STAR TREK: GENERATIONS - a TNC special episode as part of the STAR TREK PODCAST CRAWL
Star Trek The Next Conversation - a semi funny trashfire of a Star Trek podcast currently about TV's Deep Space Nine DS9 (or TNG) - Podcast készítő Matt Mira and Andrew Secunda

Our most requested Star Trek content is for us to finally cover the movies - of course it would take more motivated forces to get us to do it, and now you got one! Matt and Andy cover in detail STAR TREK: GENERATIONS - Shatner cooking eggs, Data giving a McCauley Culkin, "YES!" and Picard entering his greatest dream - a Dickens-style Christmas? With a wrap-up crossing of the streams with our Star Trek podcaster brethren from Greatest Generation! Here's an overview of what's happening, and links to finding the other fine participating podcasts to give them a listen and how to donate to The National Center for Science Education: "This episode is part of a project called the Star Trek Pod Crawl. We’re a group of Star Trek podcasts raising money for science education by banding together and making special episodes about some of our favorite Star Trek films. Join us in supporting the National Center for Science Education and check out all other great podcast episodes in this series by visiting" For more information on Star Trek: The Next Conversation: