The Gary Null Show - 03.15.22

The Gary Null Show - Podcast készítő Progressive Radio Network

Antioxidant supplementation improves men’s condition   China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, March 14 2022.   A meta-analysis reported on March 1, 2022 in Sexual Medicine Reviews concluded a benefit for antioxidants combined with each other or added to prescription therapies among men with erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that affects an estimated 150 million males worldwide. The meta-analysis included 13 randomized, controlled trials and 5 crossover randomized trials involving a total of 1,331 men with ED. Nutrients with antioxidant properties evaluated in the studies included amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline, myoinositol, folic acid, yohimbine, vitamin E, L-carnitine, niacin, pine bark extract, adenosine monophosphate (AMP), trans-resveratrol, robuvins from French Oak wood and ginseng.   (NEXT)   Exercise may treat long COVID-induced diabetes, depression    Pennington Biomedical Research Center, March 11, 2022   While no medically recognized treatment exists for Long COVID, exercise may break the vicious cycle of inflammation that can lead to developing diabetes and depression months after a person recovers from the virus. We know that Long COVID causes depression, and we know that it can increase blood glucose levels to the point where people develop diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening condition common among people with type 1 diabetes. Exercise can help. Exercise takes care of the inflammation that leads to elevated blood glucose and the development and progression of diabetes and clinical depression.   (NEXT)   Close the blinds during sleep to protect your health   Even moderate light exposure during sleep harms heart health and increases insulin resistance   Northwestern University, March 14, 2022   Exposure to artificial light at night during sleep is common Sleeping in a moderately light room increases risk for heart disease and diabetes Your heart rate rises, and body can’t rest properly in light bedroom at night Close the blinds, draw the curtains and turn off all the lights before bed. Exposure to even moderate ambient lighting during nighttime sleep, compared to sleeping in a dimly lit room, harms your cardiovascular function during sleep and increases your insulin resistance the following morning, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.   (NEXT)   Can mindful eating help lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease?   University of California at San Francisco, March 9, 2022   Given the high stress levels, extended periods of screen time and regular social outings many Americans experience day-to-day in environments where high-calorie foods are readily available, it can be easy to fall into the habit of mindless eating -- where we're too distracted to pay attention to how much, what and why we're eating. Research suggests that practicing mindfulness -- or taking the time to bring awareness to present-moment experiences with an open attitude of curiosity and non-judgment -- can be effective in allowing us to make more thoughtful food choices and recognize when we are hungry, satisfied or full. The latest research in this area suggests that the impact of mindful eating could be even greater.   (NEXT)   Live fast, die young? Or live cold, die old?   Chinese Academy of Sciences, March 14, 2022   Researchers from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, along with collaborators from Wenzhou University and the University of Aberdeen, have found that body temperature exerts a greater effect on lifespan than metabolic rate. You have probably heard the phrase "live fast, die young." It comes from the observation that people with fast and risky lifestyles often get into accidents and die prematurely. But in biology it has a rather different origin. It comes from the observation that animals with high metabolic rates ("living fast") tend to die sooner than those with slow metabolism. Generally, interventions that produce extended life—like caloric restriction leading to lower metabolic rates—are consistent with the "live fast, die young" idea. Nevertheless, exercise increases metabolism, but on average it seems to make people live a little longer.   (On Tonights The Progressive Commentary Hour)   The Financial Side of the Pandemic that Reveals What May Be Really Going on My Guest: Leslie Manookian   Leslie Manookian is the founding president of the Health Freedom Defense Fund - a non profit organization committed to the education, protection and advancement of health freedom while advocating for human rights and bodily autonomy for all people. The fund opposes unethical laws such as vaccination mandates. Earlier Leslie was a successful Wall Street business executive. Her career in finance took her from New York to London with Goldman Sachs. Later she was the Director of Alliance Capital in London running their European Growth Portfolio Management and Research businesses. While working in global finance she also continued her education in homeopathy. In 2011, she wrote and produced the award winning documentary The Greater Good that explores the vaccine debate and controversies.  She received her batchelor's degree from Middlebury College and later her MBA from the University of Chicago. Leslie's organization's website is   Video: The Testimony That Will Indict Fauci? Whistleblowers Come Forward from the US military

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