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英语新闻︱重庆雄起!无数微光,无穷力量Chongqing, a city of more than 32 million people, faced an unprecedented test this summer, with a heat wave and drought causing a series of large wildfires since Aug 17.自8月17日以来,高温、干旱导致重庆多地发生山火。今夏,这座拥有3200多万人口的城市面临着前所未有的考验。Local residents have safeguarded their hometown in every way possible, with thousands of volunteers from all walks of life fighting the fires with professionals.当地居民与来自各行各业的志愿者、专业消防救援人员一同灭火,守卫家乡。Under a scorching sun, some residents used chain saws to fell trees to make fire barriers. Others rode motorcycles on newly formed paths to take firefighters and supplies up a mountain, while some volunteers carried food and drinks on their backs by foot.在烈日下,重庆市民用油锯锯倒大树,筑起了防火屏障。市民自发组成摩托车队在临时开凿的土路上奔忙,运送救援人员和物资。还有一些志愿者背着食物和饮料步行送至前线。Women and children helped organize supplies and clear the ground, and performed other essential tasks.留下的妇女和孩子则帮助组织物资,清理地面可燃杂物,以及其他工作。On Thursday night, as wildfires approached a man-made barrier on Jinyun Mountain in Beibei district, a total of more than 1,000 firefighters and volunteers stood alongside the barrier with fire extinguishers. Seen from overhead, their lights formed a silver wall against the raging fire line.8月25日晚,当山火接近重庆北碚区缙云山的隔离带时,千余名消防员和志愿者手持灭火器严正以待。头顶上的照明灯与熊熊烈火相映,连成了银色的“防火长城”。The residents' stories have touched many people.重庆居民的事迹让许多人为之动容。"Chongqing people are really amazing," said Du Hailang, head of the Beijing Emergency Rescue Association, an NGO founded in 2007 that has taken part in many overseas rescue operations.北京市应急救援协会负责人都海郎说:“重庆人真的很了不起。”北京市应急救援协会成立于2007年,曾参与过多次海外救援行动。Du and 10 other members of the association joined the fire rescue team in Chongqing last week.都海郎和其他10名协会成员于上周加入了重庆的消防救援队。"The man-made wall was unbelievable, but shocking. It really showed Chinese people's determination to defend their homeland," Du said.都海郎说:“大家组成的人墙让人难以置信,十分震撼,真真切切地显示了中华儿女保卫家园的决心。”Zou Yu, from the Chongqing Emergency Management Bureau, said at a news conference that by Friday morning, the wildfires in the city had been extinguished and efforts were being made to prevent new ones from breaking out.发布会上,重庆市应急管理局党委委员、政治部主任邹瑜表示,截至26日上午,全市所有的火场明火全部扑灭,现在正在清理余火当中,防止余火复燃。He said Chongqing had witnessed several forest wildfires this summer due to the worst heat wave and drought since 1961, when such statistics were first recorded.邹瑜介绍,今年重庆遭遇了有完整气象记录以来最严重的高温干旱,今夏多地发生了火灾森林火灾。"The city has experienced record-high local temperatures, with those in Beibei district reaching 45 C. Temperatures in Chongqing had been above 40 C for 15 days as of Thursday. Thirty-one of the total 38 districts and counties experienced lingering heat and drought as well as low precipitation, with 70 percent less rainfall than average recorded," Zou said.邹瑜说:“今年重庆最高的气温达到历史极值,北碚区最高45度。截至8月25日,重庆超过40度高温天气达到15天。重庆高温干旱超过40度的区县达到了31个,而且今年重庆同期降水少了7成。”The local government set up forest fire rescue headquarters, organized local professional forces and forest fire teams from neighboring Yunnan, Gansu and Sichuan provinces, and more than 20,000 Party and government cadres, militia and volunteers to fight the fires, he added.邹瑜介绍,市政府专门成立了森林山地火灾救援指挥部,组织了专业的救援力量,调派了云南、甘肃、四川的森林消防部队以及各个地方的党政干部、民兵,以及其他志愿者,共计2万多人,投入了森林灭火战斗。Jinyun Mountain is one of the most popular outdoor areas for Chongqing residents. Located in Wentang Gorge alongside the Jialing River and known for its rosy clouds, the mountain forms a natural barrier with the urban area. In ancient times, it was known as Mount Ba.缙云山位于嘉陵江温塘峡畔,古名巴山,素有“缙岭云霞”之美誉,是重庆中心城区的天然生态屏障,也是重庆居民最喜爱的户外活动场所之一。The mountain's beautiful scenery has attracted numerous poets and its name has often appeared in their work.缙云山的美景引得无数文人墨客到此游历,它的名字常常出现在他们的诗篇中。With 96.6 percent forest coverage, the Jinyun Mountain Natural Reserve has a rich diversity of species. It boasts a well-preserved subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest landscape and a relatively stable ecosystem.缙云山作为国家级自然保护区,森林覆盖率达96.6%,保护区内有大面积的常绿阔叶林,物种多样性丰富,生态系统相对稳定。The wildfire that broke out in Jinyun on Aug 21 posed a threat to everyone in Chongqing.8月21日,缙云山突发山火,威胁着重庆的每一个人。Chen Yiyong, who runs a wood carving factory in Beibei, is experienced in using chain saws. He immediately signed up to fell trees after receiving a recruitment notice from the local government. Chen and two workers, who are all in their 40s, collected chain saws and headed to the mountain.陈义勇(音译)在北碚开了一家木雕厂,在使用油锯方面很有经验。得知北碚正在招募油锯志愿者后,他立即报名,与两名40多岁的油锯师傅带着工具,奔赴一线。"Beibei is my home area and I must protect it," he said.陈义勇说:“北碚是我的家乡,我必须保护它。”Motorcycles took the trio halfway up the mountain, before they climbed for nearly two hours to reach the work site. Their clothes were soaked in sweat.陈义勇一行人骑着摩托车,花了几个小时才到达前线。此时,他们的衣服早已被汗水浸湿。Chen said: "The fire was getting close, but we were so anxious that we forgot just how tired we were-and also about the heat. We just kept felling trees and tried our best to help build man-made barriers."陈义勇说:“大火愈渐逼近,情急之下忘记了自己有多累、有多热。我们只是不停地伐树砍竹,尽最大努力挖出防火隔离带。”Much to their surprise, they were offered cold drinks and even ice cream as well as prompt medical attention on the mountain, thanks to the efforts of volunteers.陈义勇表示,多亏了志愿者,他们在山上作业时竟然喝到了冷饮,吃到了冰淇淋,还得到了相应的医疗保障。"We had nothing to worry about, and more than enough supplies," Chen said.陈义勇说:“我们一点都不担心,物资还绰绰有余。”He added that although the volunteers went to the scene individually, they followed guidance from the rescue headquarters.陈义勇提到,尽管志愿者是自发前往现场支援的,但都听从了救援总队的安排。"Solidarity is power. We can conquer everything if we unite," Chen said.陈义勇说:“团结就是力量。戮力同心,众志成城。”Chongqing, a traditional industrial powerhouse, is famed for its auto industry and is known as the motorcycle capital of China. One of the few major motorcycle-friendly cities nationwide, it hosts an annual national motorcycle trade fair, which attracts riders from across the country.重庆是传统工业重镇,以其汽摩产业而闻名。作为全国屈指可数的不“禁摩”的主要城市,重庆每年都会举办全国摩托车博览会,吸引了全国各地的骑手。Faced with the steep mountain and unpaved roads, Chongqing motorcyclists played a key role in transporting firefighters and supplies.面对陡峭的山路,摩托车队在运输消防救援人员和物资方面发挥了关键作用。Carrying bamboo baskets on their backs, they were nicknamed "the bamboo basket riders." Most of them-men in their 20s-came from different walks of life, such as delivery riders, businessmen and teachers.这些背着背篓的“摩托骑士”,大多是20多岁的青年,来自各行各业,有些是外卖员、商人、教师。Due to the challenging rescue conditions, most women and those under 18 worked at supply and assembly stations at the foot of the mountain.由于救援条件艰苦,大多数女性和未成年人在山脚下的补给站和调度点帮忙。They sorted and allocated all kinds of supplies. After the fire was extinguished on Saturday, they went up the mountain to bring down rubbish.这批志愿者负责分配各类物资。27日,山火扑灭后,他们负责上山清理垃圾。Shen Tongcheng, 15, will start high school next month. His father volunteered as a chain saw operator working on the mountain, while Shen and his elder sister started to collect rubbish at the rescue station on Friday.15岁的沈同成(音译)九月份就要入读高中了。他的父亲在山上做油锯志愿者,而他则和姐姐从26日起在救援现场清理垃圾。"I wanted to do something to contribute after I saw some little kids, probably primary school students, collecting rubbish at the rescue station," Chen said.沈同成说:“当我看到一些小孩子,可能是小学生,在救援现场帮忙清理垃圾时,我也想着做一些贡献。”The outstanding work of the volunteers and the hospitality of local residents impressed the firefighters.志愿者的出色工作和当地居民的热情好客给消防救援人员留下了深刻的印象。Bai Xueguang, from Gansu Forest Fire Brigade, said, "I never imagined that I would have popsicles and cold drinks at a fire rescue site."甘肃省森林消防总队重庆驻防队队长助理白雪光说:“我从来不敢想还可以在火场喝到冰水、吃到冰棍。”Zhou Hongyu, from Yunnan Forest Fire Brigade, said every volunteer he met at the scene asked him if he needed anything.云南省森林消防总队的周洪宇(音译)说,他在救援现场遇到的每一个志愿者都会询问他有何需求。"It was the first time I had taken a motorcycle to reach a fire scene. We really appreciate the locals' hospitality. Their support has been wonderful," Zhou said.周洪宇表示:“我们还是头一次坐着摩托去一线救援。感谢他们的热情好客与大力支持。”The fire on Jinyun Mountain drew attention from the international community in Chongqing.国际友人也参与到了重庆山火的救援工作之中。On Tuesday, a day after the fire broke out, Francis Stonier, 42, who comes from the United States and is associate professor in the Education Department at Southwest University, which is located at the foot of the mountain, signed up for the chain saw team to help create fire barriers.8月23日,也就是火灾发生的第二天,弗朗西斯·斯东尼尔报名参加了油锯志愿队伍,帮助开辟隔离带。今年42岁的斯东尼尔,来自美国,现在是西南大学教育学部副教授。He and his university colleagues checked and adjusted about 50 chain saws, which were delivered to fire and rescue workers before being taken to the mountain by volunteer motorcyclists to fell trees.斯东尼尔和西大同事安装调试了大约50台油锯,这些油锯后来被送到了消防救援人员手中,还被摩托车手带到山上参与砍树伐木的工作。Stonier's story impressed Yasir Cheena, a 31-year-old Pakistani businessman living in Chongqing.斯东尼尔的故事给在重庆经商的31岁巴基斯坦小伙亚西尔·切纳留下了深刻印象。"I am an outdoor person and very close to nature. When I heard about the fire, I was so sad," Cheena said.切纳说:“我很喜欢户外活动,很喜欢大自然。当我听到北碚区突发山火的时候,我感到非常难过。”After he saw video footage of Stonier performing volunteer work at the fire scene, Cheena asked his Chinese friends how he could become a volunteer.在看到斯东尼尔支援山火的视频后,切纳便向他的中国朋友询问如何成为志愿者队伍中的一员。On Saturday, hundreds of people were still busy completing their work at the Beibei fire scene, where they monitored the ashes and cleared rubbish from the mountain in temperatures that were still above 40 C.8月27日,百余名志愿者仍在40度的高温炙烤下清理山火废弃物。Cheena joined a local volunteer group of 60 people in the morning to carry water up the mountain for the firefighters and volunteers guarding the fire sites.27日上午,切纳加入了当地志愿者队伍,为山上的消防指战员和守卫火灾现场的志愿者搬运饮用水。Wearing a yellow vest and a towel soaked in water on his neck to keep cool, Cheena worked for about six hours carrying water in a large backpack. He was deeply impressed by the efforts of local residents.切纳穿着一件黄色背心,身背一个大背包,脖子上挂着一条湿透的擦汗巾,工作了大约六个小时,给当地人留下了深刻的印象。"I met people who are not so keen on outdoor life, and who are not that athletic, but they all took part in the rescue effort and did their best to help," he said.切纳说:“我遇到了一些平时不太喜欢户外活动,也不太喜欢运动的人,但他们都参加了救援工作,尽自己所能提供帮助。”"It was pretty amazing and kind of surprising for me to see so many young volunteers."切纳表示:“我生平第一次看到这么多的年轻志愿者,十分震撼。”A French motorcyclist, named only as Jeremy by local media, carried fire extinguishers, water and medical supplies up the mountain.参与救援的摩托骑士当中还有位法国志愿者,当地媒体称他为杰瑞米。杰瑞米负责将灭火器、水、药品运送上山。"I have been here day and night for three days," he said in a video on the Douyin social media platform on Friday. "I go home and sleep for four to five hours and then come back."26日,杰瑞米在抖音上发布视频说:“我已经在这里待了三天三夜了。”“我一般回家睡四五个小时,然后再回来参与救援。”The Frenchman, who has been in China for about nine years, lives in Beibei. He likes to hike on Jinyun Mountain with his family, and told local media the mountain is like an old friend and he hopes it can recover from the fires soon.杰瑞米家住北碚,已经在中国生活了大约9年。杰瑞米平时喜欢和家人去缙云山爬山,对他们一家来说,缙云山就像一位老朋友,他希望缙云山能尽快从大火中恢复过来。记者:谭英姿邓蕊scorch英[skɔːtʃ];美[skɔːrtʃ]v. 烧焦,烤焦vt. 使(植物)枯萎,把…晒枯;使成焦土;痛骂vi. <非正>高速行驶;烤焦militia英[məˈlɪʃə];美[məˈlɪʃə]n. 民兵组织,民兵popsicle英[ˈpɔpsikl];美[ˈpɑpsɪkəl, -ˌsɪkəl]n. 冰棒;雪糕;冰棍儿footage英[ˈfʊtɪdʒ];美[ˈfʊtɪdʒ]n. 以英尺表示的长度或距离;(电影或电视的)片段的数量或长度;连续镜头;进尺