39. Let's discover 10 fake anglicisms created by French speakers !

ehoui! - Podcast készítő Virginie Cutulic - Hétfők


There are a lot of angliscims in French that we use in our daily life. But we use also lots of fake anglicims, true fact ! In this episode, we will discover 10 very funny fake anglicisms that French speakers invented. But you need to use a French accent when you say them ! We will also discover the origin of the noun "smoking" At the beginning of the 20th century, English was considered as a "chic" language. It's a way to explain the invention of these very funny words. Here are the words we will talk about today. Do you know some of them ? * Le catcheur / la catcheuse * Le footing * Le brushing * Le baby-foot * Le parking * La pompom girl * Le camping-car * Un talkie-walkie * Un smoking * Un relooking ---------------------------------------------- French podcast every 15 days, available on my webiste https://ehouionline.com/ (https://ehouionline.com/) Free content to learn French on Instagram @ehoui (https://www.instagram.com/ehouiclass/?hl=en) and on Facebook @ehoui (https://www.facebook.com/ehouionline)          

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