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英语新闻∣不得向8岁以下未成年人销售盲盒The State Administration for Market Regulation, China's top market regulator, stipulated that businesses shall not sell blind boxes tojuvenilesunder 8 years old, as part of broader efforts to regulate the country's billion-dollar blind box industry.8月16日,国家市场监管总局发布《盲盒经营活动规范指引(试行)(征求意见稿)》(简称“指引”)。该指引规定,盲盒经营者不得向8周岁以下未成年人销售盲盒,以此规范上百亿市场规模的盲盒产业。A blind box is a popular way of packaging toys and other products to keep their contents hidden. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimated that the market size of China's trendy toys, mainly including blind boxes, is expected to hit 47.8 billion yuan ($7.06 billion) this year.盲盒是一种流行的包装玩具和其他产品的方式,因为没有任何样式提醒的,需购买者打开后才能知道其内容。据中国社会科学院估计,今年中国流行玩具(主要指盲盒)的市场规模预计将达到478亿元(70.6亿美元)。According to the guideline, which is open to public opinion on the SAMR's website on Tuesday, businesses can only sell blind boxes to those aged 8 and above after obtaining theconsentof their guardians.该指引规定,向8周岁及以上未成年人销售盲盒商品,应通过销售现场询问或者网络身份识别等方式,确认已取得相关监护人的同意。The guideline said companies shall notbid up prices and should reasonably determine prices of blind boxes based on production and operation costs as well as market supply and demand. Prices of blind box products should not have a big gap from that of non-blind box products of the same quality, it said.该指引规定,盲盒经营者应该依据生产经营成本和市场供求状况,合理确定盲盒价格。盲盒商品价格不应与同质同类非盲盒销售商品价格差距过大。"The guideline will effectively regulate prices based on the value of the blind boxes. Currently, prices of some blind boxes areinconsistentwith their value," said Chen Jianjie, a lawyer with Brighteous Law Firm.光明律师事务所的陈建杰(音)律师表示,“该指引将以盲盒价值为依据,有效规范价格。当前一些盲盒的价格与价值不相符。”In January, the China Consumers Association said that blind box consumption is expanding in a disorderly manner, from pets to air tickets, and increasing problems are also arising, including illegal sales, unknown probabilities and consumption addiction.今年1月,中国消费者协会表示,盲盒消费正在经历无序扩张,甚至宠物和机票都在以盲盒形式销售。“盲盒经济”的问题逐渐显现,包括非法销售、概率不透明和消费成瘾等。China Media Group reported a case in which a blind box was priced at 800 yuan but the actual cost was only about 30 yuan. Some consumers spend more than 10,000 yuan to buy blind boxes in order to get a limited-edition toy.据中央广播电视总台报道,一个成本只有30元左右的盲盒定价却高达800元。一些消费者为了得到限量版玩具,不惜花费1万元购买盲盒。"It will also prevent the sector from becoming a gambling tool thatinfringesupon consumer rights," Chen said.陈建杰律师表示,“该指引将防止该行业成为侵犯消费者权益的赌博工具。”As some business operators sold blind boxes with pets inside, the SAMR draft guideline also clarified that live animals, drugs, medical devices, special cosmetics and unmarked express parcels cannot be sold in the form of blind boxes.此外,征求意见稿提出,药品、医疗器械、特殊化妆品、有毒有害物品、易燃易爆物品、活体动物、食品等在使用条件、存储运输、检验检疫、监督管理等方面有严格要求的商品,不得以盲盒形式销售。Following the news, Pop Mart, Chinese mainland's leading blind box company, started with a slight drop but closed with a 3.3 percent increase in share price on the Hong Kong stock exchange.该指引发布后,中国内地领先的盲盒公司Pop Mart在香港证券交易所开盘小幅下跌,收盘时股价上涨3.3%。The company said in a statement that the draft guideline is of positive significance and can offer clear directions to companies to operate in astandardizedway, which helps the sector create a better business environment.该盲盒公司表示,该指引具有积极意义,既为规范企业的经营方式提供明确的方向,也助于为盲盒行业创造更好的商业环境。juvenile英[ˈdʒuːvənaɪl]美[ˈdʒuːvənl]n. 青少年consent英[kənˈsent]美[kənˈsent]n. 同意,许可bid up英[bid ʌp]美[bɪd ʌp]在拍卖中哄抬物价; 竞相出高价inconsistent英[ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt]美[ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt]adj. 不一致的,不调和的infringe英[ɪnˈfrɪndʒ]美[ɪnˈfrɪndʒ]vt.& vi. 违反(规章等); 侵犯(某人的权利)standardized英['stændədaɪzd]美['stændədaɪzd]adj. 标准的,定型的