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英语新闻∣中国奶茶的魅力有多大?走红东南亚,全年无淡季To cool off during hot summer days in Beijing, Noppawan Sereesuntiwong often visited a Coco milk tea store near Dongdaqiao subway station in Chaoyang district.在北京炎热的夏日里,Noppawan Sereesuntiwong为了降温经常去朝阳区东大桥地铁站附近的一家Coco奶茶店。The 41-year-old Thai is a die-hard fan of the sweet, cool beverage, also known as bubble tea, which is popular among young people in her home country and many other nations in Southeast Asia.这位41岁的泰国人是这种甜美、清凉饮料的铁杆粉丝,这种饮料也被称为泡泡茶,很受泰国和东南亚很多国家年轻人的欢迎。When she studied in the Chinese capital, Sereesuntiwong, who now lives in the United States, tried numerous Chinese milk tea brands before finding her favorite.Sereesuntiwong在北京上学的时候喝过很多个品牌的奶茶,然后找到了她的最爱。她现在住在美国。"The weather in Thailand is hot and people are fond of sweet, cool drinks. We love colas, juices and bubble tea. In China, I liked Coco's mango-flavored tea, which is fresh and not too sweet," she said.“泰国的天气很热,人们都喜欢喝甜的、凉的饮料,比如可乐、果汁和泡泡茶。在中国,我喜欢Coco的芒果味茶,不仅很新鲜而且没有那么甜。”她说。Sereesuntiwong studied Chinese at Capital University of Economics and Business for two years starting in 2017, before moving on to study the subject at Beijing Language and Culture University.2017年Sereesuntiwong先在首都经济贸易大学学习了两年中文,之后到北京语言大学继续学习。Milk tea stores havemushroomednot only in China but also in Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand, with Chinese brands enjoying a boom in the region.奶茶店不仅在中国,也在马来西亚、新加坡、越南和泰国如雨后春笋般出现,中国品牌这些国家和地区获得了蓬勃发展。On Nov 11-Singles Day-domestic milk tea brand CHAGEE learned that its products were selling surprisingly fast in Malaysia.在11月11日光棍节的时候,国内奶茶品牌霸王茶姬(CHAGEE)在马来西销售火爆。Peng Xianggui, head of the company's overseas business, said:"At each of our outlets in Malaysia, dozens of motorcycle riders waited to make deliveries. We offered no discount, but our 26 stores sold more than 30,000 cups of takeout milk tea. Local people cannot get enough of Chinese milk tea brands."该公司海外业务负责人彭祥贵说:“我们在马来西亚的每个门店,都有几十个骑手等着送货。即使没有折扣,但我们的26家门店卖出了超过30,000杯外卖奶茶。当地人对中国奶茶品牌爱不释手。”In 2018, CHAGEE launched its "going global" plan, just a year after gaining a firm foothold in its home province of Yunnan. In October 2018, it set up an overseas business department, focusing firmly on the Southeast Asian market.2018年,霸王茶姬在云南站稳脚跟后一年,启动了“走出去”计划。2018年10月,霸王茶姬成立海外业务部,准备进军东南亚市场。In August 2019, the brand opened its first overseas outlet in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital. With itsstylishdesign concepts and milk tea flavors, the brand grew rapidly, and it now has more than 30 stores in Malaysia.2019年8月,霸王茶姬在马来西亚首都吉隆坡开设了第一家海外分店。凭借其时尚的设计理念和奶茶口味,该品牌发展迅速,目前在马来西亚拥有30多家门店。Peng said: "Cold drinks are a must in Southeast Asia. The annual average temperature in the region is close to 30 C and there is huge demand for such beverages throughout the year."彭祥贵说:“在东南亚,冷饮是必须的。这个地方的年平均气温接近30摄氏度,全年都对冷饮有巨大需求。”Many CHAGEE outlets in Malaysia are located in shopping malls near major brands such as Starbucks and McDonald's. On July 22, CHAGEE opened its 37th Malaysian outlet, while last year, the highest single-day turnover of an outlet reached more than 38,000 yuan ($5,635).马来西亚的霸王茶姬分店许多都在购物中心,靠近星巴克和麦当劳等。7月22日,霸王茶姬在马来西亚开设了第37家分店。就在去年,一家分店的最高单日营业额达到了38,000元(5,635美元)。The company said, "This year, our sales in Malaysia are up by 100 percent compared to last year, with monthly revenue reaching 500,000 to 600,000 yuan."该公司表示:“今年,我们在马来西亚的销售额比去年增长了100%,每月的营业额有五六十万元。”CHAGEE is just one of the Chinese milk tea brands to gain widespread popularity in Southeast Asia in recent years. In November 2018, a long line formed as Heytea launched sales of its product at the ION Orchard shopping complex in Singapore. Local media reports described the crowds that gathered as "unbelievable".霸王茶姬只是近年来在东南亚获得广泛欢迎的中国奶茶品牌之一。2018年11月,首家喜茶(Heytea)在新加坡开业时就排起了长队。当地媒体报道购买奶茶的人数众多,“令人难以置信”。According to Heytea, the store sold 2,000 to 3,000 cups of milk tea on average each day during its first week of business, recording a daily net profit of up to 60,000 yuan.据称,喜茶在开业第一周平均每天售出2000至3000杯奶茶,每天的净利润高达60,000元。Growing influence影响力增强Other milk tea brands in Southeast Asia have also turned in eye-catchingperformances.东南亚的其他奶茶品牌也有抢眼的表现。Chatime, which mainly focuses on the international market, has opened 2,500 stores worldwide, many of them in Southeast Asia. Mixue Bingcheng Co, which has more than 10,000 outlets in China, has opened many stores in Hanoi, the Vietnamese capital-unexpectedlytriggeringa Chinese tea boom. Nayuki, whose popular fresh-fruit teas include beverages topped with cheese-flavored foam, has adopted a "social +marketing" model-attracting a large number of Southeast Asian fans on its social media accounts.日出茶太(Chatime)公司主要关注国际市场,目前在全球开设了2500家门店,其中许多在东南亚。在中国拥有1万多家门店的蜜雪冰城(Mixue Bingcheng Co)在越南首都河内开设众多门店,引发中国茶的热潮。奈雪的茶(Nayuki)中,鲜果茶加上奶酪味奶盖大受欢迎,该公司采用了“社交+营销”模式在社交媒体账户上吸引了大量的东南亚粉丝。The growing influence of Chinese tea culture is likely key to the success of the nation's milk tea brands.中国茶文化的影响越来越大,这可能是中国奶茶品牌成功的关键。Tea is mentioned in a poem written by Su Shi, a renowned poet and statesman during the Song Dynasty (960-1279)-indicating that the beverage has a long history.茶的历史悠久,宋代(960-1279)著名诗人和政治家苏轼写的诗中曾提到了茶。Lines from the poem include: Wine-drowsy when the road is long,I yearn for bed; Throat parched when the sun is high,I long for tea.酒困路长惟欲睡,日高人渴漫思茶。Liang Haoguang, director of the China Center for Modernization Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said,"Nomadic people in China first created the concept of milk tea.中国科学院中国现代化研究中心主任梁昊光说,“中国的游牧民族首先提出了奶茶的概念。”"Through the ancient Silk Road, the drink was brought to India and also to Western countries. During the colonial era, milk tea was brought back to places such as Taiwan and Hong Kong. The development of milk tea is evidence of the trade globalization process that originated from the Silk Road."“通过古丝绸之路,这种饮料被带到了印度,也被带到了西方国家。在殖民时代,奶茶又被带到了台湾和香港等地。奶茶的发展证明了丝绸之路是贸易全球化的开端。”Liang added that many viewers have been drawn to the popular television series Meng Hua Lu, which features dian cha, a tea-making technique from the Song Dynasty. During this dynasty, most tea existed in the form of semi-fermented tea cakes. The dian cha process involved first grinding tea leaves into powder, before sieving the powder finely and placing it in a teacup.梁昊光补充说,许多观众被流行的电视连续剧《梦华录》所吸引,该剧介绍了宋代的制茶技术——点茶。在这个朝代,大多数茶叶以半发酵的茶饼形式存在。煎茶的过程包括首先将茶叶磨成粉末,然后将粉末过筛并放入茶杯中。"The cultural heritage showcased by tea culture is a bridge connecting countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. It shows that historical cities along the Silk Road had two main functions-trade and cultural exchanges," Liang said.“茶文化所展示的文化遗产是连接‘一带一路’倡议沿线国家的桥梁。它表明,丝绸之路沿线的历史城市有两个主要功能——贸易和文化交流。”With itsburgeoningdemand for bubble tea, Southeast Asia shares close cultural bonds with China through trade and people-to-people exchanges, resulting in the region becoming an initial destination for Chinese brandsventuringoverseas.随着对泡泡茶的需求不断增长,东南亚通过贸易和人员交流与中国有着密切的文化联系,于是该地区成为中国品牌进军海外的首个目的地。Peng, from CHAGEE, said: "We use fresh Chinese tea leaves and we have our own organic tea farm in Lincang, Yunnan. Chinese tea culture is symbolic, attracting increasing numbers of locals, especially youngsters. The reasons for its success are China's growing economy and the increased confidence in cultural communications."霸王茶姬的彭祥贵表示,“我们使用新鲜的中国茶叶,我们在云南临沧有自己的有机茶园。中国的茶文化具有象征意义,吸引了越来越多的当地人,尤其是年轻人。其成功的原因是中国的经济发展和文化自信的增强。”CHAGEE uses many traditional domestic features in its stores, where customers can find items such as stylish Chinese teapots.霸王茶姬的店中有很多传统中国特色的元素,比如造型别致的中国茶壶。The company's name is also linked to Chinese history. It takes its name from the ancient Chinese drama Ba Wang Bie Ji, also known as Farewell My Concubine.霸王茶姬这个名字也与中国历史有关,它取自中国古代戏剧《霸王别姬》。Henry Chong, a Malaysian milk tea lover, said he enjoys the flavor of CHAGEE milk tea and its stylish packaging.马来西亚奶茶爱好者Henry Chong说,他很喜欢霸王茶姬的味道和它时尚的包装。"Not many milk tea shops have this kind of product and background. The brand really attracts people who love Chinese history and Chinese tea," Chong said.“没有多少奶茶店有这样的产品和文化背景。这个品牌确实吸引了热爱中国历史和中国茶的人。”Peng said CHAGEE has many fans whose ages range from 18 to 35. They are enthusiastic about new trends, especially when they are linked to Chinese culture.彭祥贵说,霸王茶姬的顾客多在18至35岁之间。他们喜欢新的潮流,尤其是与中国文化有关的潮流。Liang believes that milk tea's popularity in Southeast Asia also reflects the globalization of trade that began along the Silk Road.梁昊光认为,奶茶在东南亚的流行也反映了贸易全球化。Market expands市场扩大According to the consulting services company Fortune Business Insights, the global market for bubble tea was $2.02 billion in 2019, and it is projected to reach $3.39 billion by the end of 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.2 percent during the forecast period.根据《财富》旗下市场研究和咨询服务公司Fortune Business Insights的数据,2019年全球泡泡茶市场为20.2亿美元,预计到2027年底将达到33.9亿美元,期间的复合年增长率为7.2%。However, the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on growth of the bubble tea market. Authorities enforced strict lockdowns and closed restaurants, cafes, farms and factories. The production of bubble tea was also affected by restrictions imposed on imports and exports, and a shortage of labor.然而,新冠疫情对泡泡茶市场的发展产生了负面影响。当局实施了严格的封锁,关闭了餐馆、咖啡馆、农场和工厂。泡泡茶也受到进出口限制和劳动力短缺的影响。Peng said: "COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the food and beverage industry. We experienced labor shortages and had to temporarily close some outlets to comply with health regulations. Dining and shopping habits changed to a large degree, with more people ordering food and drink online. As a result, we decided to join the online market, where we worked well with delivery service companies."彭祥贵说表示,“新冠疫情对食品和饮料行业产生了重大影响。因为人手不够,不得不暂时关闭一些分店,迎合卫生法规。餐饮和购物习惯在很大程度上发生了变化,更多的人在网上订购食品和饮料。因此,我们决定加入网上市场,我们与快递公司合作得很好。”More bubble tea drinkers are now looking for better value, and young people in China view drinking the beverage as a social activity, during which they sit and chat with friends in spacious outlets where the drinks are sold.更多喝泡泡茶的人正在寻求更好的价值。中国的年轻人将喝饮料视为一种社交活动,他们一边喝饮料一边和朋友坐在宽敞的商店里聊天。Peng added: "Milk tea has slowly evolved from being a thirst-quencher to a social requirement. For example, people used to go to outlets such as Starbucks to chat with friends while drinking coffee, but now milk tea shops are providing another option."彭祥贵补充说:“奶茶已经从解渴慢慢演变为一种社交需求。例如,人们过去常去星巴克等卖场边喝咖啡边与朋友聊天,但现在奶茶店提供了另一种选择。”Leonard Lee, a professor of marketing at the National University of Singapore, who studies customer psychology, said consumption has symbolic value.新加坡国立大学营销学教授伦纳德·李表示,消费具有象征价值。Drinking bubble tea is not just a satisfying experience, but also an expression of status, a sign of taste and a willingness to embrace new things.喝泡泡茶不仅是一种满足的体验,也体现了身份和品位,表示愿意接受新事物。Local innovation is also key to the success of milk tea. For example, Heytea launched a promotion in Singapore to sell durian-and salted yolk-flavored ice cream in July and August every summer. These tropical flavors are well-suited to local tastes.地方创新也是奶茶成功的关键。例如,喜茶在新加坡推出促销活动,在每年夏天的7月和8月销售榴莲和咸蛋黄味的冰淇淋。这些热带风味很适合当地人的口味。Unlike sweet milk tea products, Chinese brands focus on the aroma of the drink, which has a lighter taste. The higher polyphenol content in the tea also makes it more refreshing, with the drink becoming particularly popular among professionals in Southeast Asia.与甜奶茶产品不同,中国品牌注重饮料的香味,而味道较淡。茶中较高的多酚含量也使其更加清爽,这种饮料在东南亚的专业人士中特别受欢迎。Peng said: "Young people in the region are demanding healthier drinks, and we are promoting the transition to a healthy diet. For our products, we use fresh tea leaves and milk, sometimes together with fresh fruit."彭祥贵说,“这里的年轻人想要更健康的饮料,我们正在推动向健康饮食过渡。对于我们的产品,我们使用新鲜的茶叶和牛奶,有时还加上新鲜水果一起。”Countries in North America and Europe are also gradually increasing their consumption of modified tea products, according to a Fortune Business Insights report in 2020.Moreover, the number of bubble tea stores has risen in the US and the United Kingdom, as consumers switch to non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, including tea-flavored beverages, the report said.根据2020年《财富》发表的报告,北美和欧洲的茶饮消费也在逐步扩大。此外,报告指出,美国和英国的奶茶店数量也在上升,消费者越来越喜欢无酒精或低酒精饮料,包括茶味饮料。CHAGEE said it plans to open more stores in Thailand and Singapore, as well as in Europe and North America.霸王茶姬计划在泰国和新加坡以及欧洲和北美开设更多的分店。Peng said, "Starbucks brought coffee culture to the world. We are from Yunnan, birthplace of the Ancient Tea Horse Road (a trade route mainly connecting present-day Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces and Tibet autonomous region).We want to bring our tea culture to more places and make it shine on the global stage."彭祥贵说:“星巴克把咖啡文化带到了世界。我们来自云南,是茶马古道(主要连接今陕西、甘肃、四川、云南四省和西藏自治区的贸易路线)的发源地。我们希望把我们的茶文化带到更多地方,让它在全球舞台上大放异彩。”Sereesuntiwong, from Thailand, said she once found a Coco milk tea outlet in the US, but she missed the chance to grab a drink.来自泰国的Sereesuntiwong说,她曾经在美国发现了一家Coco奶茶店,但她没能买上一杯。"Next time I see the store, I'll definitely go for it. I really miss Coco's mango-flavored bubble tea," she added.“下次看到这家店,我一定会去买。我真的很想念Coco的芒果味奶茶。”mushroom英[ˈmʌʃrʊm]美[ˈmʌʃrʊm]vi. 迅速增长; 采蘑菇; 迅速增加; (火)猛然的扩大stylish英[ˈstaɪlɪʃ]美[ˈstaɪlɪʃ]adj. 时髦的,流行的 eye-catching  英[ˈaɪ kætʃɪŋ]美[ˈaɪ kætʃɪŋ]adj.引人注目的; 显著的trigger英[ˈtrɪɡə(r)]美[ˈtrɪɡər]vt. 引发,触发burgeon英[ˈbɜːdʒən]美[ˈbɜːrdʒən]v. 发芽,抽枝; 迅速发展venture英[ˈventʃə(r)]美[ˈventʃər]v. 谨慎地做; 冒着…的危险