#382: Under 30 years old and Trading Forex?

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Under 30 years old and Trading Forex?  Podcast: #382: Under 30 years old and Trading Forex? In this video: 00:30 – Trading for the younger generation 00:55 – The benefits for the under 30’s 02:39 – Master the skill of trading 03:50 – Time is your friend 05:02 – You’ll be used to webinars, so take advantage of my webinars 05:42 – The webinars are on-demand If you're under 30 years old, you are in a prime position and prime stage of your life to take advantage of the Forex market to protect yourself going forward. Let's talk about that and more right now. Hey, Forex traders, it's Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 382. Trading for the younger generation Now last week I made a video about people who are 50 years and older and looking at retiring. And I had a number of comments to say, "Hey, Andrew, what about us younger ones? I'm 20 or I'm 25, et cetera." So what I've done is I made this video and podcast for you. If you're on the lucky end of the scale and let's say you're 25, 30 years and under. The benefits for the under 30’s So if you're in that category, that age bracket, you have many advantages, of course, the obvious one being time. But the other obvious ones would be well, you're probably pretty good with computers and phones and iPads. You're probably used to online webinars, Zoom, especially during the coronavirus lockdown. So you understand webinars, you understand online memberships, you understand e-learning all that kind of thing. So you had that in your advantage. But what I really encourage you to do if you are in that younger age category is when you get into trading, if that's what you want to do... By the way you have to want to do this. Don't just do it because you think it's going to be a way of making some easy cash. Don't do it if that's you. But if you're at the mindset that you like numbers, you like patterns, you're in this for the long haul. If you want to do that and learn a skill to educate yourself, to almost future proof yourself as best as you can, going forward, in terms of finances and time freedom, don't start trading today, thinking that you're going to give up your job and become a full time trader next year. Just don't do that because it's likely not going to happen. Now, a lot of people that I've taught do go on to become full time traders, but it takes time. And of course you younger guys and girls love everything being instant and it's just the way the technology and things... You're used to that. And look, the trading, the Forex market does have that danger and that image out there of just being instant rewards. This money, money, money, money, money, flash cars, sit on a beach, go on holiday. That type of thing. Master the skill of trading The reality is quite different and the reality is, is that you need to learn how to trade. And a lot of people come to me and they say, "Andrew, look, how much do I need in my account to go and make X number of thousand dollars a week?" Well, my answer is, don't worry about that for now. You have to invest in yourself upfront just like you would, if you were going through university or anything like that, any form of education and learn to walk before you can run and you have time as your advantage. So take advantage of the fact that you have time. And don't worry about trying to make money from day one. Learn the skill properly, start small, start on demo, then get to small live accounts and make money as a percentage gain. Don't look at it and go, "I've got a thousand dollar account. How can I live on that?" Because you will not succeed at trading doing that.

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