#319: Do you the lack time to trade correctly?

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Podcast: Do you the lack time to trade correctly? In this weekly video: 00:29 – The biggest problem – a lack of time 01:10 - How we can help you at TFTC 01:31 – Trader from Noosa, Australia on Weekly charts 02:45 – A massive +5.3% gain in the last week 04:30 – Details are below Do you find that you just don't have enough spare time or energy to trade the Forex market properly? If that's your issue, listen up. I've got some really great information to help you. Hey Forex traders, Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast #319. The biggest problem – a lack of time Last week I sent out some forms and I said to people, "Just let me know what your biggest trading problem is?" Without doubt, one of the biggest issues that many of you face is you just don't feel like you have enough time. Like there's just not enough hours in the day to do the things that you need to do. Time you've been to work, time you travel, time you got home, time you looked after the kids and fed them and put them to bed. Other commitments; sports, clubs, whatever it might be. That really the last thing that you feel like or having the energy to feel like doing is sitting down and watching the charts for hour upon hour upon hour just waiting for that set up to occur. It's a common problem and I really understand it and I really get it. How we can help you at TFTC So the great thing is about that is that I can definitely help you there. How do I know I can help you? Over the last 10 years I've helped so many people who have been in similar positions to you. Now with my strategy, the good thing about it is it works across all currency pairs. But more importantly, it works across all timeframe charts. Trader from Noosa, Australia on Weekly charts Now I'll give you an example. My very first client over in Noosa in Australia, beautiful part of the world. The guy that I taught ended up owning a running a five-star restaurant over there. He was the owner, one of the head chefs, just fully on commitment seven days a week. He had two young kids at the time as well. He ended up trading just the weekly charts and doing exceptionally well. Now I caught up with him on a Skype session about six months ago. He's now spent the last two years with his wife and his two kids travelling around Europe. He's just loving it; he's travelling from country to country and they are just absolutely having a fantastic time. He's still trading, but all he's doing now is he's trading the weekly charts like he used to plus he's adding the daily charts. So it means he's trading for 10 minutes once a day on his laptop. Shuts the laptop down, does his travelling, has a great day. Next day 10 minutes, move on. Really, really great way of trading. You can apply that whether you're travelling around the world with your wife and your kids or whether you just have so many commitments and lack of time at home doing what you're doing right now. A massive +5.3% gain in the last week To give you another example, in the last week with the daily trades we've made a 3.5% gain with only risking half of 1% on each trade. So 3.5% gain. Also on the weekly charts... I've just closed out a weekly chart trade just yesterday, made a 1.8% gain on the Pound/Australian Dollar. We've got two trades still open on the weekly charts right now as I'm making this video with a open position of 1.5% gain. But on the closed trades, the daily chart trades and that one weekly chart trade, we've made a net of + 5.3% gain so far in the last week. So 5.3% and that's taken us 10 minutes a day, if that. The other benefit is if you become a client, all of those trades with the exact entry and exits and the reasons for taking the trade,

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