The Gary Null Show - 04.19.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Videos: 1.   The grass is no longer greener? (In The Recording)   2. There is no such thing as a “Third World Country”, nor seconds or firsts.   3 . "It's Is Now Possible To Eliminate Privacy" (Yuval Harari Clip)   Rhodiola rosea extract may improve anxiety, stress and mood: Human data University of Surrey (UK), April 15 2022 Daily intake of a Rhodiola rosea L. extract may improve various measures of mood in people with mild anxiety, says a new study from England. Data from 81 mildly anxious students indicated that 14 days of supplementation with the Rhodiola rosea L. extract significantly reduced self-reported anxiety and stress. Improvements in self-reported anger, confusion, and depression were also reported by the researchers. “Although Rhodiola rosea has been used traditionally to relieve a range of symptoms of stress related disorders, to our knowledge this is the first study to demonstrate the efficacy of Rhodiola rosea L. in the treatment of mild anxiety,” wrote Mark Cropley, Adrian Banks, and Julia Boyle from the University of Surrey in Phytotherapy Research . (NEXT) Blueberries may help treat post-traumatic stress disorder Louisiana State University, April 13, 2022 A new study has revealed that blueberries may help treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).R esearchers at Louisiana State University looked at the ability of blueberries to modulate neurotransmitter levels in a rat model of PTSD. Researchers supplemented some of the rats with a blueberry-enriched (2 percent) diet and others with a control diet. A third control group did not have PTSD and received a standard diet (without blueberries). They found that PTSD rats who did not receive blueberries demonstrated a predictable increase in NE and 5-HT when compared with the control group. However, the PTSD rats that received blueberries showed a beneficial increase in 5-HT with no effect on NE levels, suggesting that blueberries could effectively modulate neurotransmitters in PTSD. (NEXT) Vitamin D helps reduce childhood allergy rate University of Auckland (New Zealand), April 15, 2022  Vitamin D supplements during pregnancy and infancy may help to reduce New Zealand's high childhood allergy rate. In a study, published in the internationally ranked journal Allergy, the University of Auckland  showed for the first time, that vitamin D supplements prevent allergy sensitisation to house dust mites in children. He believes vitamin D supplements may also help prevent asthma developing in young children. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent with 57 percent of New Zealand newborns having low concentrations of vitamin D at birth. Both asthma and allergies are highly prevalent in New Zealand with 25 percent of six to seven year old reported with asthma and 35 percent of 11 to 12 year olds having an allergic response to house dust mite, plant, food or other allergens. Vitamin D receptors are present on many immune cells and so vitamin D can affect how the immune system works. In theory maintaining normal vitamin D status when that sensitivity is developing late in pregnancy and early in infancy, could prevent later allergy sensitivity in the child." (NEXT) Vitamin B diminishes effects of air pollution-induced cardiovascular disease Columbia University, April 12, 2022  B vitamins can mitigate the impact of fine particle pollution on cardiovascular disease, according to new research conducted at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Healthy non-smokers who took vitamin B supplements nearly reversed any negative effects on their cardiovascular and immune systems, weakening the effects of air pollution on heart rate by 150 percent, total white blood count by 139 percent, and lymphocyte count by 106 percent. This is the first clinical trial to evaluate whether B vitamin supplements change the biologic and physiologic responses to ambient air pollution exposure. Ambient PM2.5 fine particulate pollution contributes to 3.7 million premature deaths annually worldwide, predominantly through acute effects on the cardiovascular system. Particulate matter pollution is the most frequent trigger for myocardial infarction at the population level. (SUPER FOODS) Onions: A rule of thumb is that the more pungent the onion, the greater its health benefits. It’s as if you could smell its disease-thwarting power. Onions are particularly important to include in diets for diabetics, for one, because they are rich in chromium, a trace mineral that helps cells respond to insulin. Moreover, refined sugar depletes the body’s chromium levels, so for anyone that has this sugar in his or her diet, onions are an excellent source of replacement. Onions are also rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, molybdenum (essential in preserving tooth enamel), potassium, phosphorous, and copper. They are also just about the best source of quercetin, which works hand-in-hand with vitamin C in help the body eliminate bacteria and strengthen immunity. The onion’s health benefits don’t stop there. Inclusion of onions in the diet help individuals lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and strengthen bone health. Onions also have anti-inflammatory benefits, reducing symptoms related to inflammatory conditions, such as asthma, arthritis, and respiratory congestion. Some studies have noted that they lessen the adverse effects from colds and flus.

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