#373: I’ll Take You on a Helicopter Trip

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I’ll Take You on a Helicopter Trip  Podcast: #373: I’ll Take You on a Helicopter Trip In this video: 00:29 – Let’s go flying but first we need to prepare 02:22 – Pre-flight completed and trading completed 03:36 – Experience some of the amazing scenery 04:03 – Back on the ground 04:25 – Update on TFTC Pattern Trader June performance 05:31 – Manual trading and the TFTC Course 06:13 – Education and discipline are key to success I'm going to take you on a helicopter trip today and share with you some of the benefits of being able to trade correctly with low risk and without spending all day looking at the charts. Let's get into this and more, right now. Hey traders, Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 373. Let’s go flying but first we need to prepare And that's right, something different day. I'm going to take you on a ride here in my helicopter. I'm at the hangar. Pretty cold day, as you can see here, middle of winter here in New Zealand. And I'm going to go for a fly, but also I want to explain to you about why it is that we trade, and the benefits and the lifestyle that come with it. Now I'm, as I've said, at the hanger. So I just want to show you in here. I've just posted my daily trades from the laptop here. Trades have all been posted, and we're now off for a fly. But one of the important things to note when you trade well and when you fly well, you've got to do a lot of preparation and a lot of planning. Now, inside the helicopter here, if I open up this door, you'll see in here there is a huge amount of dials, instruments, et cetera. And the planning that goes into being able to fly is huge. Exactly like trading. So I'm now going to open up all these doors here and do a full pre-flight of the machine. I've got my flight plan ready. I've got everything prepared in advance for the flight. So I'm going to do the pre-flight and explain to you how that corresponds with trading really, because I've done my daily trades in there, which took me probably 15 minutes today. And it's a public in the US coming up, and non-farm payrolls was a day early this month. And so the market's pretty quiet. But the thing is, if you do your planning correctly, then you get the benefits from your trading and trading quickly. If you do your planning correctly with flying, we're going to have an awesome day today. So I'll finish the pre-flight, open the doors up here, take the helicopter outside, and I'll see you shortly. Pre-flight completed and trading completed Okay. So back outside now, done the pre-flight. Everything's checked in the machine. And as you can see it's a stunning day here. And so we'll be leaving shortly. So how does this relate to trading? Well, one, with trading gives you freedom and flexibility. I've been in there in the hangar and taking my trades today. I know when to take them. I know when I need to be at the charts. I've looked through the daily charts, the 12 hour, the eight hour, the six hour, and the four hour charts, taking my trades. Placed them on the computer, I've got my stop loss in place, I know my risk. And that's it for probably six hours, maybe even 12 hours. So the great thing with that is you can go and do things in the day. If you've got a normal nine to five job, you can still trade properly. If you've got other commitments, travel commitments, family commitments, you can still trade properly. So we'll be off very, very shortly. And I'll hopefully get the guy that's coming with me just to film a few seconds so you can see us up in the air crossing a few quite high mountain ranges on the way today, so looking forward to that.

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