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英语新闻∣“九二共识”30周年,遵守“一中”原则台湾才能安全This year is the 30th anniversary of the 1992 Consensus in which both sides of the Taiwan Straits agreed that there is only one China.今年是“九二共识”30周年。“九二共识”即大陆和台湾达成“海峡两岸均坚持一个中国原则”的共识。A gathering in Beijing on Tuesday to mark the occasion conveyed anunequivocalmessage that if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi goes ahead with her proposed visit to Taiwan next month, it will have far-reaching consequences for Sino-US relations and the cross-Straits situation.Speculationis running high that Pelosi does intend to do so, despite US President Joe Biden's expressed opposition, the Pentagon's caution that it would not be a good idea, and Beijing's stern warnings.7月26日,“九二共识”30周年座谈会在北京人民大会堂举行,这表明如果美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西执意计划窜访中国台湾地区,势必会对中美关系和海峡两岸关系产生严重影响。尽管拜登政府内部为佩洛西鲁莽计划可能引发的严重后果感到担忧,以及中国政府多次表明严正立场,南希·佩洛西仍有可能坚持窜访台湾地区。Beijing's warnings have reportedly been significantly stronger than those it has made in the past when it has objected to US actions or policy relating to Taiwan. That is because if sheproceeds with her proposed trip, it would constitute not only a grave provocation but also a de facto rejection by the US top legislature of the principle of one China that the US is committed to upholding.中方已就佩洛西意图窜访台湾一事向美方发出“超乎以往的严厉警告”。因为佩洛西坚持计划窜访中国台湾地区不仅是严重挑衅,也表示美国最高立法机构拒绝维护“一个中国”原则。Although she has not confirmed her visit, Pelosi told reporters last week that it was important to show support for Taiwan. And even though she denied that Congress was pushing for the island's independence, what makes the situation truly dangerous is that Pelosi, who is notwell-disposed toward China herself, is being goaded into making the trip by the China hawks in both parties.虽然佩洛西仍未最终确定访台,但她上周告诉记者,显示对台湾的支持是很重要的。尽管佩洛西否认国会是推动台湾独立的幕后黑手,但佩洛西本人对中国并不友好,并在两党的怂恿下计划窜访台湾。"Nancy, I'll go with you," former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo, who is reportedly considering a run at the White House in the next election, tweeted on Sunday: "See you there!"“南希,我会和你一起去。”7月25日凌晨,美国前国务卿蓬佩奥在推特上写道,“到时候见!”据报道,蓬佩奥计划参加下届美国总统大选。A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry said there would be a "resolute response" if Pelosi does visit the island, with speculation alsorifeabout what this might entail. Some of the more hawkish US politicians have been unable to hide theirgleethat it might lead to a military clash.中国外交部发言人表示,中方已多次就此表明坚决反对和严重关切,美方若一意孤行,中方必将采取坚定有力措施捍卫国家主权和领土完整,由此造成的一切严重后果应由美方负责。美国政客无法掩饰欣喜嘴脸,因为这可能导致一场军事冲突。Even if the wishful scenario of these armchair warriors does not materialize this time, a visit by Pelosi would be a signal that US politicians hostile to China are trying to seize the initiative to change the status quo across the Straits, and use the island as a launch pad for confrontation with China.即使佩洛西最终没有窜访台湾地区,这也将是一个信号,表明对中国怀有敌意的美国政客正试图抓住主动权,改变海峡两岸的现状,并将台湾地区作为与中国对抗的跳板。The deep concerns Pelosi's proposed visit has aroused within Taiwan reflect the helplessness of those on the island who recognize that the secessionists who have bet on the US' protection of the island have made it anexpendablepiece in Washington's game plan to contain China.台湾地区也为佩洛西鲁莽计划可能引发的严重后果感到担忧,这反映出岛内人士的无助,他们认识到,在美国想要遏制中国的计划中,台独分子虽寄希望于美国的保护,但台湾已成为一个可牺牲的棋子。The 1992 Consensus laid the foundation for close economic and cultural exchanges across the Straits that brought tangible benefits to both sides and beyond. It was the refusal of the island's current authorities to uphold it that has triggered the cross-Straits tensions which they continue tofomentwith the help of their supporters in Washington.“九二共识”为两岸密切的经济文化交流奠定了基础,维护两岸和世界的切实利益。台湾当局拒绝维护“九二共识”,引发了海峡两岸的紧张局势,并在美国的煽动下紧张局势加剧。The 30th anniversary of the consensus therefore has highlighted how the secessionists on the island are betraying the motherland by discarding the consensus and are trying to surrender the fate of the island to the US.在“九二共识”30周年之际,台独分子背弃“九二共识”,背叛祖国,企图将台湾命运拱手让给美国。 unequivocal英[ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkl]美[ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkəl]adj. 不含糊的;明确的;毫不含糊Speculation英[ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]美[ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]n. 投机买卖;思考;投机活动;推断Proceed英[prəˈsiːd]美[proʊˈsiːd]vi. 进行;前进well-disposed英['weldɪ'spəʊzd]美['weldɪ'spoʊzd]adj. 很有好感的,非常赞同的rife英[raɪf]美[raɪf]adj. 流行的; 普遍的; 盛传的; 越来越普及的glee英[gli:]美[ɡli]n. 快乐,欢喜expendable英[ɪkˈspendəbl]美[ɪkˈspɛndəbəl]adj. 可消费的,值得消耗的foment英[fəʊˈment]美[foʊˈment]vt. 激起,煽动(麻烦等)