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英语新闻∣佩洛西窜访台湾是“鲁莽、不负责任”的行为United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi'sprovocativevisit to Taiwan last week has undoubtedly heightened tensions in the China-US ties and cross-Straits relations, as Beijing hit back with strong countermeasures in response to her "reckless and irresponsible" move.美国国会众议长佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区,这一恶劣行径严重冲击中美关系政治基础,加剧台海紧张局势。中方针对佩洛西“鲁莽、不负责任”的行为坚决采取反制措施。However, analysts said that China's responses, including militarydrillsand sanctions are not just for the purpose of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as Taiwan is an inalienable part of its territory. More important, they help to uphold international law and the basic norms governing international relations, which are challenged by US hegemony.分析人士表示,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,中方的回应,包括军事演习和制裁,并不仅仅是为了维护国家主权和领土完整,更重要的是有助于维护受到美国霸权挑战的国际法和国际关系基本准则。Speaking to international media on Friday, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China's position is "legitimate, reasonable and lawful" and its measures are "resolute, strong and proportionate".8月5日下午,国务委员兼外长王毅面向中外媒体举行记者会。王毅表示,中方的立场“正当、合理、合法”,中方的举措“坚定、有力、适度”。"We will firmly safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, resolutely deter the US from using Taiwan to contain China, and resolutely shatter the Taiwan authorities' illusion of seeking independence by relying on US support," he said."Meanwhile, we are also upholding international law and the basic norms governing international relations, especially the norm of noninterference, the most important international norm, as stipulated in the United Nations Charter."Wang stressed that if the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of sovereign states is ignored or abandoned, the world will be dragged back to the law of the jungle, and the United States will become even moreunscrupulousin bullying other countries, particularly small and medium-sized countries, from its so-called "position of strength.""We must not allow such things to happen, and all other countries should stand in unity to stop such things from happening and not allow human civilization to regress," he said.“我们将坚定维护中国的主权和领土完整,坚决遏阻美国‘以台制华’的图谋,坚决粉碎台湾当局‘倚美谋独’的幻想,同时,我们也是在维护国际法和国际关系基本准则,尤其是联合国宪章中规定的不干涉内政这一最为重要的国际法则。如果不干涉内政原则被无视、被抛弃,这个世界将重回丛林法则,美国将更加肆无忌惮地以所谓实力地位对待欺负其它国家,尤其是广大中小国家。我们不能允许这种事情发生,各国也应团结起来,不允许这种事情发生,不允许人类文明进程倒退。”That is why more than 100 countries have publicly stood up and reaffirmed their firm adherence to the one-China principle and their understanding of and support for China's legitimate position, Wang added.王毅说,正因为如此,已经有100多个国家公开站出来,重申坚定奉行一个中国政策,理解和支持中方的正当立场。Historically, Taiwan is part of China. It was separated from the mainland due to the civil war in the 1940s. UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, adopted in October 1971, recognized the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China in the United Nations.自古以来,台湾就是中国的一部分。1971年10月25日,联合国大会全体会议高票通过《恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的合法权利》的决议,即第2758号决议。该决议以联合国名义确认了一个中国原则,即世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分,中华人民共和国政府是代表整个中国的唯一合法政府。In response to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reiterated the UN's support for the one-China principle on Wednesday. "Weabide byGeneral Assembly resolutions, by the one-China policy, and that is the orientation that we have in everything we do," he said.8月3日,联合国秘书长古特雷斯在被问及佩洛西窜访台湾一事时明确强调,联合国将继续坚持联大第2758号决议。“我们的立场十分明确。我们遵守联合国大会决议,遵守一个中国原则。我们所有的行动都以此为依据。”China maintains that the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair, which allows no foreign interference. The one-China principle is the most important political foundation for all countries that would have diplomatic relations with China, including the United States.台湾问题纯属中国内政,不容外国干涉。一个中国原则是包括美国在内的所有同中国建交的国家最重要的政治基础。In the past four decades and more since China and the US established diplomatic ties, their relations have generally maintained stable development based on the three Sino-US joint communiques, in which the US committed to the principles that "there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China" and it will not develop official ties with the Taiwan region. The one-China principle and the three joint communiques constitute the political foundation of the bilateral ties.中美建交40多年来,两国关系在中美三个联合公报的基础上总体保持稳定发展。1979年,美方在中美建交公报中明确承诺,“美利坚合众国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。在此范围内,美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方关系。”美国国会作为美国政府的组成部分,理应严格遵守美国政府的一个中国政策,不与中国台湾地区进行任何官方往来。坚持一个中国政策和中美三个联合公报的原则是中美关系健康发展的政治基础。However, in recent years, the US has been distorting, altering, obscuring and hollowing out the one-China principle, has used all means of playing the "Taiwan card" to contain China, and has sought to upgrade exchanges with the island, intensify arms sales to Taiwan and embolden "Taiwan independence"separatistactivities.然而,近年来,美国歪曲、篡改、模糊、掏空一个中国原则,千方百计打“台湾牌”遏制中国,升级对台交往,加大对台军售力度,助长“台独”分裂活动。Mou Lin, a core member of the Cyberspace Strategy Think Tank, said Pelosi's visit to Taiwan was a blatant violation of Resolution 2758—one of many cases in which the US has trampled on international law in pursuit of its bullying and hegemony.“秦安战略智库”核心成员牟林表示,佩洛西的台湾之行是对2758号决议的公然违反——这是美国为追求霸凌和霸权而践踏国际法的众多案例之一。The US has been advocating "rules-based international order", but what it did has told the world the so-called "rules" are that it can arbitrarily interfere in other countries' internal affairs, topple other countries' governments, impose sanctions on others and plunder other countries' resources, yet during the process it may not be resisted, Mou said.牟林表示,美国一直倡导“以规则为基础的国际秩序”,但它的所作所为告诉世界,所谓的“规则”是,它可以任意干涉别国内政,推翻别国政府,对别国实施制裁,掠夺别国资源,而在这个过程中不会遭到抵制。He called on countries around the world to be fully aware of the nature of UShegemonyand work in unity to struggle against it in order to promote world peace and development.他呼吁世界各国认清美国霸权的本质,团结起来同美国霸权作斗争,共同促进世界和平与发展。China has criticized the "rules-based international order" claimed by the US and its allies as "house rules" for the purpose of maintaining the so-called "order" led by the US, and it has said that the US always puts its domestic law above international law and pragmaticallycherry-picks international rules as it sees fit.中国批评美国及其盟友所谓的“以规则为基础的国际秩序”是“内规”,目的是维护美国主导的所谓“秩序”,称美国一贯将国内法置于国际法之上,只挑选自己认为合适的国际规则。Andrew Korybko, a US political analyst based in Moscow, said that the overarching trend in international relations is that the US-led West has gone rogue and is openly violating principles that have ensured peace and stability for decades.美国政治分析人士安德鲁·科里布科表示,国际关系的总体趋势是以美国为首的西方国家已经变得不守规矩,公然违反几十年来确保和平与稳定的原则。"This is being done out of desperation to delay America's fading unipolar hegemony, but it carries with it the dangerous consequence of destabilizing the world," Korybko said in an opinion piece published on website of the China Global Television Network.科里布科在中国全球电视网网站(CGTN)上发表的一篇评论文章中说:“美国这样做是为了拖延衰落的单极霸权,但这也破坏了世界的稳定。”In a meeting with State Councilor Wang in Cambodia on Friday, on the sidelines of the ASEAN-plus Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said US hegemonic policies run counter to the international consensus and will have no future.8月5日,在柬埔寨金边举行的东盟外长会议期间,俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫在与王毅国务委员的会晤中表示,美国的霸权政策与国际共识背道而驰,不会有未来。Russia is ready to work with China to uphold international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, Lavrov said.拉夫罗夫表示,俄方愿与中方共同维护国际法以及《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。provocative英[prəˈvɒkətɪv]美[prəˈvɑːkətɪv]adj. 挑衅的; 刺激性的drill英[drɪl]美[drɪl]v. 钻孔,钻探; 培训; 操练unscrupulous英[ʌnˈskru:pjələs]美[ʌnˈskrupjələs]adj. 肆无忌惮的,不择手段的,无道德原则的abide by英[əˈbaɪd baɪ]美[əˈbaɪd baɪ]v. 遵守; 信守; 忠于(某人); 接受separatist英[ˈseprətɪst]美[ˈsɛpərətɪst,ˈsɛprə-,ˈsɛpəˌre-] n. 分离主义者; 独立派hegemony英[hɪˈdʒeməni]美[hɪˈdʒemoʊni]n. 霸权; 霸权主义; 领导权cherry-pick英[ˈtʃeri: pik]美[ˈtʃɛri pɪk]vi. 最佳选择; 优选