Episode 80 - How to say "I plan to..., I intend to..." (volitional form + to omoimasu, verb + tsumori desu)
Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - Podcast készítő Masa Sensei
- Check my video for more details! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaB7oOC5ius&t=531s ========================================================== つもりです(tsumori desu): to Intend to Do Verb + つもりだ The function is to express what you intend to do. One important point here is that the decision should have been made a while ago. Therefore, you cannot use this for decisions made on the spot. お酒をやめるつもりです。 osake o yameru tsumori desu I intend to quit drinking. 明日は家にいるつもり です。 ashita wa ie ni iru tsumori desu. As for tomorrow, I intend to stay at home. 海外の大学に行くつもりです。 kaigai no daigaku ni iku tsumori desu I intend to go to a foreign university. Adding “to omou” or “to omotte iru” (~と思う, ~と思っている) after a verb that is in Volitional Form changes the meaning from “let’s [verb]” to “I am thinking that I will [verb].” Since “to omou” means “I think,” you can picture this grammar pattern as expressing a volitional thought or feeling that you are holding in your mind. For example, a person who has said “let’s do it” to themselves, internally. The difference between “to omou” (which is present/future tense) and “to omotte iru” (which is progressive tense) in this pattern is that the former implies a new thought (something you have just now begun to think that you will do). The latter implies a longer-term thought (something that you’ve been thinking for a while that you will do). お母さんに手紙を書こうと思います。 Okaasan ni tegami o kakou to omoi masu (I think I will write a letter to my mother). お母さんに手紙を書こうと思っています。 Okaasan ni tegami o kakou to omotte imasu (I’m thinking I will write a letter to my mother). お酒をやめようと思います。 osake o yameyou to omoimasu. I intend to quit drinking. 明日は家にいようと思います。 ashita wa ie ni iyou to omoimasu. As for tomorrow, I intend to stay at home. 海外の大学に行こうと思います。 kaigai no daigaku ni ikou to omoimasu. I intend to go to a foreign university. 来年結婚しようと思います。 rainen kekkon shiyou to omoimasu. I intend to get married next year. =============================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me? ===============================================