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英语新闻︱中国“麻辣烫”在韩国爆火,热度超过韩式炒年糕!In South Korea, there is a saying: “manage heat with heat”, which refers to eating hot food in summer to sweat out the heat. The malatang hot pot, usually popular in winter, has become a culinary hit in South Korea this summer due to high temperatures recently, CCTV-2 reported.韩国素有“以热制热”的说法,这指的是在炎热的天气吃热腾腾的食物来排汗解热。据央视财经报道,由于最近气温居高不下,通常在冬季里畅销的中式麻辣烫今年夏季在韩国成为“顶流”。The latest culinary hit in South Korea is a fiery dish from Southwest China. Malatang is well-known for its unique spiciness that makes the tongue numb just as its Chinese characters indicate— “ma” means numb and “la” means spicy.麻辣烫是起源于四川乐山的中国特色小吃,因其独特的辣味而知名,这种辣味让你舌尖发麻,菜名“麻”、“辣”二字就是指这种刺激的口感。之后,东北人对麻辣烫的做法进行了改良,发展出了大骨汤底,进一步推动了它的风靡。The trend has been popular among Koreans in the last four years, particularly among those in their 20s and 30s, and for some, their love of malatang has overtaken tteokbokki— atraditional Korean cuisine made from rice cake.数据显示,最近四年间,麻辣烫广受韩国年轻人欢迎,尤其初高中女生对于麻辣烫的喜爱度已经反超韩国的传统小吃炒年糕。Compared to spicy foods that were trending previously, such as stir-fried rice cake or fiery chicken, which are heavy in carbohydrates, malatang has a healthier balance of fresh vegetables and meat.因为不同于辣炒年糕、火鸡辣年糕等高碳水辣食,麻辣烫有肉有菜,营养更均衡。Despite the sluggishness of catering startups during the pandemic, the number of malatang restaurants has increased and can be found almost everywhere in South Korea.疫情期间,尽管餐饮创业遇冷,但麻辣烫店的数量却不降反升,几乎遍布韩国各地。As Chinese culture has spread over the world at an ever-increasing rate, so has the popularity of Chinese cuisine.近年来,随着中华文化走出去的脚步不断加快,中国美食也渐渐征服了全世界的味蕾。For example, red bean buns, a traditional Chinese snack originating in Beijing and Tianjin, became apopular food for many foreign athletes during the Beijing Winter Olympics. Maltese snowboarder Jenise Spiteri became the “red bean bun girl” in China after a livestream showed her taking a crushed, flattened bun out of her competition suit pocket and taking a big bite.比如,起源于京津的中国传统小吃豆沙包,在北京冬奥会比赛期间,成为很多国外运动员非常喜欢的食品。马耳他运动员珍妮丝·斯皮泰里被中国网友称为“豆包小姐姐”,因为她在单板滑雪女子U型场地技巧资格赛的休息时间从比赛服口袋里拿出一个压扁的豆包,咬了一大口,随后脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。Aside from that,dim sum, Peking Duck, Kung Pao Chicken and other Chinese cuisine are widely praised by diners in other countries. Especially, Kung Pao Chicken which has practically become the poster child for Chinese cuisine, particularly in western countries such as Britain and America.除此之外还有广式点心、北京烤鸭、宫保鸡丁等中式美食广受其他国家食客的好评,尤其在英美等西方国家,宫保鸡丁几乎成为了中餐的代名词。culinary英[ˈkʌlɪnəri];美[ˈkʌlɪneri]adj. 厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的carbohydrate英[ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt];美[ˌkɑːrboʊˈhaɪdreɪt]n. 碳水化合物;糖类sluggishness英['slʌɡɪʃnəs];美['slʌɡɪʃnəs]n. 不振,萧条,呆滞;惰性;滞性;惯性