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英语新闻∣中韩关系的关键是相互尊重"Mutual respect" and "cooperation" stood out as two key phrases used in festive messages by the leaders of China and the Republic of Korea on Wednesday to mark the 30th anniversary of the two countries establishing diplomatic relations.8月24日,国家主席习近平同韩国总统尹锡悦互致贺函,庆祝两国建交30周年。“相互尊重”和“合作”成为两国领导人节日致辞中的关键词汇。Observers said that the messages, especially the one from President Xi Jinping, reminded the two leading East Asian economies of the necessity to join hands to overcome unprecedented economic downturns and to strive to overcome outsiders' efforts to sowdiscordbetween them.观察人士认为,习近平主席的贺函提醒两国,作为东亚两大主要经济体,必须携手克服前所未有的经济衰退,开放包容,携手维护地区和平稳定。Xi and ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol exchanged congratulatory messages on Wednesday to celebrate the anniversary.国家主席习近平同韩国总统尹锡悦互致贺函,庆祝两国建交30周年。In his message, Xi praised the "all-around development" of the relationship, which, with fruitful outcomes, "has brought major benefits to the two countries and their people" and "made major contributions to the peace and development of the region, as well as the world".习近平指出,中韩关系与时俱进全方位发展,取得丰硕成果,给两国和两国人民带来重大福祉,也为地区乃至世界和平与发展作出重要贡献。Calling on the two nations to build on such "valuable experiences", Xi attributed the "brilliant achievements" made in bilateral ties to staying committed to four points: great insight that adapts to the changing times; mutual respect, trust, and taking good care of core interests and the major concerns of each other; cooperation and a win-win approach that lead to common prosperity; and openness and inclusiveness that boost regional stability, growth and the basic norms of international relations.习近平指出,三十载沧海桑田,三十载春华秋实。中韩关系之所以能取得辉煌发展成就,在于双方坚持登高望远,顺应时代发展潮流,不断为双边关系注入新的时代内涵;在于双方坚持互尊互信,照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切,通过真诚沟通增进理解与信任;在于双方坚持合作共赢,深化互利合作与交流互鉴,实现相互成就、共同繁荣;在于双方坚持开放包容,携手维护地区和平稳定,促进区域融合发展,维护国际关系基本准则。这些宝贵经验值得我们倍加珍惜和长期坚持。Noting that the world is currently experiencing a "critical moment", Xi said that the global community, including the two countries, could overcome these problems "only through solidarity and cooperation".The Chinese president set the goal for the two countries to be "good neighbors, good friends and good partners".Xi said he is ready to work with Yoon so that the two nations can "better grasp the big picture, get rid of interference,consolidatetheir friendship and focus on cooperation".习近平强调,当前,百年变局和世纪疫情交织,世界进入新的动荡变革期。在这一关键时刻,包括中韩在内的国际社会只有同舟共济、团结合作才能战胜危机、渡过难关。中韩要做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴。我高度重视中韩关系发展,愿同尹锡悦总统加强战略沟通,引领中韩双方以建交30周年为新起点,把握大势、排除干扰、夯实友好、聚焦合作。Noting that annual bilateral trade has increased nearly fiftyfold over the past 30 years, Yoon said in his message that the two countries are expected to build on the spirit of mutual respect and make their ties more mature and healthy.China and the ROK are expected to deepen high-level exchanges and strengthen substantial cooperation in areas such as economic security, particularly in relation to supply chains, as well as the environment and climate change, in order to achieve results that can be felt by the people of the two countries.As travel between the two countries has increased tenfold over the past 30 years, Yoon said the celebrations of the 30th anniversary are expected to deepen friendship between the citizens of both countries.尹锡悦在贺函中表示,过去三十年,两国年贸易额增长近50倍。希望双方以相互尊重精神为基础,探索新的合作方向,推动两国关系朝着更加成熟健康的方向发展。为此,希望双方密切高层交往,加强供应链等经济安全及环境、气变等领域实质性合作,推动取得两国国民能切身感受到的成果。希望建交30周年纪念活动能进一步促进两国交流合作,深化两国国民之间的友谊。China has been the ROK's largest trade partner for 18 consecutive years, and the ROK is now China's third-largest trading partner and its second-largest source of foreign direct investment.中国已连续18年成为韩国第一大贸易伙伴,韩国已成为中国第三大贸易伙伴和第二大外商直接投资来源国。Last year, bilateral trade exceeded $360 billion, surpassing the ROK's bilateral trade with the United States, Japan and the European Union combined.去年,中韩双边贸易额超过3600亿美元,超过了韩国与美国、日本和欧盟双边贸易额的总和。Xing Haiming, Chinese ambassador to the ROK, said at a reception on Monday that "there will be no mountains that cannot be conquered" by the two countries as long as they understand each other and "respect and take good care of each other's core concerns and major interests".8月22日,中国驻韩国大使邢海明在“纪念中韩建交三十周年各界人士招待会”上表示,只要两国相互理解,“尊重和照顾好彼此的核心关切和重大利益,就没有翻不过去的山。” When addressing a separate forum of experts and students of the two countries on Tuesday, he noted that "there are no structural contradictions between the two countries", and "there shouldn't be grudges that cannot be resolved".23日,邢海明出席韩国全球战略合作研究院举办的“韩中建交30周年专家学生论坛”并致辞。他指出,“中韩之间没有结构性的矛盾,也不该有解不开的疙瘩。”Senior policy advisers and experts have warned that there are voices in Seoul calling for economic decoupling with China.高级政策顾问和专家警告称,首尔的部分声音呼吁与中国经济脱钩。Some figures in Seoul said the two countries could follow an approach of keeping bilateral economic cooperation afloat while political tensions remain over thorny issues such as the deployment of the US' THAAD missile system and the CHIP 4 semiconductor and chip alliance.首尔的一些人士表示,“萨德”和“半导体四方联盟”导致两国政治局势紧张,两国可能保持双边经济合作。Han Fangming, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, said the two countries "do not target any third party and should not be subject to any third party".中国全国人民政治协商会议外事委员会副主任韩方明表示,“中韩两国关系不针对第三方,也不应受制于第三方。”Some people's proposal for the ROK to have economic dependence on China and military dependence on the US could turn "a balanced approach" into "adeadlockeddilemma", Han said in an article published recently.韩方明在一篇文章中表示,韩国有人提出所谓“经济靠中国、安全靠美国”的战略,可惜一旦走不好,走偏了,“左右逢源”就会变成“左右为难”。Peace on the Korean Peninsula "will be an unattainable scenario if there are security delusions relying on US military engagement", he added.“指望美国军力介入的安全狂想,半岛和平则注定是空中楼阁。”Also on Wednesday, Premier Li Keqiang and ROK Prime Minister Han Duck-soo exchanged congratulatory messages.8月24日,国务院总理李克强同韩国国务总理韩德洙互致贺电。Li said he hoped for new and greater achievements from the "healthy, stable development" of the China-ROK strategic cooperative partnership.李克强表示,中方愿同韩方一道,推动中韩战略合作伙伴关系健康稳定发展,取得新的更大成就。Han said he looked forward to both countries accelerating the second phase of negotiations on their bilateral free trade agreement and strengthening teamwork in areas such as supply chains, culture and environmental protection.韩德洙表示,期待双方进一步活跃高层交往,加强供应链、文化、环保等领域合作,加快推进两国自贸协定第二阶段谈判,推动两国关系实现更好发展。Lyu Chao, dean of Liaoning University's Institute of America and East Asia Studies, said the recent visit by ROK Foreign Minister Park Jin to China shows Seoul's pragmatic and reasonable approach toward its ties with China.辽宁大学美国与东亚研究所所长吕超表示,韩国外交部长朴振日前访华,体现了韩国对对华关系务实、合理的态度。During recent official interactions, Beijing made a five-point proposal for the development of ties over the next 30 years, including that the two sides should "keep their positions independent and stay out of thedisturbancesfrom outside".在最近的官方互动中,中国对中韩未来30年关系的发展提出了五点建议,包括双方应“保持立场独立,不受外界干扰”。These proposals "stem from the experiences of the relationship over the past three decades, and they constitute a Chinese solution for the future development of relations", Lyu said.吕超说,这些建议“源于两国关系过去30年的经验,它们构成了两国关系未来发展的中国方案。”Wang Junsheng, a researcher of East Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the potential offered by the relationship is much greater than it was 30 years ago, which is a great chance for both nations, adding that there are a "number of challenges" due to US moves against China and the existence of the US-ROKalliance.中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院研究员王俊生表示,两国关系提供的潜力比30年前大得多,这对两国都是一个巨大的机会。但由于美国对中国的行动和美韩联盟的存在,这个机会也存在“许多挑战”。"The experiences in the past 30 years show that there is no such thing as a twin-track approach in which smooth economic collaboration could survive bilateral political tensions. A properly functioning political relationship is a precondition for successful economic and trade teamwork," he said.“过去30年的经验表明,在双边政治紧张局势下,不存在平稳的经济合作的双轨模式。正常运作的政治关系是经贸合作的先决条件。”"Currently, the greatest task for Seoul is to properly tackle the US-related factors. Only when its two-way relationship does not target a third party can both countries achieve the healthy development of their ties," he added.“目前,韩国的最大任务是妥善处理与美国有关的因素。只有当双边关系不针对第三方时,两国关系才能健康发展。”discord英[ˈdɪskɔːd]美[ˈdɪskɔːrd]n. 不一致,不和consolidate英[kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt]美[kənˈsɑːlɪdeɪt]v. 加强,巩固; 合并deadlocked英[ˈdedlɒkt]美[ˈdedlɑːkt]adj. 陷入僵局的Disturbance英[dɪˈstɜːbəns]美[dɪˈstɜːrbəns]n. 骚乱;干扰Alliance英[əˈlaɪəns]美[əˈlaɪəns]n. 同盟,联盟