Family Traditions: Astrid and Jens Find Their Own Path
Fluent Fiction - Danish - Podcast készítő
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Family Traditions: Astrid and Jens Find Their Own Path Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Bølger af efterårsblade svømmede henover indkørslen til det store familiehjem.En: Waves of autumn leaves swam across the driveway to the large family home.Da: Astrid kiggede ud gennem vinduet.En: Astrid looked out the window.Da: I det fjerne kunne hun se sine yngre fætre og kusiner lege i haven, hvor græskar lyste op i halloween-stil.En: In the distance, she could see her younger cousins playing in the garden, where pumpkins glowed in Halloween style.Da: Denne dag skulle samle familien, men hos Astrid var der en uro som en lav murren i baggrunden.En: This day was meant to bring the family together, but inside Astrid, there was a restlessness like a low murmur in the background.Da: Indenfor i stuen duftede det af kanel og nelliker.En: Inside the living room, it smelled of cinnamon and cloves.Da: Familien havde pyntet hele huset med farverige dekorationer, og pejsen knitrede behageligt.En: The family had decorated the whole house with colorful decorations, and the fireplace crackled pleasantly.Da: Jens lænede sig op ad et hjørne nær ilden.En: Jens leaned against a corner near the fire.Da: Han var iført en sort T-shirt og et drilsk smil.En: He was wearing a black T-shirt and a mischievous smile.Da: Astrid og Jens var tæt på hinanden, trods deres forskelle.En: Astrid and Jens were close to each other, despite their differences.Da: Nu følte de begge det pres, der kom fra familiens forventninger.En: Now they both felt the pressure that came from the family's expectations.Da: "Astrid, nu må du altså også begynde at tænke på at slå dig ned," sagde faster Inger med et blik, der havde mistet sin varme.En: "Astrid, now you must start thinking about settling down," said Aunt Inger with a look that had lost its warmth.Da: Astrid kneb læberne sammen og så på Jens, der rullede med øjnene og forsvandt ud i køkkenet.En: Astrid pursed her lips and looked at Jens, who rolled his eyes and disappeared into the kitchen.Da: Hun trak vejret dybt.En: She took a deep breath.Da: Hun havde længe ønsket at sige noget – at bryde det stille spil.En: She had long wanted to say something—to break the silent game.Da: "Jeg er glad for, hvor jeg er lige nu," sagde hun endelig, men hendes stemme lød mere tøvende, end hun ønskede.En: "I'm happy with where I am right now," she finally said, but her voice sounded more hesitant than she wanted.Da: I køkkenet fandt Jens en flaske sodavand og hældte et glas op.En: In the kitchen, Jens found a bottle of soda and poured a glass.Da: Han kunne høre samtalen blive mere intens i stuen.En: He could hear the conversation becoming more intense in the living room.Da: Hans strategi var altid at glide udenom konfrontationer.En: His strategy was always to slip past confrontations.Da: Han elskede sin familie, men hadede traditionernes kvælende krav.En: He loved his family but hated the suffocating demands of traditions.Da: Da han vendte tilbage, havde en diskussion taget fart.En: When he returned, a discussion had taken off.Da: Familietraditionen om at flytte tilbage til byen efter studierne blev debatteret.En: The family tradition of moving back to the city after studies was being debated.Da: Astrid hævede sin stemme, nu mere modig.