Retire Richer with These Tax Free Income Strategies

Insurance Pro Blog Podcast - Podcast készítő - Vasárnapok


Ready to retire richer? In this episode, we're back to build on last week's discussion about using tax-free income to beat inflation. We'll dive deep into cash value life insurance and other strategies that can help you achieve a financially secure retirement. We start by comparing a traditional retirement account growing at 8% annually with a $25,000 yearly contribution over 30 years. This brings the account balance to just over $3 million, providing a fully taxable income of $122,345 per year. But what if we took a different route? Next, we explore the option of saving the same amount in a brokerage account and purchasing a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA). Adjusting for taxes, this strategy yields an account balance of just over $2.5 million, with a SPIA providing more than $150,000 per year in income. The kicker? Only $58,776 of that income is taxable, thanks to the non-taxable portion of $91,224. Finally, we dive into the benefits of saving the same amount in a life insurance policy. An Indexed Universal Life (IUL) illustration shows a result of $142,488 per year in completely tax-free income. While this isn't as high as the SPIA, the tax-free nature of the income makes it a compelling option. Whether you're nearing retirement or have several years left to save, it's time to rethink your strategy. If you have other sources of saved money or time on your side, these tax-free or tax-reduced income strategies could significantly enhance your buying power. Tune in for a conversation that could transform your retirement planning and help you retire richer. Don't miss out! ________________________ If any of this sounds interesting to you, please click here to get in touch with us. 

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