Episode 2 - How to make negative sentence
Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - Podcast készítő Masa Sensei - Szombatok

-New words- …desu : This is called “Copura”. It comes at the end of an affirmative sentence. …dewa arimasen : This is called “Copura”. It comes at the end of a negative sentence. …ka? : This is used for question. It comes at the end of a sentence. …mo =also Hai = Yes Iie = No Hai, Soudesu =Yes, I’am Iie, soudewaarimasen = No I’m not Gakusei = Student Kaishain = Office worker Sensei = Teacher ===================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MasaSensei/videos Wanna support me? https://www.patreon.com/maasasensei =====================================