The Dragon's Lair Motorcycle Chaos - Podcast készítő John E. 'Black Dragon' Bunch II

Dear Guest,We would like to take a moment to welcome you to our show and give you some information about how things will be conducted. Both Hollywood from Insane Throttle Biker news and Black Dragon from Black Dragon Biker TV are thrilled to have you as a guest or a host commentator on our show. We have asked you to participate because we believe what you have to say Is important as are your opinions and thoughts on the subject matter. We want you to feel free to express yourself and interject your experiences. But as with everything there are some rules so here are a few of ours:1.Our interview style is often done on a panel. If that is the case with your interview, please understand that there are a number of guests on the panel, and everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions. Please do not over talk other guests and do not attack them for their opinion. It is OK to disagree with an opinion or have a different opinion, but it is not OK to attack someone for their opinion. Saying something like, “I disagree because…” is appropriate, however, Saying things like, “You're wrong because...” Is inappropriate. Remember you will be in the company of bikers. Bikers are alpha males so always remember respect is key.2.We do not expect guests to argue with other guests. And we will not tolerate threatening of other guests. If you argue with others, talk over the top of others, interrupt others, or argue with the host, your microphone will initially be muted, if you continue you may be kicked off the show.3.Because of YouTube and Facebook POLICIES we must ask that all cursing and profanity be kept to a bare minimum. Now I know that this is a biker show and we are all bikers, but the truth of the matter is YouTube and Facebook have decided to curtail that kind of speech on their platforms. So, they are forcing us to take strong measures to curb cursing and hate speech of any kind. This is to include the wearing of Swastikas or lightning bolts or other kinds of symbols that are commonly regarded to as hate symbols. We don’t expect to hear gay-bashing, homophobic statements, race-hate, the downing of any persons, groups or motorcycle clubs. We are about POSITIVITY. We can't go through an exhaustive list here but I'm sure you get the point. 4.Remember that this is just an interview between us. Do not worry about the audience. I know that you may be nervous because this will be your first interview for some of you but just look at it as a few guys sitting around talking. The audience is really not all that important at that point. Just relax and be yourself and most importantly tell your story and tell your truth.5.Most of the time our interviews are done before a live audience. Don't be worried if you screw up. No one is looking for you to be perfect. Just continue on as if nothing happened and it will all workout alright.6.We do not intend to talk politics on our show. This is a biker show about biker issues that affect bikers. We don't care whether you like the left side of the house or the right side of the house so let's just not get that going.7.Slander and Libel is the intentional lying on someone in print or spoken word. Bunch Media Group, Black Dragon Biker TV, or Insane Throttle Biker News will not be held responsible for your comments, thoughts, and views. If you slander someone on our show and intentionally lie on them or their organization or MC, you will deal with the legal consequences on your own.About the InterviewWe will be using a system known as Restream to broadcast the show. Restream is an easy system to use because all you have to do is click the link from either your computer browser or your phone. Then it will bring you into Restream and backstage in our studio. We will see that you are backstage, and we will bring you onto the main stage of the system. The main stage is where everything is broadcast.You will need to ensure a few things so...

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