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英语新闻∣《独行月球》3天8亿票房!沈腾“落”在月球上,观众笑到肚子“腾”Within just three days, the box officeofMoonMan has already exceeded 800 million yuan. As the most“ungrounded”comedy ever made by Mahua, it is shaping up to be the summer’s No. 1 blockbuster to lure audiences back to theaters.上映短短三天,票房已超8亿。《独行月球》这部开心麻花有史以来最“不接地气”的喜剧片,正在成为这个暑期档最吸引观众重回影院的头号热门大片。Adapted from the popular comic series Moon You, the movie shows Dugu Yue, a spacecraftmaintenanceman, unintentionally left on the moon after theevacuationof the crew of Lunar Shield, a moon-based project aiming to rescue the Earth from an asteroid strike but ending up in failure due to an unpredicted issue.影片改编自同名漫画,讲述了在未来世界,为免于地球毁于一颗小行星的撞击,人类在月球部署了月盾计划。不料意外来临,逼迫月球上的宇航员们紧急撤离,而维修员独孤月却被落在月球上。Witnessing the catastrophic hit from the moon, Dugu believes the Earth is completely destroyed and he’s the last human in this universe. However, little does he know that the surviving humankind, including the crew’s leader, a woman who Dugu has had a secret crush on for many years, are all watching his every move from the Earth.在月球上目睹地球遭受毁天灭地的撞击,独孤月误以为,他是这个宇宙最唯一幸存的人类。然而,他万万没想到的是,地球上的幸存者——包括他暗恋多年的月盾计划女领队马蓝星——都能看到他每天破罐子破摔的一举一动。One of the movie’s top draws for Mahua fans is that it reunites Shen Teng and Ma Li, two of Mahua's top comedian stars, respectively as Dugu and Ma Lanxing, the commander of the Lunar Shield project.对于许多开心麻花的粉丝而言,这部片可谓是继《夏洛特烦恼》的七年之后,终于盼到沈腾和马丽再次合作的一部长片。The reunion occurred seven years after Goodbye Mr Loser, a dark-horse blockbuster that raked in 1.44 billion yuan to become one of the highest-grossing Chinese movies in 2015. The smash hit has seen Shen and Ma join an elite of the country's mostsought-aftercomedian stars.当时在2015年上映的《夏洛特烦恼》,以14.4亿的票房,成为那年表现最出色的黑马之作之一,也为沈腾和马丽此后的超高人气奠下基础。Shen has accumulated a huge fan base as he can easily tickle the funny bone of his audience. But his intense schedule has seen him appear in several films just as supporting characters. His appearances in these movies are short, for example, five minutes in Never Say Die, three minutes in Hello, Mrs Money and 10 minutes in Warm Hug. However, the movies casting him all hooked lots of theatergoers, thanks to his popularity.作为“长在观众笑点上的男人”,沈腾在喜剧感上已是炉火纯青。即使是他在几部影片中的戏份并不多,他在这类影片——诸如《羞羞的铁拳》、《李茶的姑妈》和《温暖的抱抱》—— 中的表演,也成为全片最“好笑”的部分之一。Starring Shen as the stranded maintenance man, the 122-minute Moon Man marks the longest and even the "loneliest" movie Shen has shot during his career spanning nearly 20 years. He had shot the movie for nearly five months, with most of the time performing alone.而对于沈腾而言,这次出演《独行月球》,可谓是他有史以来拍得最长也最“孤独”的一部影片。他饰演的维修员独孤月被独自留在月球上,而为了这部影片,沈腾也是拍了将近五个月的“独角戏”。The majority of the film's around 1,800 special effects scenes were made by artists from More VFX, a visual effects company known for The Wandering Earth and A Writer's Odyssey. The shooting was conducted in 15 soundstages which covered an area of 40,000 square meters in Qingdao, Shandong province.影片的特效部分均由曾制作过《流浪地球》和《刺杀小说家》的特效公司More VFX掌舵。全片特效镜头约1800个,在占地面积总共40000平方米的15个摄影棚拍摄。该片拍摄地点主要在山东青岛。In the movie, Shen's character discovers agrumpykangaroo when he attempts to get a bottle of medicine from the Lunar Shield project's base on the moon. The kangaroo becomes the only creature that accompanies him on the moon, and even becomes a "friend" that assists him in his efforts to return to the Earth.占了特效最大头的其实是一只脾气暴躁的袋鼠。当沈腾饰演的独孤月去月盾基地的仓库取药时,偶遇了同样被宇航员们落在月球上的那只袋鼠,这只名为“金刚鼠”的袋鼠也因此成了主角在月球上唯一的小伙伴,不仅陪他度过孤独时光,还在关键时刻帮助他尝试返回地球。The anthropomorphic kangaroo, depicted in the movie as capable of understanding the protagonist's sorrows and joys, is played by Hao Han, a comedian actor also with Mahua Funage. The movie blends digital motion-capture technology and the actor's performance.这只具有拟人化性格的袋鼠,由演员郝瀚扮演。后期呈现在大银幕上的效果是结合了演员的实际表演和动作捕捉的数字技术。Despite the movie employing advanced cinematic technology, including using virtual cinematography to make the preview scenes for actors and actresses easier to understand their roles' responses and emotions, the director says the core of the movie is "a comedy".尽管这部影片使用到大量的先进电影摄制技术,比如运用虚拟拍摄提前拍出大部分场景,以便于让演员们能理解角色所处的场景,导演对于这部影片的定调,是它从核心上来说,是“一部喜剧片”。 After The Wandering Earth bursting onto the scenethree years agoand several domestic sci-fi filmsbeingreleased this summer, science fiction,a genre still in its infancy in the Chinese film market,is finding its own unique Chinese way.从三年《流浪地球》横空出世为中国科幻带来蓬勃生机,到这个暑假几部国产科幻片陆续上映,科幻——这个在中国电影市场中仍处于起步期的类型——正在探索独有的中国式道路。Whether sci-fi elements arehard or not may not be the key to a good science fiction film. The most basic evaluation criterion of any movie is always the story itself.科幻元素硬不硬,可能并不是评价一部科幻片好不好的关键元素。任何一部电影的最基本评价标准,始终是故事好不好看。maintenance英[ˈmeɪntənəns]美[ˈmeɪntənəns]n. 维持,保持;保养,保管;维护evacuation英[ɪˌvækju'eɪʃ(ə)n]美[ɪˌvækju'eɪʃ(ə)n]n. 疏散; 撤离; 排泄rake in英[reɪk]美[reɪk]vt.& vi. 赚大钱(尤指轻易地)sought-after英['sɔ:tɑ:ftə]美['sɔtɑftə]adj. 很吃香的,广受欢迎的grumpy英[ˈɡrʌmpi]美[ˈɡrʌmpi]adj. 脾气坏的; 性情粗暴的;