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As the undisputed favorite in all diving events, China is once again reigning supreme at the Olympic Games with two gold medals already secured in Paris, leaving the rest of the world impressed by its focus, consistency and collective strength.作为所有跳水项目无可争议的夺冠热国,中国“跳水梦之队”在巴黎奥运会上再次领跑。目前,我国在巴黎奥运会上已荣获两枚跳水项目的金牌。“跳水梦之队”的专注度、稳定性、集体感都给世界留下了深刻的印象。Chinese men's pair Yang Hao and Lian Junjie held their nerve and executed six perfect dives, despite mounting pressure from formidable rivals, to win the synchronized 10-meter platform final on Monday, keeping Team China's hopes of an eight-medal clean sweep in diving alive.7月29日男子10米跳台双人跳决赛,中国选手杨昊/练俊杰在五轮比赛中一路领先,保持状态,完成了六次完美的跳水,保持了中国队在跳水项目上零封八枚奖牌的历史。 Leading from the first round, Yang and Lian kept their dives complete and clean to score a total of 490.35 points and win their first Olympic title in the synchronized event, after having collected three world championship trophies together.从第一轮开始,杨昊/练俊杰就保持了跳水的完整性,干脆利落地以总分490.35分夺得男子10米跳台双人跳的冠军,而此前他们已经拿到了三座世锦赛奖杯。Thomas Daley and Noah Williams of Britain executed near-flawless routines, but had to settle for silver after scoring 463.44 points. Canada's Rylan Wiens and Nathan Zsombor-Murray won bronze with 422.13 points.英国跳水名将托马斯·戴利与搭档诺亚·威廉姆斯以463.44分斩获亚军,加拿大选手赖兰·威恩斯与搭档内森·容博尔-穆雷以422.13分获得季军。After reclaiming the men's synchronized platform title from Daley and his former partner, Matty Lee, who won it at Tokyo 2020, the Chinese pair attributed their golden Olympic debut to their mental resilience and solid training before the Paris Games.2020年东京奥运会戴利与其前搭档马蒂· 李携手斩获男子跳水双人10米台金牌。本次中国“跳水梦之队”的奥运金牌首秀归功于他们在比赛前强大的心理素质和扎实的训练功底。"There are no always-victorious athletes, or teams, in competitive sports. We just prepared the best we could and performed well on the day," said Yang, 26, a five-time world champion."Consistent performance comes from hard work on a daily basis. Overall, I think we just outworked most of our rivals in training, so that we could deliver when it matters," he added.26岁便已获得五次世界冠军的杨昊在接受采访时表示:“竞技体育中没有永远的赢家。我们今天可能发挥得更好一点,才拿到这个冠军。还是靠之前比赛的积累,我们在训练中付出了很多努力,在关键时刻就发挥了作用。”Daley, who made his Olympic debut at Beijing 2008, fell short of upsetting his mighty rivals again, after having almost single-handedly spearheaded the rest of the world's charge against the Chinese team in the past four editions of the Games.戴利在2008年北京奥运会上首次亮相,而在过去的四届奥运会上,戴利几乎以一己之力领先世界其他国家,却始终不敌中国“跳水梦之队”。The 30-year-old diving celebrity, however, took pride in having at least proved that even China's "dream team" wasn't invincible.然而,这位30岁的跳水名将感到十分自豪,他曾证明:即使是中国“跳水梦之队”也并非永远的冠军。"I am so incredibly happy to come away with another medal this time with Noah; the achievement is coming back to competition readiness within a year," said Daley, who reversed his retirement plan last year to go for a fifth Olympics, and has only trained with Williams in synchronized platform diving since November.戴利表示:“我很高兴这次能和诺亚一起赢得银牌,这是我一年后回归赛场后重要的成就。”他于去年取消了退役,这是戴利第五次参加奥运会,而自2023年11月以来他才与诺亚·威廉姆斯同步参与训练。"China dived absolutely incredible today. Every single one of their divers is almost flawless. We were applying the pressure every single round, yet they didn't fall to it," he said, adding, "What's interesting is being able to have the hope and the belief that it's possible to beat the Chinese divers… they know how to perform the best in competitions. "戴利在评价中国跳水队时表示:“中国队绝对令人难以置信,每一名队员的表现几乎都是完美无瑕的。我们每一轮都在施加压力,但中国队并没有倒在强压之下。有意思的一点是我们有希望,也相信有击败中国跳水队的可能性,但显然中国队清楚如何在比赛中发挥出最佳水平。”Team China got its ambition of claiming all eight diving titles up for grabs in Paris off to a flying start on Saturday after women's duo Chang Yani and Chen Yiwen secured the first one in the 3-meter synchronized springboard event at the Paris Aquatics Centre in Saint-Denis.7月27日,中国队在巴黎水上运动中心举行的跳水女子双人3米板决赛中,张昌雅妮/陈艺文夺得金牌,离本次奥运会包揽8枚跳水全项目金牌更进一步。Sarah Bacon and Kassidy Cook of the United States won silver, while British duo Yasmin Harper and Scarlett Mew Jensen won bronze.美国的莎拉·培根和卡西迪·库克以314.64分获得银牌,英国的亚斯敏·哈珀和斯嘉丽·梅·詹森以302.28分获得铜牌。Performing five routines, the same as the Chinese women, in the final, the pair from the US tried to match their world champion opponents in execution, quality and synchronization. It turned out that Team China has dominated the same event six times in a row at the Olympics for a reason.在决赛中,美国组合完成了与中国组合类似的5个动作,试图在技术分、难度分、同步分上与中国相平。但事实证明,中国“跳水梦之队”在奥运会上蝉联跳水冠军的实力不容小觑。"The Chinese have been the gold standard in diving for decades," Cook said. "We studied a lot of their films, and we love watching them to learn from their dives. But we are also peers with them. Our goal is to beat them one day."Cook added: "Following them in the competition helps us do better. They are obviously putting the pressure on us, hitting the dives. They are kind of setting the standard. In a competition, I want to see good quality, and China forced us to have good quality to follow them up like that."库克表示:“几十年来,中国队一直是跳水的典范,我们研究了很多他们的比赛录像,也非常喜欢从他们的比赛中去学习。在比赛中效仿他们的动作能让我们进步。中国队显然也在给我们施加压力,在某种程度上设定了高标准。我们也希望在比赛中看到高质量的对决,中国跳水队让我们不得不维持好的心理素质才能和他们共同进步。但我们也和他们同龄,希望有一天我们能够击败中国队。”“Dream Team”n.中国“跳水梦之队”