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China's rise as the largest producer and consumer of gold worldwide was highlighted by statistics in the Gold Demand Trends report by the World Gold Council, ThePaper reported on Wednesday.据澎湃新闻2月1日报道,1月31日,世界黄金协会发布的《全球黄金需求趋势报告》显示,中国已成为全球最大的黄金生产国和消费国。In 2022, it was estimated that China accounted for 10 percent of the world's total gold production and it has been the world's largest gold producer since 2007, according to the WGC's report released on Tuesday.报告显示,据估计,2022年中国黄金产量占世界黄金总产量的10%,自2007年以来一直是世界上最大的黄金生产国。China has also maintained its position as the world's largest gold consumer since 2013, with its annual gold consumption having expanded five times from a little over 375 tons in the early 1990s to a record high of 1,347 tons in 2013.自2013年以来,中国一直保持着全球最大黄金消费国的地位,年黄金消费量从上世纪90年代初的略多于375吨增长到2013年的1347吨,增长了5倍。The gold jewelry market in China has witnessed a remarkable growth trend. In 2013, demand for gold jewelry peaked at 939 tons, an increase of 328 percent in ten years.中国黄金首饰市场呈现出明显的增长态势。2013年,黄金首饰的需求达到了939吨的峰值,十年间增长了328%。China accounted for over 27 percent of the total global demand for gold jewelry in 2022.2022年,中国占全球黄金首饰总需求的27%以上。China's gold consumption demand has averaged around 945 tons annually over the past decade, a 30 percent share of the global total, indicating that it has become a key part of the global market.过去10年,中国黄金消费需求平均每年约945吨,占全球总量的30%,已成为全球黄金市场的重要组成部分。The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, has added 1,616 tons of gold to its reserves over the last 30 years.中国人民银行在过去30年里增加了1616吨黄金储备。By the end of 2022, the central bank's total gold reserves had reached 2,011 tons, after adding a total of 62 tons of gold reserves in the last two months of 2022, according to another report by WGC, named the 2022 Gold Demand Trends report.根据世界黄金协会发布的《2022年黄金需求趋势报告》,到2022年底,中国人民银行的黄金储备总量已达到2011吨,而在2022年最后两个月,中国人民银行的黄金储备总量增加了62吨。The move marks the first time since September 2019 that the Chinese central bank announced an increase in its gold holdings after 38 months.这是自2019年9月以来,中国人民银行在38个月后首次宣布增持黄金。Demand for gold bars and coins in the Chinese market totaled 218 tons in 2022, a 24 percent decrease compared to the last year, while demand for gold jewelry currently sits at 571 tons, a 15 percent year-on-year drop.2022年,中国市场对金条和金币的需求总计218吨,比去年减少24%,而黄金首饰的需求目前为571吨,同比下降15%。However, demand for gold globally jumped 18 percent in 2022 to 4,740.7 tons, the highest annual total demand since 2011. Among them, 1,136 tons of annual gold purchases were made by central banks worldwide, the report shows.然而,2022年全球黄金需求增长18%,达到4740.7吨,是自2011年以来最高的年度总需求。报告显示,其中,全球央行年度购金需求达到1136吨。The decline in Chinese gold demand was only a temporary result of certain conditions and is set to rebound soon, said Louise Street, a senior markets analyst of the World Gold Council.世界黄金协会高级市场分析师路易斯•斯特里特表示,中国黄金需求下降只是特定条件下的暂时结果,很快就会反弹。Positive seasonal factors in the first quarter of 2023 and strong central bank demand for gold are expected to help China keep its position as the world's top gold consumer in 2023, Louise added.路易斯补充说,2023年第一季度积极的季节性因素和央行对黄金的强劲需求,预计将有助于中国在2023年保持全球最大黄金消费国的地位。China's demand for gold jewelry, bars, and coins is expected to bounce back in 2023, as the Chinese economy is set to recover following the optimization of the pandemic policy coupled with a likely consequent rise in disposable income of Chinese households, said Wang Lixin, regional CEO of the WGC (China).世界黄金协会中国区首席执行官王立新表示,中国对黄金首饰、金条和金币的需求预计将在2023年反弹,因为在疫情防控政策优化后,中国经济将复苏,同时中国家庭可支配收入可能随之增加。This boost in gold demand will also be supported by the focus of commercial banks on gold sales, and the growing willingness of investors to purchase gold as an effective and stable store of value, Wang added.他补充说,商业银行对黄金销售的关注,以及投资者越来越愿意购买黄金作为有效和稳定的保值手段,也将支持黄金需求的增长。Reserve英 [rɪˈzɜːv]   美 [rɪˈzɜːrv]v.保留Optimization英[əˈpreɪz]    美[əˈpreɪz]n.最优化Consequent英 [ˈkɒnsɪkwənt] 美 [ˈkɑːnsɪkwənt]adj. 随之发生的