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英语新闻∣国家促进非公经济的发展More efforts must be undertaken to drive the healthy development of the nonpublic sector and give full play to the dynamic role of private entrepreneurs so they will dare to make breakthroughs, China's top leadership said in recent high-level conferences.中国最高领导人在最近的高级别会议上表示,必须采取更多的努力来推动非公有制经济的健康发展,充分发挥民营企业家的活力作用,使他们敢于取得突破。The emphatic declaration spoke of China's strong determination to develop the nonpublic sector. Industry experts and company executives said will greatlystimulatemarket vitality and support stabilizing the nation's economic fundamentals in the second half of the year.宣言强调了中国发展非公有制经济的坚定决心。行业专家和公司高管表示,将极大地激发市场活力,将在下半年稳定国家经济基础。President Xi Jinping said at the Central Conference on United Front Work in late July that China must facilitate the healthy growth of the nonpublic sector of the economy and encourage those working in this field to achieve success.7月29日至30日,中央统战工作会议再次召开。习近平总书记在会上指出,要促进非公有制经济健康发展和非公有制经济人士健康成长。"It demonstrated that the country is striving to offer a stable and predictable business environment for nonpublic sector, especially private businesses, which is of great significance in boosting their confidence and stabilizing expectations," said Zhang Lianqi, a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.中国人民政治协商会议第十三届全国委员会常务委员张连起表示,“这表明,我国正在努力为非公有制经济特别是民营企业提供稳定、可预期的营商环境,这对提振信心、稳定预期具有重要意义。”"With better market expectations, more companies and entrepreneurs will move boldly for their business. This, in turn, will drive economic recovery as well as the steady development of sectors like real estate and the platform economy," he said.“随着市场预期的改善,更多的公司和企业家将大胆行动。这反过来将推动经济复苏,促进房地产和平台经济等行业的稳定发展。”A recent meeting by the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee said that full play should be given to the initiative of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and that sound policies and a favorable institutional environment must be provided so that "State-owned enterprises dare to act, private enterprises dare to develop into new areas and foreign enterprises dare to make investments."7月28日,中共中央政治局召开会议。会议要求,要发挥企业和企业家能动性,营造好的政策和制度环境,让国企敢干、民企敢闯、外企敢投。Yang Weimin, deputy director of the Economic Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, said in a note that the country's economy is on track for recovery, although there are many uncertainties ahead because of the COVID-19 epidemic and the external environment.全国政协经济委员会副主任杨伟民表示,尽管受新冠肺炎疫情和外部环境的影响,未来仍存在许多不确定性,但我国经济正逐渐复苏。"To stabilize economic growth in the second half of this year, we cannot ignore market entities. More efforts must be made to power private enterprises, which act as the main body of economic development," he said.他表示,“下半年稳定经济增长,不能忽视市场主体。民营企业是经济发展的主体,我们必须加大对民营企业的扶持力度。”China's private businesses, which accounted for over 97 percent of the country's total market entities last year, are a primary driver behind the country's economic development.2021年,民营企业占全国市场主体总数的97%以上,是中国经济发展的主要动力。From small private businesses in provinces like Zhejiang and cities like Shenzhen to internet enterprises leading global technological advances, China's private companies arepioneersin spurring economic growth and innovative development both inside the country and on the global stage.从浙江、深圳等地的小型私营企业,到引领全球科技进步的互联网企业,中国的民营企业在国内和国际舞台上都是推动经济增长和创新发展的先锋。They have contributed about 50 percent of the country's tax revenue, 60 percent of gross domestic product, 70 percent of technological innovation and 80 percent of urban employment, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.根据工业和信息化部的数据,民营企业为国家贡献了约50%的税收、60%的国内生产总值、70%的技术创新和80%的城市就业岗位。Industry experts said the ultimate goal of encouraging various market entities, including the nonpublic sector, is to drive the country's commonprosperityand Chinese-style modernization.业内专家表示,鼓励包括非公有制经济在内的各种市场主体发展的最终目标是实现共同富裕和中国式现代化。In an inspection tour that started last week in Jinzhou, Liaoning province, President Xi reiterated the essential features of China's modernization. Xi said that "Chinese-style modernization features common prosperity and happiness for all, not just for a few."习近平在锦州、沈阳等地考察调研期间对中国式现代化的内涵进行了重点阐释。他强调:“要全体人民共同富裕、皆大欢喜。”"China has put common prosperity in a more important strategic position in the new era to drive Chinese-style modernization," Bai Chongen, dean of Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management, said in an article published in Economic Daily.清华大学经济管理学院院长白重恩在《经济日报》发表的一篇文章中表示:“在新时代,中国把共同繁荣放更加重要的战略地位,推动中国式现代化。”To achieve this, Bai said that the nation is insisting on a socialist market economy in which public ownership plays the leading role alongside other forms of ownership, to allow some people to get rich first and help others get rich later.白重恩说,为了实现这一目标,国家坚持以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展的社会主义市场经济,并鼓励一部分人、一部分地区先富起来,通过先富带后富,最终实现共同富裕。"But during this process, China is also boosting antitrust efforts to prevent the disorderly expansion of capital, so as to drive enterprises equally for common prosperity," he said.他表示,“但在这个过程中,中国也在加大反垄断力度,防止资本的无序扩张,从而推动企业平等发展。”Ye Qing, chairman of Beijing Yeshi Enterprise Group Co, a material manufacturing company, said that as a private entrepreneur, he felt inspired andassuredby China's efforts in supporting the private sector to go boldly for development.北京叶氏企业集团有限公司董事长叶青表示,作为一名民营企业家,看到中国大力支持非公经济发展,他感到鼓舞和安心。"It has definitely been a hard time due to rising operational costs andshakyexternal uncertainties, but the country's recent efforts greatly boosted our confidence and inspired us to turn policy opportunities into growth momentum," Ye said.叶青说:“由于运营成本不断上升,外部有许多不确定性因素,这无疑是一段艰难的时期,但国家支持极大地增强了我们的信心,激励我们将政策机遇转化为增长势头。”"Such efforts also drove us to give more important play to the dynamic role of private enterprises to make more contributions to the Chinese market, especially in insisting on research and development for more breakthroughs on key technologies," he added.他补充说:“国家的努力也促使我们激发民营企业的活力,为中国市场做出更多贡献,特别要坚持研发,争取在关键技术上取得更多突破。”stimulate英[ˈstɪmjuleɪt]美[ˈstɪmjuleɪt]vt. 刺激;激励pioneer  英[ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)]美[ˌpaɪəˈnɪr]n. 先驱;开拓者prosperity英[prɒˈsperəti]美[prɑːˈsperəti]n. 繁荣;兴旺;成功assured英[əˈʃʊəd]美[əˈʃʊrd]adj. 确定的;自信的shaky英[ˈʃeɪki]美[ˈʃeki]adj.(地位,信用等)动摇的; (因病、体弱等)摇晃的; 虚弱的