelial cells), but cranberry juice may reduce the number of endothelial cells that produce a compound called osteocalcin, which has been linked to hardening of the arteries.     Vitamin D toxicity rare in people who take supplements, researchers report Mayo Clinic, April 30, 2022   Over the last decade, numerous studies have shown that many Americans have low vitamin D levels and as a result, vitamin D supplement use has climbed in recent years. In light of the increased use of vitamin D supplements, Mayo Clinic researchers set out to learn more about the health of those with high vitamin D levels. They found that toxic levels are actually rare. A vitamin D level greater than 50 nanograms per milliliter is considered high. Vitamin D levels are determined by a blood test called a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test. A normal level is 20-50 ng/mL, and deficiency is considered anything less than 20 ng/mL, according the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The researchers analyzed data collected over 10 years from patients in the Rochester Epidemiology Project, a National Institutes of Health-funded medical records pool , one of the few places worldwide where scientists can study virtually an entire geographic population to identify health trends. Of 20,308 measurements, 8 percent of the people who had their vitamin D measured had levels greater than 50 ng/mL, and less than 1 percent had levels over 100 ng/mL. "We found that even in those with high levels of vitamin D over 50 ng/mL, there was not an increased risk of hypercalcemia, or elevated serum calcium, with increasing levels of vitamin D," says study co-author Thomas D. Thacher, M.D., a family medicine expert at Mayo Clinic. Only one case over the 10-year study period was identified as true acute vitamin D toxicity; the person's vitamin D level was 364 ng/mL. The individual had been taking 50,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D supplements every day for more than three months, as well as calcium supplements. The IOM-recommended upper limit of vitamin D supplementation for people with low or deficient levels is 4,000 IU a day.     Reducing sedentary time mitigates the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases University of Turku (Finland), May 2, 2022 A new study suggests that reducing daily sedentary time can have a positive effect on the risk factors of lifestyle diseases already in three months. Spending just one hour less sitting daily and increasing light physical activity can help in the prevention of these diseases. In an intervention study of the Turku PET Centre and the UKK Institute in Finland, the researchers investigated whether health benefits can be achieved by reducing daily sedentary time during a three-month intervention period. The research participants were sedentary and physically inactive working-age adults with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The intervention group managed to reduce sedentary time by 50 minutes per day on average, mainly by increasing the amount of light- and moderate-intensity physical activity. In the three-month period, the researchers observed benefits in health outcomes related to blood sugar regulation, insulin sensitivity and liver health in the intervention group.     Study Finds Cannabis May Be A “Miracle” Treatment For Autistic Kids Shaare Zedek Medical Center (Israel), April 26, 2022 Autism could now be added to the lengthy and perpetually-expanding list of afflictions and symptoms treatable with the one product of nature shamefully prohibited by the federal government — the “miracle” palliative, cannabis. In a recent article titled, “Marijuana may be a miracle treatment for children with autism,” Israeli researchers began a new study comprised of 120 children ranging in age from five to 29 years, who have been diagnosed with mild to severe autism. Study participants are given one of two cannabis oil treatments or a placebo, drops of which can be mixed into a meal — none contain high levels of THC, the ingredient which gives users a ‘high.’ Myriad scientific studies and innumerable anecdotal cases have proven cannabis to treat everything from PTSD to ADHD, various cancers to the painful pressure of glaucoma — but the plant’s miraculous quality has been most apparent in treating severe seizures of childhood epilepsy. Now, it appears, cannabis — specifically, the non-psychoactive compound, cannabidiol or CBD — may offer improved quality of life for children with autism, and the families providing their care. In an observational study, the doctor found 70 patients with autism experienced positive results from cannabis — so the clinical trial was launched for in-depth study.     Resveratrol and pinostilbene provide neuroprotectoin against age-related deficits. Duquesne University, April 27, 2022 According to news, research stated, "Age-related declines in motor function may be due, in part, to an increase in oxidative stress in the aging brain leading to dopamine (DA) neuronal cell death. In this study, we examined the neuroprotective effects of natural antioxidants resveratrol and pinostilbene against age-related DAergic cell death and motor dysfunction using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and young, middle-aged, and old male C57BL/6 mice." The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from Duquesne University, "Resveratrol and pinostilbene protected SH-SY5Y cells from a DA-induced decrease in cell viability. Dietary supplementation with resveratrol and pinostilbene inhibited the decline of motor function observed with age. While DA and its metabolites (DOPAC and HVA), dopamine transporter, and tyrosine hydroxylase levels remain unchanged during aging or treatment, resveratrol and pinostilbene increased ERK1/2 activation in vitro and in vivo in an age-dependent manner. Inhibition of ERK1/2 in SH-SY5Y cells decreased the protective effects of both compounds." "These data suggest that resveratrol and pinostilbene alleviate age-related motor decline via the promotion of DA neuronal survival and activation of the ERK1/2 pathways." Study sheds light on the benefits of exercise in fatty liver disease University of Eastern Finland, May 3, 2022 Exercise supports the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) disease by impacting on several metabolic pathways in the body, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows Regular high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise over a period of 12 weeks significantly decreased the study participants' fasting glucose and waist circumference, and improved their maximum oxygen consumption rate and maximum achieved workload. These positive effects were associated with alterations in the abundance of a number of metabolites. In particular, exercise altered amino acid metabolism in adipose tissue. The study was published in Scientific Reports. Exercise had a beneficial effect on fasting glucose concentrations, waist circumference, maximum oxygen consumption rate, and maximum achieved workload. These factors were also associated with many of the observed alterations in the abundance of various metabolites in the exercise intervention group. The most significant alterations were observed in amino acids and their derivatives, lipids, and bile acids. In particular, exercise increased the levels of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, in adipose tissue. According to the researchers, their higher accumulations in adipose tissue may be associated with improved lipid and glucose metabolism, as well as with reduced insulin resistance. The levels of various gut microbial metabolites were altered as a result of exercise, which is suggestive of changes in the composition of gut microbes, or in their function. Among these metabolites, increased amount of indolelactic acid, for example, can strengthen the intestinal mucosa, immune defense, and glucose balance.    

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