Jason Yuan - Going beyond craft to design with soul
Dive Club 🤿 - Podcast kĂ©szĂtĹ‘ Ridd

I remember the exact moment where I first explored MercuryOS. It was clear Jason Yuan was one of the most skilled design thinkers I'd ever encountered. No wonder he landed a role designing AI products at Apple shortly after.But the main reason I wanted to interview him was to learn more about his new product called Dot. It's by far my favorite personal AI and a beautifully designed experience. So this conversation is a behind-the-scenes of his latest journey and a fun glimpse at what the future might hold for software products. We go deep into:What it looks like to design with soulWhat makes Jason’s design process uniqueWhy Jason left Apple to build New ComputerHow Dot is the spiritual successor to MercuryOSHow more designers need to become AI engineersWhy Jason thinks dynamic interfaces are over-hypedHow to design a product based on one magical interactionWhat Jason learned about storytelling from his background in theatrea lot moreDownload Dot or check out the websiteJason's original MercuryOS projectThe original Dot website featuring Mei’s story (from the Wayback machine so give it a minute to load)Jason references Shigeru Miyamoto (the creator of Super Mario Bros)