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英语新闻∣“台湾省地图”上山西刀削面店老板发声:大陆同胞来吃能打折Mainland netizens are expressing deep affection for Taiwan and a strong desire for national reunification after they found streets and even snack bars on the island could be searched using online maps.大陆网友发现能在手机地图软件中搜索到台湾的街道和小吃店,大家按捺不住的激动心情与热切期待,对台湾的深厚感情和统一祖国的强烈愿望一齐迸发出来。Through some Chinese navigation apps, such as Baidu Map and Gaode Map, internet users can easily learn of detailed location information about streets, buildings and small food shops in Taiwan, with some named after mainland cities, including Chongqing, Nanjing and Changsha.手机地图软件搜索“台湾省”,可以显示台湾地图细节,精确到街道、建筑,甚至各类餐饮店铺。其中一些地方以大陆城市命名,比如重庆、南京和长沙。Users can also search bus routes, whether there are traffic jams and what foods are available around popular scenic spots in Taiwan using Baidu Map.网友还可以用百度地图搜到台湾公交线路、实时交通状况、景区附近的美食。On Friday, mapping services like these began receiving significant attention on mainland social media platforms. As of 8 pm on Friday, a hashtag called "Maps have already shown every street in Taiwan" has been viewed more than 1.3 billion times on Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo. Discussion on the topic could be heard in coffee shops, restaurants and on subways.8月5日,地图上的这些变化开始引起人们的关注。当日晚八点,一个叫“地图可显示台湾省每个街道”的话题冲上微博热搜,阅读量超10.3亿。甚至在咖啡馆、餐厅和地铁上都能听到讨论这个话题的声音。Although the service has been in place for quite a long time, the enhanced public attention came after United States House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to the island. Weibo user Hia-Taurus said: "I could feel older generations'homesicknesswhen I saw many streets on the island named after mainland cities. Come back, Taiwan!"虽然很久之前也能在手机地图软件上搜索到相关信息,但佩洛西窜访台湾一事再次引起人们对台湾地图的关注。一位微博网友说:“当我看到岛上许多以大陆城市命名的街道时,我能感受到老一辈人的乡愁。回到祖国大陆的怀抱吧,台湾!”After discovering via Gaode Map that a few Taiwan food shops were also called Shanxi knife-cut noodles, a traditional food from the Northern Chinese province, another Weibo user Zhangbeibeina, whose IP address is in Shanxi, said: "I would like to know if the noodles in Taiwan are as delicious as ours."另一位IP地址在山西的网友通过高德地图发现台湾有许多山西刀削面馆,他说:“我想知道台湾的面是不是和我们这的一样好吃”。Baidu Map said that so many searches such as "knife-cut noodle shops in Taiwan" had been made in the app, leading to complaints about delays or the failure of results to appear on Friday.8月5日,百度地图发布公告,“由于大家今天对于台湾省‘山西刀削面’的热情空前高涨,导致百度地图搜索该词条时出现卡顿。”Apart from these friendly comments, many netizens have also expressed support and understanding for how the mainland has been responding to Pelosi's recent visit.除了这些友好的评论外,网友也对中方就佩洛西窜访台湾一事做出的回应表示理解和支持。Zheng Ning, an associate professor at Beijing-based Communication University of China, has been following online opinions. Zheng said she could feel mainland netizens' deep feelings for Taiwan.中国传媒大学副教授郑宁一直关注着网友的评论。郑宁表示她能感受到大陆网友对台湾的深厚感情。"Many posts are full of emotion, and have become more sensible compared with theinfuriationseen a few days earlier. Some of my friends on WeChat, especially young students, for example, were angry on Tuesday while seeing Pelosi's flight land in Taiwan without receiving drastic military countermeasures from the mainland.“许多帖子充满了情感,几天前网友都还很愤怒,现在已经变得理智了。我微信上的一些朋友,尤其是年轻的学生,周二看到佩洛西的飞机在台湾降落,没有受到大陆严厉的军事反制措施,他们都很愤怒。”"Such anger or disappointment was their purepatrioticfeeling, and it could be understood. But when they calmed down and saw the countermeasures gradually unfolding, they've been aware of what kind of response is more beneficial to China," she said.“这种愤怒和失望是纯粹的爱国主义感情,可以理解。但是他们冷静下来之后,看到大陆逐步开展反制措施的时候,才意识到到底该怎么回应才能对我们最有利。”Zheng said that such emotional shifts have also happened to many of her students. "More netizens, I believe, will be more sensible while talking about the Taiwan question with more information and countermeasures provided by the country."郑宁说她的很多学生都有这种态度转变。“我觉得,随着网友得到的信息和国家采取的反制措施越来越多,他们在讨论台湾问题时会更加理性。”Huang Min, a Fujian province native who experienced the 1996 Taiwan Straits confrontation, said the Chinese military conducting drills all around Taiwan is a "noticeableprogress of military capability".福建人黄敏(音)经历过1996年台海危机,他说解放军围绕台岛举行大规模军演表明中国的“军事实力有了显著进步”。However, Huang said he and his friends still wish to see a peaceful reunification, given how Fujian and Taiwan share many similarities in culture, language and customs, and also have close ties in terms of history, family ties, economy and other aspects.但是黄敏和他的朋友还是希望看到和平解放台湾,因为福建省和台湾省在文化、语言和风俗上等方面具有绵密深厚的联结,经济往来密切。两岸同胞同根同源、同文同宗,心之相系、情之相融。homesickness英['həʊmsɪknəs]美['hoʊmsɪknəs]n. 乡愁infuriation英[ɪnˌfjʊərɪ'eɪʃən]美[ɪnˌfjʊrɪ'eɪʃən]n. 激昂,激怒patriotic英[ˌpætriˈɒtɪk]美[ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk]adj. 爱国的,有爱国心的noticeable  英[ˈnəʊtɪsəbl]美[ˈnoʊtɪsəbl]adj. 显而易见的,明显的