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英语新闻|消费升级对经济复苏至关重要Consumption upgrades are of vital importance to China's economic recovery this year and the country's high-quality development in the long run, providing golden business opportunities for global companies to thrive in its market, participants in a high-profile expo said on Monday.7月25日,参加第二届中国国际消费品博览会的与会者表示,消费升级对今年我国经济复苏和长期高质量发展至关重要,为全球企业在中国市场蓬勃发展提供了黄金商机。French President Emmanuel Macron said via video link at the opening ceremony of the Second China International Consumer Products Expo that France considered it a great distinction to be the guest of honor at the expo in Haikou, Hainan province.法国总统马克龙在第二届中国国际消费品博览会暨全球消费论坛开幕式上通过视频讲话表示,法国非常荣幸能够担任此次在海南海口举行的消博会的主宾国。The European nation stands as one of the leading countries participating in the expo with more than 200 brands.本届消博会中,法国会携200多个品牌参展。Trade between France and China is vibrant, and the two sides have been cooperating closely in such sectors as agriculture, healthcare, electronic products and luxury products, Macron said.马克龙表示,法中贸易的勃勃生机,体现了双方在农产品、健康保健品、电子产品、奢侈品行业的深入合作。The French president stressed that as China is building Hainan into an international free trade port and making it a new international hub for high-quality products, French enterprises will fully support the plan and hope to contribute to its success.马克龙强调,随着中国建设海南自贸港,并使其成为新的国际优质产品枢纽,法国企业将全力支持此计划,希望为该计划的成功作出贡献。This year, the expo has drawn the participation of over 2,800 brands from 61 countries and regions. More than 600 new products are making their debut on the global stage at the expo, which runs until Saturday.此次消博会共有来自61个国家和地区的2800多个品牌参展,届时会有超过600个全球新品首发首秀,展会将持续到7月30日。Consulting and financial company Deloitte, a two-time participant in the event, said the expo will serve as an important platform to help promote the building of Hainan into an international tourism consumption center and a market platform of high-quality consumer goods.两次参加消博会的咨询和金融公司德勤表示,此次消博会将成为推动海南建设国际旅游消费中心和优质消费品市场的重要平台。The expo serves as an important way to promote and upgrade domestic consumption in China. It aims to help domestic consumers access more premium international products and create more business opportunities for companies around the world, said Zhang Tianbing, consumer products and retail sectors leader of Deloitte Asia Pacific.德勤亚太消费品及零售行业主管合伙人张天兵表示,消博会是促进中国消费增长、满足消费升级的重要举措,既有助于让消费者获得更多选择,也让国际优质产品得以对接国内消费需求,帮助中国对接全球产品市场,有利于双循环畅通。Leung Chun-ying, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said during the opening ceremony that despite the COVID-19 pandemic restraining the recovery of the global consumption market, the overall trend of consumption upgrades in China remains unchanged, and the nation's consumption scale is expanding.全国政协副主席梁振英在此次消博会开幕式表示,当前世界百年变局和新冠疫情叠加,给全球消费复苏带来一些制约。但中国消费规模不断扩大、消费结构持续升级的总体态势没有改变。China's continued effort to widen opening-up will inject strong impetus into the country's economic growth, Leung said.梁振英强调,中国持续发展和扩大开放,将继续为世界经济发展注入强大动力。Li Mingxing, a member of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC and vice-chairman of the China Enterprise Confederation, said China's imports of consumer goods continue to increase strongly despite the pandemic, and will contribute to the stable recovery of the world's second-largest economy.第十三届全国政协委员、中国企业联合会副会长李明星表示,尽管受疫情影响,但中国消费品进口持续强劲增长,这将有助于世界第二大经济体的稳定复苏。China's consumer market is second only to that of the United States. Last year, the total import value of consumer goods in China reached 1.73 trillion yuan ($256.4 billion), up 9.9 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Commerce.根据商务部的数据显示,中国的消费市场仅次于美国,去年中国消费品进口总额达到人民币1.73万亿元(合2564亿美元),同比增长9.9%。On Monday, French luxury goods company LVMH Group signed a memorandum of cooperation with the local government of Haikou. The company will officially launch its perfume and cosmetics tourism retail supply chain center in China at the comprehensive bonded area of Haikou.7月25日,法国奢侈品公司路威酩轩集团和海口综合保税区正式签署合作备忘录,确定路威酩轩香水化妆品中国区旅游零售供应链中心将落户海口综合保税区。vibrant英[ˈvaɪbrənt];美[ˈvaɪbrənt]adj. 充满生机的;生气勃勃的;精力充沛的;鲜艳的;醒目的;响亮的;洪亮的;强劲的debut英[ˈdeɪbjuː];美[deɪˈbjuː]n. 首次登台,初次露面impetus英[ˈɪmpɪtəs];美[ˈɪmpɪtəs]n. 动力; 促进; 势头; 声势memorandum英[ˌmeməˈrændəm];美[ˌmeməˈrændəm]n. [外]照会,备忘录; [商]便笺,函; 记录; [法](契约等条文的)节略