#241: How Much Do You Want To Be A Good Trader?

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Podcast: How Much Do You Want To Be A Good Trader? In this weekly video: 00:22 – Are you committed to learn how to trade 00:50 - The instant fix and next shiny object 01:35 – You can research for years 02:00 – Freely available software, webinars and information 02:55 – Getting a coach to progress quickly 04:20 – Invest in a good instructor 04:39 – A new review on Forex Peace Army 05:43 – We all have the same amount of time How much do you really want to be a good Forex Trader? Let's talk about that and more right now. Hey traders, it's Andrew Mitchem here. The Forex Trading Coach video and podcast number 241. Are you committed to learn how to trade Today I want to talk about your commitment; how much do you really, really want it. I mean really want it. You see, I get asked all the time from people, "I want to become a good trader, Andrew. I'm going to join your course. I'm going to become one of your best students. I'm going to do this full time." All these sort of promises that come all the time. I hear it all the time. The instant fix and next shiny object The problem is today, the world that we live in, everything is so accessible. You want a song, you download it. You want a movie, you search for it and you download it. Everything is instant. Everybody's very quick to move on to the next shiny object, the next thing that's going to be instant. No one is willing to put a bit of time and commitment and effort into something that's really good. My question is how much do you really, really and I mean really want to become a good Forex trader? That's something that you really need to question yourself about seriously if you wish to continue in this market. You can research for years You can spend years and years and years doing all this research online following forums and different threads and different ideas and things like that and going alone. You can do that. But you have to think of what's your time worth if you like doing that? Because the likelihood is you're not going to get very far very quickly. Then you get the other side of the people like I mentioned at the beginning, people that come to me and say, Freely available software, webinars and information "Hey Andrew I'm going to do this and I'm going to commit and I'm going to be fantastic and I'm going to do everything that you say." I offer on my site, freely available to people, I offer advice if people email me. I offer free trading software, free calculators, free webinars. Even a free mini course. It's amazing when I go back and look at the number of people that join those, and I go and say to them a few weeks later or a month or so later, "Hey how's it going? Do you need anymore help?" And people go, "I'm not trading anymore," or "I've moved on to someone else's ideas," or "I've got some other software or other robots," and things like that. Then it becomes, how much do you really want it? I'm giving you all this information here, and it's great valuable information. It comes down to your commitment. Getting a coach to progress quickly I'll give you an example. This year, I've taken up squash. I started around the end of January and we're now early September. I'm now committed to playing squash; I'm playing about three times a week. I've bought the equipment, a nice racket, good shoes. I've got myself fitter. It's helping with my fitness. I've joined a club, I've got the full membership, I've got practice membership. We're playing different competitions. Things like that. I'm also getting some coaching. Why? Because I've reached a level like after the first few months, and I thought to myself if I want to do this properly and enjoy it and get better and better,

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