The Gary Null Show - 04.20.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Chili peppers for a healthy gut: Spicy chemical may inhibit gut tumors University of California, San Diego   April 14, 2022 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that dietary capsaicin -- the active ingredient in chili peppers -- produces chronic activation of a receptor on cells lining the intestines of mice, triggering a reaction that ultimately reduces the risk of colorectal tumors. The receptor or ion channel, called TRPV1, was originally discovered in sensory neurons, where it acts as a sentinel for heat, acidity and spicy chemicals in the environment. "These are all potentially harmful stimuli to cells," said Eyal Raz, MD, senior author of the study. "Thus, TRPV1 was quickly described as a molecular 'pain receptor.' But Raz and colleagues have found that TPRV1 is also expressed by epithelial cells of the intestines, where it is activated by epidermal growth factor receptor or EGFR. EGFR is an important driver of cell proliferation in the intestines, whose epithelial lining is replaced approximately every four to six days. The scientists discovered that TRPV1, once activated by the EGFR, initiates a direct negative feedback on the EGFR, dampening the latter to reduce the risk of unwanted growth and intestinal tumor development. They found that mice genetically modified to be TRPV1-deficient suffered higher-than-normal rates of intestinal tumor growths. The researchers fed capsaicin to mice genetically prone to developing multiple tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment resulted in a reduced tumor burden and extended the lifespans of the mice by more than 30 percent.   (NEXT)   How Tart Cherries Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress University of Michigan,  April 15, 2022 Michigan researchers had previously shown that a cherry-enriched diet not only reduced overall body inflammation, but also reduced inflammation at key sites (belly fat, heart) known to affect heart disease risk in the obese. This study offers further promise that foods rich in antioxidants, such as cherries, could potentially reduce inflammation and have the potential to lower disease risk. Two daily doses of the tart cherry concentrate was associated with significantly lower levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), compared to placebo, according to findings published in Nutrients. "This is the first study to investigate the impact of Montmorency cherries on systemic inflammatory and oxidative stress induced by a series of metabolically challenging cycling bouts.   (NEXT)   Water outperforms sports drinks for young athletes Penn State University, April 14, 2022 Most youngsters don't exert themselves at an intensity or duration that requires the extra sugar and salt contained in sports drinks. Sports drinks can replenish some of what you lost during exercise, but you really need to be exercising for more than 45 minutes to an hour before you would consider that. Many of our kids are not doing enough to warrant it. Energy drinks that contain caffeine or other stimulants are also ill-advised for children, the physicians said. These beverages can boost blood pressure, cause heart palpitations and heart rhythm disorders, headaches and upset stomach. Coaches and parents should provide water to make sure children are properly hydrated during exercise, the doctors said.   (NEXT)   Ginger Found to Reduce Premenstrual Pain and Mood Symptoms Tehran University of Medical Sciences, April 17, 2022 New research has confirmed other findings that ginger root (Zingiber officinale) can relieve premenstrual pain and associated symptoms, without some of the side effects associated with NSAIDs. Medical doctors from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Iran studied 70 female students between 18 and 35 years old in a three-month long double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The women had regular menstruation cycles and were not taking medications, but they each had at least five symptoms of PMS during their normal cycles. Both groups' PMS symptom severity scores were calculated before and after each of the three months. The researchers found that while both groups averaged between 106 and 110 points on the PMS severity testing at the beginning of the study, the ginger group scored significantly lower on all PMS symptoms at the end of each month. After one month, the ginger group's scores averaged 51, while the placebo group averaged 105.7. After three months, the ginger group's scores averaged 49 while the placebo group averaged 107. After the third month, the ginger group's scores average 47 while the placebo group averaged 106.   (SUPERFOODS)   Oranges: The orange is a vitamin and mineral-packed treasure chest of a fruit, rich in vitamins A, B and C, potassium, and calcium, as well as being an excellent source of fiber. One phytonutrient in oranges that boosts it into the super food category is the flavonoid hesperidin. This biochemical works to support healthy blood vessels and reduces cholesterol. What has been established so far overlooks what the public considers the orange’s defining health trait, it being stocked with vitamin C, an important antioxidant that limits free radicals while also building the immune system. Vitamin C’s healing properties are well known and have been repeatedly scientifically validated. These include the lessening of arterial plaque as well as protecting from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Crohn’s diseases, arthritis, and diabetes.

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