#244: How to become a good trader quicker

Online Forex Trading Course - Podcast készítő Online Forex Trading Course - Vasárnapok


Podcast: How to become a good trader quicker In this weekly video: 00:24 – How I can help you shortcut the learning process 00:44 – Brand new to trading Forex? 01:13 – Frustrated with Forex and it’s not working for you? 01:38 – Why my course will help you learn quicker 02:32 – A live 2 hour weekly webinar – watch me trade 03:28 – Watching and learning from a trader in real time is invaluable 04:03 – How much is that worth to you? 05:00 – Get on board with us and shortcut your learning process How can you shortcut the learning process to becoming a good Forex trader? Let's talk about that and more right now. Hi Forex traders, it's Andrew Mitchem here, the Forex Trading Coach Video and Podcast #244. How I can help you shortcut the learning process I want to talk about how I can help you to shortcut the inevitable otherwise long process of learning how to become a good Forex trader. I get traders join my coaching course for a variety of reasons. I'll give you the two ends of the spectrum. Brand new to trading Forex? I get clients who are brand new to trading. People who have not really had any experience in trading, but they want to learn the right way first time. They value their investment in themselves, they value knowledge, they value education, and really they want to learn the right way first time without wasting all these hours and all this money by going through the process that the vast majority of people take. That's one end. Frustrated with Forex and it’s not working for you? The other side of the spectrum would be the frustrated people, people who join the course out of sheer frustration. They've been trading for a long time, bleeding money, pulling their hair out, and it's going nowhere for them. They're about to give up in trading, and nothing works. So you get those two ends of the scale, and everybody else in between. Why my course will help you learn quicker Let me give you some tips of why I believe my course will shortcut the learning process for you. Each day ... This is real trading things, because on top of the strategy I'm talking here, you get the overall strategy, and you have to have a strategy that works across time frames, any time frame. Doesn't matter where you live in the world, it doesn't matter what currency pay you trade, et cetera. We have that. On top of that, each day of the trading week I post specific trades in advance of the market moving so you can look at your chart, using the software that I've got behind me here which you'll have a copy of as a client, and see what I'm taking on the daily charts and why. In advance of the market moving. If the trade is profitable, fantastic. If it's not, it's not. But it's about the process of learning to train your eye to see what we're seeing and why. A live 2 hour weekly webinar – watch me trade On top of that, each week we have a live 2 hour webinar that you can attend. It's basically a recording on one of my screens behind me here, and I'm trading on live accounts and you can see me trading, talking for two hours about what I'm looking for at that time and why. To give you an example, I received an email just this morning from a client called Alf. Alf's been with me just over one week. I'll read you his email, it's a quick email, "Andrew. Thank you for the webinar last night. I did not participate, but I sat in the background taking it all in. It soon became apparent to me as to why I am losing trades and money. I'm taking too many risks. It became apparent to me that everything had to line up before you would take a trade. It was a bit of an eye-opener for me, but I've taken it on board. Thank you once again, Alf." That just came through to my email this mornin...

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