Episode 99 - How to make passive forms

Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - Podcast készítő Masa Sensei


- Check my video for more details! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i-FsQBpaxs&t=216s ========================================================== Japanese language makes far more use of passive language and passive verbs than English? The passive voice in Japanese is used for various reasons.  One reason is that both the Japanese language and Japanese culture are very indirect – as a result, the passive voice is more frequently used in Japan than in some other countries.  Group1 かきます かかれます kakimasu kakaremasu いそぎます いそがれます  はなします はなされます  まちます またれます かいます かわれます Group2 たべます たべられます   みます みられます  Group3 きます こられます   します されます  ※The passive form of Group 2 verbs and きます of Group 3 is the same as the potential form ◆Passive sentence of transitive verbs◆    In the passive sentence, the object becomes the subject, and the transitive verb is changed into the passive form. The particle に is attached to the noun which is the source of the action.    先生(せんせい)は私(わたし)をほめました 私(わたし)は先生(せんせい)にほめられました Teacher praised me. I was praised by my teacher. ジョンは先生に質問をしました。John asked the teacher a question. 先生はジョンに質問をされました。The teacher was asked a question by John. お母さんは子どもをしかりました。 子どもはお母さんにしかられました。 Mother scold the kid. Kid was scold by his mother. When the object is an inanimate things, it is difficult to make the passive sentence.     田中(たなか)さんはりんごを食(た)べました りんごは田中(たなか)さんに食(た)べられました =============================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me? Follow my Instagram!! Follow my Facebook!! ===============================================

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