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英语新闻︱“二舅”的故事刷屏全网,作者回应:起于线上,止于相忘A video of a 66-year-old disabled carpenter has gone viral on Chinese social media after his nephew Tang Hao shared the man's heartrending life story on short-video platform Bilibili on Monday.近日,一则名为《回村三天,二舅治好了我的精神内耗》的视频在网上流传开,并获得了大量网友的关注。视频中,作者唐浩通过第一人称讲述二舅扣人心弦的人生故事。The protagonistin the video was once a smart child leading a normal life in an unnamed remote village till a botched treatment by a village doctor for an ailment left him crippled for life. He was bedridden for two years andwasn’t able to attend school.视频主人公二舅曾是村里的“天才少年”,但却因为一场高烧打针落下了残疾。卧病在床两年载,无法重返学堂。Later, he picked up thecarpentryskills and began serving people in his village. He was very helpful and made friends wherever he went.后来,二舅用了三天“看”会了木匠工艺,从此承包了全村的木匠活。乐于助人的二舅走到哪里都能广结善缘。Today, the farmer is a full-time caregiver for his mother and for the past few years, Erjiu hascarried his 88-year-old mother around on his motorized tricycle when he goes to work.从几年前开始,二舅开着三轮车出门干活时,总会载着年近九旬的姥姥。这几年,二舅木工活也不做了,全职照顾年近九旬的姥姥。Remaining single his whole life, Erjiu adopted an abandoned girl in the village and raised her as his own. He even saved a large sum of money from his meager income to finance her marriage.二舅一生未婚,领养了一个叫“宁宁”的女孩。宁宁结婚时,二舅掏光了半辈子积蓄给宁宁买房子。Althoughthis is just a simple story of an ordinary person in a remote village, the video has made a splashon video-sharing app bilibili, being watched at least 29 million times, getting over 4 million likes, and getting shared nearly 2 million times.其实视频讲述的只是小山村里一个平凡小人物的奋斗故事,却在哔哩哔哩上爆火。截至目前,已有2900万次观看,400多万次点赞,近200万次分享。Erjiu's story epitomizesthe lives of millions of average people, and the story of his experience resonates with the public and inspires people to admire his strong spirit, which also inspires people to move forward.许多人从视频里看到了自己的三姑四叔五舅六婶的影子,引起了大众的情感共鸣。他们面对逆境坚韧乐观,正是这种精神支撑着我们这个民族数千年绵延不绝。Tang, the video's creator, posted on his Bilibili account on Wednesday morning that so much attention from the public made him a bit nervous, and that Erjiu's adopted daughter, Ningning, has taken Erjiu and his mother somewhereprivate so they won't be disturbed.据作者唐浩发博文透露,目前二舅的养女已经将二舅和姥姥接走,希望大家对二舅的所有关切,“起于线上,止于相忘”。protagonist英[prəˈtægənɪst];美[proˈtæɡənɪst]n.(戏剧的)主角;(故事的)主人公;现实事件(尤指冲突和争端的)主要参与者;领导者make a splash英[meik ə splæʃ];美[mek e splæʃ]v.发出溅泼声;引人注目;引起轰动epitomize英[ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz];美[ɪˈpɪtəˌmaɪz]vt.作…的摘要;成为…的缩影;概括;集中体现