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英语新闻∣海南将开展全省核酸检测,三亚临时全域静态管理Hainan will conduct nucleic acid tests for all people in the island province tocurbthe new COVID-19 outbreak, which hasspilled over into 10 cities and counties across the island, according to a news conference held in Haikou on Saturday afternoon by the localauthority.8月6日,三亚市召开新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作指挥部第二十一场新闻发布会。据悉,海南省本轮本土新冠肺炎聚集性疫情已蔓延至本省10个市县,并外溢到其他省市,为充分发挥核酸筛查在遏制疫情蔓延的重要作用,早日打赢疫情防控攻坚战,海南省将开展全域核酸检测。Supporting teams with the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism have arrived in Hainan to help cope with the fast changing situation, said Du Jianwei, an official with the Hainan Provincial Health Commission, at the meeting.海南省卫生健康委员会二级巡视员杜建伟表示,为尽快阻断疫情扩散蔓延,国务院联防联控机制综合组派出的工作组已抵达海南。With the first confirmed case of COVID-19 detected on Monday in Sanya, the new outbreak has spilled over across Hainan island, with the total confirmed locally transmitted cases and asymptomatic carriers having reached 525 and 121, respectively, as of 12 am on Saturday, said local officials.据悉,自8月1日三亚在动车站例行落地检时,发现1例新冠病毒确诊病例之后,此轮疫情已蔓延至这个海南岛。8月1日0时至8月6日12时,海南已累计发现确诊病例525例、无症状感染者121例。Sanya, at the southern-tip of Hainan island, has reported 455 confirmed locally transmitted cases and 103 asymptomatic carriers from Monday to 12 am on Saturday, according to the local COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control headquarters.据海南三亚市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作指挥部表示,8月1日0时至8月6日12时,三亚市累计报告本地确诊病例455例,无症状感染者103例。It said that Sanya has imposed a city-widelockdownstarting from 6 am on Saturday. While services for basic social operations, epidemic prevention and control and emergencies are fully guaranteed, public movement is now under control and all public transportation services have been suspended.三亚市疫情防控工作指挥部决定,自2022年8月6日凌晨6时起,三亚实行临时性全域静态管理,全市范围内限制人员流动,暂停城市公共交通,保障社会基本运行服务、疫情防控和紧急特殊情况的人员有序流动。The virus is the Omicron BA.5.1.3 variant. This is the first time it has been detected in China. Experts believe the origin of the virus wascontaminatedimported seafood at the Yazhou fishing port in Sanya or Hainan dealers who were most likely infected during transactions with overseas dealers, local officials said.海南省疾控中心首席专家金玉明表示,经流行病学调查和病毒基因测序分析,发现引起三亚“0801”疫情的是新冠病毒奥密克戎变异株BA.5.1.3。据报道,BA.5.1.3是我国首次检出。金玉明说,初步研判,此轮疫情为境外输入引起,进入三亚市崖州中心渔港渔船与境外渔民交易鱼货通过渔民隐匿感染或鱼货被病毒污染输入的可能性大,且后续在崖州中心渔港隐匿传播了一段时间。Travelers who are currently in Sanya, or who have a travel history based in Sanya since July 23, will have to stay in Hainan temporarily. Nucleic acid tests will be conducted according to the requirements of local epidemic prevention and control authority. Future arrangements will be made according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Sanya, said officials at the news conference in Haikou.海南省新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作指挥部表示,目前在三亚,或7月23日以来有三亚旅行史的,暂不离岛,按地区疫情防控要求进行核酸检测,后续安排视三亚疫情防控情况确定。The Sanya tourism authority said they have been doing their best to ensure good and comfortable services for tourists who are spending their summer holidays in the coastal city. The tourist destination attracted about 1.35 million visitors in July, according to figures from an airlines data provider.三亚旅游局表示,他们致力于为来三亚过暑假的游客提供良好舒适的服务。据某航空公司数据显示,7月份三亚已接待约135万名游客。curb英[kɜːb]美[kɜːrb]v. 控制,抑制; 约束,限定spill over英[spilˈəuvə]美[spɪlˈovɚ]v. 溢出lockdown英[lɔk daun]美[lɑk daʊn]n.封锁contaminate英[kən'tæmɪneɪtɪd]美[kən'tæməneɪtɪd]v. 把…弄脏,污染