The Economic Benefits of a United Ireland; Remembering Danny Groves; and the Pat Finucane case

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Its Gerry Adams here again.And a very big welcome to you all to this Podcast.On Friday Sinn Féin published its discussion paper the Economic Benefits of a United Ireland.It is an exciting contribution to the growing conversation about the future, about a new Ireland – a shared, agreed Ireland. The big question that some people put up who are against the ending of the union and self-government or who just aren’t sure, is can we afford it? This discussion document reveals an island economy which is capable of expanding its economic potential, creating new jobs, better paid jobs, building a better standard of living of all its citizens, alongside first class public services, including a health service for everyone...The ‘Economic Benefits of a United Ireland’ refutes the claim that the Irish state cannot afford Irish Unity or cope with the loss of the British subvention. The claim that the British subvention is worth £10bn a year is false. The real figure is at most £6bn and closer to less than half that. The threat posed by Brexit and Covid-19 have also created new challenges and new opportunities. A United Ireland offers the best opportunity to tackle these issues in a way that is to the economic advantage of the people of the island of Ireland.We should have the right to self-government.We should have the right to take decisions on and in our own interests.London takes decisions in its interests.The people of this island will take economic decisions in our interests not theirs.A United Ireland will have a bigger, stronger and better economy. It will unlock the huge potential of a single, all-island economic system within the European Union. Find out more on ‘The Economic Benefits of a United Ireland’ at The death of Danny Groves It is the nature of things that this column has been moved to record the deaths of friends more often than I would like to so it is with the greatest sadness that I extend my condolences to the family of Danny Groves who died last Sunday. Danny died after a long battle with cancer. I want to express my sympathies to his wife Liz, and to his children Roisin, Bill, Jim, Eilis, Danny, Emma and Deirdre and to his many grandchildren, great grandchildren and extended family circle.Awaiting a Decision in Pat Finucane CaseThe courage and tenacity of the Finucane family after years of battling with the British state continues to amaze and inspire. Pat Finucane was killed in February 1989 by a UDA death squad working in collusion with RUC Special Branch, the British Army’s Force Reconnaissance Unit and the British state. For three decades the family, like many hundreds of others, have been fighting to get to the truth. Successive British governments have blustered and bluffed, stalled and lied in order to prevent this.Last month a lawyer acting for the British Secretary of State for the North Brandon Lewis gave the High Court in Belfast a commitment from him that a decision would be taken on whether to proceed with a public inquiry on or before the 30 November. He has until next Monday.The decision by Brandon Lewis in respect of Pat Finucane will indicate whether it’s business as usual for this British government or if it is finally prepared to face up to its legal and international human rights obligations.   

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