How Life Insurance Contracts Make Your Retirement Happier

Insurance Pro Blog Podcast - Podcast készítő - Vasárnapok


Could some combination of life insurance contracts make for a happier retirement? Yes, we believe that to be 100% true and we're more sure of it now than at any time over our career(s).  Today's episode explores a couple of real-life scenarios (with names changed to protect the innocent) where we see people struggling to navigate retirement income generation in the face of significant market declines.  Had these people made different choices years ago, we contend they'd be happier. If they had taken advantage of the promises honored by owning life insurance and annuities, they would have a more relaxed and happier retirement. Listen to hear more of exactly what we're talking about. ______________________ And if you're thinking about how you'll be able to create your own streams of retirement income (so that you can be happier during retirement) we encourage you to click right here to get in touch with us. It's never too early to start this conversation, please don't wait, starting early to plan for your income in the future will leave you with amazing options that you might not have later on.

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