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China's world No. 1 team, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha, have finally completed their major title collection by winning their first mixed doubles Olympic gold medal in Paris, paving the way for China's clean sweep of all five titles.7月30日,巴黎奥运会乒乓球混双决赛,中国组合王楚钦/孙颖莎以4-2战胜朝鲜组合,中国代表团拿下奥运会乒乓球混双项目首枚金牌,离获得五个乒乓球项目“金满贯”更进一步。Roared on by an enthusiastic crowd, mainly Chinese fans, at the South Paris Arena, Wang and Sun, the men's and women's reigning world No. 1 players respectively, held off a strong comeback from Ri Jong Sik and Kim Kum Yong of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to prevail 4-2 in the high-profile final on Tuesday and secured the first gold medal up for grabs in table tennis at the Paris Olympics.在南巴黎竞技场,看台上的观众大多都为中国球迷,为中国乒乓球代表队王楚钦/孙颖莎热烈欢呼。备受瞩目的乒乓球混双决赛中,“莎头”组合以4-2战胜了朝鲜组合李正植/金琴英,获得了巴黎奥运会乒乓球混双项目首枚金牌。Having won almost every major trophy together, including two mixed doubles world championship titles in 2021 and 2023, Wang and Sun relished their first Olympic gold together as a special one, particularly following Team China's final loss to host Japan in the mixed event's Olympic debut in Tokyo in 2021.自2017年搭档,王楚钦/孙颖莎共同奋战每一场比赛,赢得的荣誉不胜枚举,此前获得过2021、2023年乒乓球混双世锦赛的冠军。2021年东京奥运会乒乓球混双项目失利夺金,此次巴黎奥运会“莎头”组合终于成功圆梦,享受属于他们的首枚奥运金牌。"This mixed doubles gold is probably the medal I wanted the most. I have to thank everyone around us who contributed to this win," said Wang, a six-time world champion across men's team, men's doubles and mixed doubles."It was the work and effort of everyone that helped us pull it off. We put in so much for this gold, it now all feels worth it. This is not just our glory, it belongs to the entire team."作为乒乓球男子单打、男子团体、混合团体的六届世界冠军,王楚钦在接受采访时表示:“这枚混双金牌可能是我最想要的,十分感谢在异国他乡还能看到这么多‘中国红’,听到熟悉的呐喊和加油。这么多年来,正是有你们的支持和鼓舞,使得我们遇到困难的时候,依然能坚持下来,赢得比赛。这枚金牌是中国乒乓球队全队努力的结果。(赢得)这枚混双金牌太不容易了,我们值得这枚金牌,(金牌)不只是代表我们两个,也是代表整个球队。” In the Tokyo Games mixed doubles final, Japanese pair Jun Mizutani and Mima Ito outlasted China's Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen 4-3 in a seven-set thriller to snatch the very first mixed doubles Olympic gold, denying China's attempt to bag all five gold medals.在2021年东京奥运会混双决赛中,许昕/刘诗雯“昕雯联播”组合苦战7局,不敌日本组合水谷隼/伊藤美诚,获得银牌,第一次在奥运会乒乓球共计五个项目中失利大满贯。Now, with Tuesday's win opening its Paris 2024 campaign on a high note, Team China will go all out to achieve a gold medal clean sweep in Paris with four more events - men's and women's singles and teams - to go.而此届巴黎奥运会,中国取得混双决赛的胜利为乒乓球项目拉开帷幕,中国队必将全力以赴接下来的四个乒乓球项目——男单、女单、男双、女双——实现巴黎奥运会乒乓球五个项目大满贯。"I feel like a heavy stone was released from my heart. It was a big relief to get this one done. There are more to go for sure. Hopefully we could build on this opening victory to secure Team China's dominance in other events," said Wang.王楚钦表示:“这块混双金牌积在我心中太久了,我们今天做到了。我们还有很长的路要走,希望我们能在这场胜利的基础上再接再厉,向世界展示中国乒乓球力量。”Sun attributed the triumph to the chemistry she's developed with Wang since they first started to play doubles in 2017.孙颖莎表示,自2017年“莎头”组合搭档以来,两人都互相扶持、互相鼓励、互相弥补,一路走来,这次的胜利也和他们的默契密不可分。"I'm thankful to my partner for all the work we put in over the last three years. We've known each other since we were kids and grew up together. We're pleased with the result today, and hope we'll be able to continue to do well in the coming events," she said.她在接受采访时表示:“这三年多我们俩的付出都是值得的,也非常感谢我的搭档。我们2017年开始搭档,现在也有七八年了,彼此都非常熟悉,大大小小的比赛都拿过冠军了,但奥运会对我们来说也是最神圣的、最伟大的舞台。在巴黎奥运会上,我们齐心协力一起把这枚金牌赢下来。”