Unveiling Secrets: A Midnight Melody at Rosenborg Slot
Fluent Fiction - Danish - Podcast készítő FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unveiling Secrets: A Midnight Melody at Rosenborg Slot Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-secrets-a-midnight-melody-at-rosenborg-slot Story Transcript:Da: Rosenborg Slot stod stille og majestætisk i hjertet af København.En: Rosenborg Slot stood still and majestic in the heart of København.Da: Efterårsluften fyldte den kongelige have med en duft af våde blade og kølig jord.En: The autumn air filled the royal garden with a scent of wet leaves and cool earth.Da: Blade, i farverne orange og guld, gyngede roligt i vinden, mens aftenens skumring sænkede sig over slottet.En: Leaves, in shades of orange and gold, swayed gently in the wind as the evening's dusk descended over the castle.Da: Men der var noget mærkeligt ved denne aften.En: But there was something strange about this evening.Da: I flere uger havde en mystisk lyd genlydt fra slottets loft, lige præcis ved midnat.En: For several weeks, a mysterious sound had echoed from the castle's attic precisely at midnight.Da: Mikkel, en ivrig historieentusiast, havde besluttet sig for at afsløre kilden til denne lyd.En: Mikkel, an eager history enthusiast, had decided to uncover the source of this sound.Da: Han drømte om at skrive en artikel til sin historieblog.En: He dreamed of writing an article for his history blog.Da: Men der var et problem.En: But there was a problem.Da: Atticens dør var altid låst, og mørket indenfor fyldte ham med frygt.En: The attic door was always locked, and the darkness inside filled him with fear.Da: Her kom Freja ind i billedet.En: This is where Freja came into the picture.Da: Hun var hans bedste ven og en kløgtig problemløser, altid klar til eventyr og gåder.En: She was his best friend and a clever problem solver, always ready for adventures and puzzles.Da: De vidste, at de havde brug for Lars' hjælp.En: They knew they needed Lars' help.Da: Lars, slottets trofaste pedel, havde en stærk tilknytning til stedet.En: Lars, the castle's faithful janitor, had a strong attachment to the place.Da: Han havde været en del af slottets historie hele sit liv, men havde også en hemmelighed.En: He had been part of the castle's history his entire life but also had a secret.Da: Noget, der bandt ham til loftet.En: Something that bound him to the attic.Da: Mikkel og Freja talte længe med Lars.En: Mikkel and Freja talked for a long time with Lars.Da: De lovede at holde hans hemmelighed sikker og foreslog sammen at udforske loftet.En: They promised to keep his secret safe and proposed exploring the attic together.Da: Efter mange overvejelser gav Lars efter.En: After much consideration, Lars relented.Da: Han vidste, at det var tid til at konfrontere sin fortid.En: He knew it was time to confront his past.Da: Halloween nat faldt med en tung stilhed.En: Halloween night fell with a heavy silence.Da: Klokken nærmede sig midnat, mens de tre gik gennem de dunkle korridorer, hver skygge en rejse tilbage i tiden.En: The clock approached midnight as the three walked through the dark corridors, each shadow a journey back in time.Da: Mikkel holdt Freja tæt, hans hjerte bankede af frygt og spænding.En: Mikkel held Freja close, his heart pounding with fear and excitement.Da: Da de endelig nåede loftet, åbnede Lars døren med en gammel nøgle.En: When they finally reached the attic, Lars opened the door with an old key.