B4Podcast 087 by Pan-Pot

Techno Music DJ Mix Sets - Techno Live Sets - Podcast készítő Techno Live Sets


To start spring in fine fashion, the B4Podcast proudly displays large-scale underground techno sounds by the great PAN-POT. — For the 87th episode of the B4Podcast, the iconic Berlin duo PAN-POT, deliver an imposing session of conceptual techno with classic and industrial sounds. These 60 minutes are composed by innumerable sound layers, this set is all about intense bass-lines featuring techno music combined with industrial sounds, both insane and placid at the same time. The set unfolds warmly with twists in structure in which a breathing tension and a penetrating groove are the protagonists. Pan-Pot, aka Tassilo Ippenberger and Thomas Benedix, continue to feed the techno culture from their particular and special point of view. In addition to delivering the monthly 9 Essential Mix, Pan-Pot organice “Let’s Play with DJs” on Twitch, while they keep working on the DIMA Virtual Reality project, as well as participating in streaming sessions, such as the one presented by Ritter Butzke at the Staatsoper Opera House in Berlin and Watergate’s Worldwide Streaming Series. In parallel, Pan-Pot are set to release the Voodoo Signs EP this June, on their internationally recognized Second State label. …… En este inicio de primavera B4Podcast presenta el techno underground de gran escala de PAN-POT. … En la edición 87 del B4Podcast el emblemático dúo berlinés PAN-POT, nos entrega un set exclusivo, una sesión de techno conceptual, de tintes clásicos y sonidos industriales. Estos 60 minutos se componen de innumerables capas sonoras, lineas de base intensas y completamente techno, combinadas con unos dementes pero plácidos sonidos industriales. El set se desarrolla cálidamente con giros en su estructura, en donde la tensión se respira y un penetrante groove es protagonista. PAN-POT, aka Tassilo Ippenberger and Thomas Benedix, continuan alimentando la cultura techno desde su particular y especial punto de vista. Además de entregar mensualmente el 9 Essential Mix, de participar en sesiones streaming como las recientes Watergate Worldwide Streaming Series y Ritter Butzke desde Staatsoper Opera House en Berlin, de organizar cada miércoles a las 18:30 el “Let’s Play with DJs” en Twitch y de estar trabajando en el proyecto DIMA Virtual Reality (info aquí), PAN-POT tiene previsto lanzar este junio el EP Voodoo Signs, en su internacionalmente reconocido sello Second State.

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