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英语新闻︱中方强力反制美方挑衅行为China has unveiled a number of countermeasures in response to United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative Taiwan visit, which analysts said will heighten tensions across the Taiwan Straits and further worsen the deteriorated China-US ties.针对美国国会众议长佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区这一挑衅性行为,中方公布了一系列反制措施。分析人士称,佩洛西的窜访将加剧台海局势,进一步恶化中美关系。The measures include staging military drills near Taiwan, conducting large-scale air and naval activities, punishing organizations related to die-hard "Taiwan independence" elements, and suspending natural sand exports to Taiwan as well as the imports of some farm produce from the island.中方的反制措施包括在台岛周边开展一系列联合军事行动,开展联合海空演训,惩戒与“台独”分子有关的机构,暂停天然砂对台湾地区出口,暂停进口部分农产品。Speaking at a regular news conference on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that all of the countermeasures will be "forceful, effective and resolute" and both the US and "Taiwan independence" forces will feel them gradually and in a sustained way.8月3日,外交部发言人华春莹在例行记者会上表示,反制措施将是“坚决有力和有效的”,美方和“台独”势力会持续感受到这些措施。Shortly after Pelosi's arrival in Taipei on Tuesday night, Vice-Foreign Minister Xie Feng summoned US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns to protest the US House speaker's visit to the island, stressing that the nature of Pelosi's visit is vicious and the consequences are very grave.8月2日晚,佩洛西抵台后不久,中国外交部副部长谢锋紧急召见美国驻华大使尼古拉斯·伯恩斯,就美国国会众议长佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区提出强烈抗议,强调佩洛西此行性质恶劣,后果十分严重。Qin Gang, Chinese ambassador to the US, lodged stern representations with and strongly protested to the US on Tuesday over Pelosi's visit, which he blasted as "reckless and provocative".8月2日,中国驻美大使秦刚就佩洛西窜访台湾向美方提出严正交涉和强烈抗议,称此行“是鲁莽的挑衅行为”。China firmly urges the US to stop playing the "Taiwan card" and using Taiwan to contain China, immediately correct its mistake, manage and eliminate the pernicious impact of Pelosi's visit, and refrain from further dangerous and provocative moves infringing on China's sovereignty and security, Qin said.秦刚强调,中方严正敦促美方停止打“台湾牌”,搞“以台制华”,立即纠正错误做法,管控和消除佩洛西窜访台湾地区的恶劣影响,不得进一步采取危险、挑衅举动侵犯中国主权和安全。Pelosi, the second in line to the US presidency, concluded the highest-level visit in 25 years by a US government official to Taiwan on Wednesday afternoon. During her stay in Taipei, she visited the legislature of the island, and met with Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen, as well as some "human rights activists".8月3日下午,美国总统第二顺位继承人佩洛西结束了美国政府官员25年来对中国台湾地区进行的最高级别访问。佩洛西窜台期间先后与台“立法院”一些成员、民进党当局领导人蔡英文及一些所谓“人权领袖”会面。State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was "a sheer farce" and that it would not alter the international consensus on the one-China principle, nor the historical trend that Taiwan will return to the motherland.国务委员兼外长王毅指出,佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区是一场“彻头彻尾的闹剧”,根本改变不了一个中国的国际共识,也根本改变不了台湾必将回归祖国的历史大势。In a statement on Wednesday, Wang said the visit proves once again that some US politicians have become "troublemakers" in China-US relations, and that the US has become the "biggest destroyer" of peace across the Taiwan Straits and of regional stability.8月3日,王毅就美方侵犯中国主权发表谈话表示,佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区再次证明一些美国政客已经沦为中美关系的“麻烦制造者”,美国已经成为台海和平和地区稳定的“最大破坏者”。"I want to stress that the one-China principle is the key stabilizing force for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, and the three China-US joint communiques are the real 'guardrails' for peaceful coexistence between China and the United States," Wang said.王毅说:“我要强调,台海和平稳定的定海神针是一个中国原则,中美和平共处的真正‘护栏’是三个联合公报。”Clinging to the US to seek "independence" is a dead end, and attempts to use the Taiwan question to contain China are doomed to failure, he added.王毅强调,“倚美谋独”死路一条,“以台制华”注定失败。Experts said that the huge uncertainty surrounding Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has summed up the intensely volatile nature and unpredictability of China-US relations. It will also contribute to the instability of the Asia-Pacific region, as Taiwan has become by far the most dangerous source of tension and conflict.专家表示,就佩洛西窜访台湾地区带来的巨大不确定性来看,中美之间存在着强烈的不稳定性和不可预测性。由于中国台湾地区已经成为迄今为止最为危险的地方,是紧张和动荡的根源,此次窜访还威胁了亚太地区的和平发展。Chen Bing, a Chinese media commentator, said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was a serious political incident that has harmed China-US relations and might also lead to military confrontation between the two major countries.深圳卫视《直播港澳台》特约评论员陈冰表示,佩洛西窜访台湾地区是严重的政治事件,不仅危害中美关系,而且会引发中美军事对抗。China will undoubtedly step up reunification efforts, and respond to external interference on the Taiwan question with more effective means in order to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said.陈冰说,毫无疑问,中国会加快国家统一步伐,加强军事现代化,用更有效的手段应对外国势力干涉,维护国家主权和领土完整。William Jones, a former White House correspondent for Executive Intelligence Review and a non-resident fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, said that the Asia-Pacific situation has changed radically due to the shortsighted zeal of an overly ambitious politician.曾任美国《行政情报评论》驻国会记者、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院外籍高级研究员的威廉·琼斯表示,虎视眈眈的政治家过于短视,导致亚太地区的局势发生了巨变。"One can only hope that wiser heads in the American political establishment can bring to bear their influence on a situation that is in danger of spinning out of control," Jones said.琼斯说:“我们只能寄希望于美国政治体系中的贤能之士能够悬崖勒马,挽救失控的局面。”Leaving Taiwan, Pelosi flew to South Korea, part of her Asian tour which has taken her to Singapore, Malaysia and will also see her visit Japan.当前,佩洛西已搭乘专机启程前往下一站韩国,佩洛西此次亚洲之行还包括新加坡、马来西亚和日本。Before Pelosi's trip to Japan, a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Japan on Tuesday condemned her visit to Taiwan, saying the Taiwan question concerns China's core interests and is also related to the political foundation of Sino-Japanese ties.中国驻日本大使馆发言人于2日谴责了佩洛西的窜台之行,称台湾问题涉及中国核心利益,事关中日关系政治根基。The spokesperson urged Japan to abide by its commitment to China on the Taiwan question as well as the principles of the four political documents between China and Japan and properly handle the Taiwan question and avoid sending the wrong signal to "Taiwan independence" forces.中国驻日本大使馆发言人敦促日方恪守中日四个政治文件原则和在台湾问题上所作的郑重承诺,慎重妥善处理有关问题,坚决杜绝发生类似事件,防止向“台独”势力发出错误信号。Also on Tuesday, Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom Zheng Zeguang condemned Pelosi's visit, and urged the UK "not to dance to the tune of the US and follow in the wrong footsteps of the US". Both China and the UK can see the benefits of having a productive and constructive relationship, he added.8月2日,中国驻英国大使郑泽光就佩洛西窜访台湾地区表示谴责,并敦促英国“不要附和、效仿美国的错误行径”。郑泽光强调,中英两国都能看到保持有成效和建设性的关系带来的好处。记者:曹德胜countermeasure英[ˈkaʊntəmeʒə(r)];美[ˈkaʊntərmeʒə(r)]n. 对策,反措施stage英[steɪdʒ];美[steɪdʒ]v. 上演;举办;组织;使发生n. 阶段;舞台refrain英[rɪˈfreɪn];美[rɪˈfreɪn]vt.抑制,克制n. 叠句,副歌;经常重复的评价(或抱怨)vi.忍耐,节制doom英[duːm];美[duːm]v. 注定;使在劫难逃n. 厄运,劫数,毁灭;悲观,沮丧